Reviews from

Chasing the Elusive Dream

Viewing comments for Chapter 14 "Battling the Baby Blues"
A southern couple's journey in the 60's,70's & 80'

46 total reviews 
Comment from AprilShower
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Beth.

It looks like you had very active children. Maybe it was the boy/girl combination that made it so rough. It would not be easy taking care of three babies. You showed your frustration very well in this writing. Well written.

I think I already told you my sister. She had four children younger than four, for a while. They were all girls the oldest was three, not quite four, one not quite two-years-old, and the twins.

When she had her second baby, she had already decided to stay home.

April :o)

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 14-Aug-2013
    Thank you so much for continuing to read my story. I'm sure your sister had plenty of frustations with four so young. In my case much of the problem was having a hyperactive little boy in this mix.
reply by AprilShower on 14-Aug-2013

    I completely understand. I've had some of those hyperactive boys in my class, when I was teaching, and it is not fun. :o)
Comment from Sankey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great story can see the same system of writing I have seen in all your other pieces. Only one error I think...choose from (what??)were two types of cloth diapers.
It is good to be able to actually write Non Fiction and share your life with the readers.

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 14-Aug-2013
    Thank you so much for continuing to read my story. I appreciate the review and comments. All diapers were cloth but there were two different kinds to choose from. A think waffled cloth or one with two layers cheese cloth.
Comment from Mastery
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Beth..Lordy, do I feel for you. Anyone who has had more than one child has been there....and we continue to sample it from time to time with the grandkids, don't we. But that's different than being "house-penned" with babies all over the place. Hard to keep track. LOL..Good write when you posted and still stands up,beth. :) Bob

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 14-Aug-2013
    Thank you Bob, It's good to hear from you. Those were hectic days. At least with grandchildren you aren't with the 24/7. It is more fun when you can give them back to there parents and get some rest. It's good think that at least for the women babies are seldom born after the mother turns fifty.
reply by Mastery on 14-Aug-2013
    Yes. LOL :) Bob (although some women are trying it...
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I was hoping you'd post a picture of the twins. They're adorable! But what a trial to bring up. Love the remark about Dan standing on his sister's way and the story about the hapless angels. Don't you hate it when your kids go into therapy and blame it on you? Yeap, that happened with my daughter. The therapist did a number on her.
A delightful read full of humor and smart info on bread as a helpful tool.

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 14-Aug-2013
    Thank you so much for the review. This is not a good picture of Christi. She was much cuter than this shows her to be, but it does show a bit of their meddling stage where they examine the lawm mower. I'll shot a better picture later.
Comment from Curtis Hatch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Your story is one to which I can somewhat relate. We didn't have twins, but our first two were sixteen months apart in age and one year apart in school. Our oldest, a girl, started walking when she was seven months old, and by the time she was nine months old if she could get her fingers and toes in it she would climb it. What one couldn't think of to get into, the other would. I was a full-time college student student in those early years. The kindest word I can think of to describe the situation is...CHALLENGING.

I enjoyed you tale.


 Comment Written 13-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2013
    Thank you Crutis, I really appreciate the review and great comments. I'm sure there are many who can relate. Challenging is a good word.

Comment from emjaihammond
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really enjoyed reading this, Beth. It brought back a lot of memories of raising my own kids and being a stay-at-home Mom. What does that mean anyway? All Mom's are at home much of the time. Even the ones who work outside of the home end up back there eventually and when they do they have to work double time. I've always said, everyone is different and there should be no guilt passed around either way. I've always felt a little snubbed in social situations because I chose to stay at home. My choice, and I stand by it, but just for me, your choice is for you and yours and I stand by that too. Love the read.

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2013
    Thank you so much for the review and the great comments. I applaud you for hanging in there. Either way someone is bound to think you should have done it differently. I'm glad you enjoyed this.

Comment from sweetwoodjax
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is very well written, beth, you did an excellent job wirting this chapter where you talk about having three children under two years old. i enjoyed reading it

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2013
    Thank you so much for the review and nice comments. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

Comment from Rosalyne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Beth,
What a funny well-written account of motherhood. I don't have twins, but two boys 20 months apart in age. Without help it was challenging and demanding. I can just imagine what it must have been like with three kids under the age of two. Going back to work must have felt like a sanity holiday. LOL.
Rosalyne :)

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2013
    Thank you so much for the review and nice comments. I'm glad you found it funny. Going back to work was a relief.

Comment from joneau2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a superb story, and I can imagine what you went through. It's hilarious despite the near calls, bumps, and bruises, etc. Toddlers can, and often are, a challenge. I enjoy your stories. You write very well.

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2013
    Thank you so much for the reveiw and great comments. I appreciate the compliment.


Comment from Amicus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is funny stuff you have written here, Beth. Bet it wasn't quite so amusing when you were living it though. You have managed in a very short article to have delivered several well chosen humorous little tales--bare bottoms, toadstool meals, shattered angel cymbals etc. I love them all.

Your prose is well suited to content here. Clear, witty and smooth flowing sentences that create a fast paced read that enhances the humor by "piling it on". I can't find any leftover spag to report.

Good reading for me; good writing from you.

 Comment Written 16-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 16-Mar-2009
    Amicus, Thank You, I really appreciate your wonderful review.