Reviews from

Wrong Email Address

An Honest Mistake Creates Havoc

32 total reviews 
Comment from patwannabe
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thesis, you got that right. Something certainly went wrong.

Sounds kinda like a story I heard once about a man dying, but before he died, told his wife he would try to get in touch with her after death. This other man went to their tropical/Florida/desert/whatever vacation spot one day earlier and emailed his wife, with the wrong email address, of course. The new widow read it and fainted. Something like, "It sure is hot here, can't wait til you arrive", with a bunch of other same type wording. It's very funny.

I like your post. You stand a very good chance in the contest. Well done, pat

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 12-Feb-2010
    I love that story. My wife alreay knows I'll be in a very hot place, so there would be no surprise for her, lol. Thanks for a fun review, Pat. - John
Comment from Judith Ann
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is funny, but I bet it will ring true to some who have erred in this fashion. Blind dates via e-mail can be disastrous or hilarious as you so aptly wrote. Thanks for writing this humorous piece. We need laughter and lots of it. -Judy

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 12-Feb-2010
    HI, Judy. Thanks for reading my humor. I'm glad you had a laugh. That's what this story is all about. When I was writing it, I chuckled. This guy is in a deep mess. - Thesis
Comment from jadapenn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was really cool. Oh, man, these internet things can become all knotted and twisted. I loved this story. You kept me glued right to the end. So, now the pretty girl? What about her? haha. How are you going to get out of this.
Best wishes for the contest. luv jada

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 12-Feb-2010
    I don't know, Jada. This guy has a lot of issues to deal with. Like his friend said, I think he's on his own with figuring this one out. Right now, the girl is probably better off not being a part of this mess, lol. - John
Comment from gypsycaravan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm still laughing. You built the suspense for the ending quite well. Your dialog was great.Good luck in the contest and thanks for sharing this cute story.

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 12-Feb-2010
    I'm glad you liked this one. It's humorous, that's for sure. The positions we humans find ourselves in, lol. Thanks for your comments. I'm glad you got a chuckle out of this story. - John
Comment from missy98writer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The photo you used is great. The guy in drag is one ugly woman. Talk about getting the wrong email address. The poor guy exchanged racy emails with a dude. A funny and well written story for the Valentine writing assignment writing prompt.

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 12-Feb-2010
    Thanks, Melissa. This was a hoot to write.When I saw the picture, the story came to me immediately. Thanks for a fun review. - Thesis
Comment from Katiesherrill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh no. I want to know how he gets out of this. LOL this was a fun story with a very funny ending. Very creative and good read. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 12-Feb-2010
    I don't know how he gets out of this either, Katie. He's on his own,lol. - Thesis
Comment from anabelle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Talk about getting the wrong address. How easy would this be to do? Super easy and I wonder how many times it's happened.

Good entry to this contest. Best of luck.

Regards, anabelle

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 12-Feb-2010
    Lol, yeah, he's in a real bind. I don't know how he gets out of it either. Thanks for a fun review. - Thesis
Comment from Kashif Ali Abbas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oops. Something went wrong. Actually, it went worse than wrong. [ beautiful catchy line]

Thesis has a gift when it comes to surprise the readers and he does so with ease from beginning to the end. A pleasure to read and review,



 Comment Written 12-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2010
    Thanks, Kashif. I appreciate your kind words. I'm happy you enjoyed the humor in this story. - Thesis
Comment from lola29
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a great entry, John. I can understand how something like this could happen by hitting the wrong letter or number. At least he was very receptive.

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 12-Feb-2010
    Lol. I'm sure he was receptive. I'm glad you enjoyed my humor. - John
Comment from Joan E.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

(Just a tiny point, but Shelly will get really mad at you for changing the period to a comma in the required phrase.) Your story was hilarious, and I felt that it had to have at least an element of truth in it, because "truth is stranger than fiction." I also enjoyed your contemporary use of "dude" and email address confusion. Best wishes in the contest.

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 12-Feb-2010
    Thanks for pointing that out, Joan. See what short term memory loss does. I can't even remember the punctuation on four words from the contest to a blank sheet. How sad. Thanks for the comments, I'm happy you enjoyed this silly story. - Thesis
reply by Joan E. on 12-Feb-2010
    Don't be so hard on yourself. I take gingko bilboba when I remember to swallow the pill with a meal! I just didn't want you to get disqualified over some trivial point, when your story is so good. See you in your next work. -Joan