Comment from
Well,I really don't like to judge or criticize people, because I don't feel it is my place to do that, but I felt the poem was to the point & had a nice fluid flow to it. The sexual content was'nt really as strong as I was expecting, so in that sense I think the poem left U wanting more.....
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Comment Written 11-Dec-2008
reply by the author on 11-Dec-2008
You gave me a 3 because it wasn't naughty enough?? LOL!!!! Usually, it's the opposite!! Really, I thank you for your review. Thanks, Sue
Comment from
Too funny! And I don't see this as graphic enough to entail the "under 18" warning, but who am I to say?
Crazy idea: What if you used "Petey" instead of "Peter"? Petey and Pussy make a rhyming pair.
I hope this helps and good luck.
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Comment Written 11-Dec-2008
reply by the author on 11-Dec-2008
It's for the "Naughty Bits" contest, so I didn't want to offend anyone. Thanks for very nice review! Thanks, Sue