Reviews from

Conflict in Connecticut.

A true story that happened to me.

33 total reviews 
Comment from Gunner Lil
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was one of the best fantasy tales I have ever read.
That 2.4 cubic inch motor in your truck is about as powerful as you electric tooth brush.
The Academy in Groton has a post office. Why go out in town at 2240?
It would be very hard for two guys to grab your throat through a truck window. Four hands on your neck would have no effect at any speed but at going 35 miles an hour?
Having your body pulled to your left by those guys, how were you able to shift gears with that floor shift?
What were these two guys holding on to that kept them hanging on and not falling from your speeding truck?
Why didn't you drive to the police station that was only two blocks away?
I'd love to see the police report.

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 Comment Written 20-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 20-Aug-2024
    Well, Obviously, you don't know much about 4 cylinder engines. The 2.4 engine is very powerful with the right transmission and turbo. Nissan makes a very peppy 2.4 - you should try one some time and you will see what I am talking about. The Coast Guard Academy is not in Groton. You have to cross the Blue Star Bridge to get to Groton and then you are at the U.S. Navy Submarine Base. So two different entities within our military. The Academy post office was closed at the time and the New London post office was two blocks away. My window was down and I was looking the other way when I was jumped. So, I did not expect this attack. The first thing they said to me was give me your fucking wallet and I said, fuck you, popped the cluctch and took off shifting very fast. I am an ex-trucker so I have a lot of driving experience - don' t try this at home! Yes, they were pulling my neck to the left and that is what they were hanging onto just like the story says! I was punching and shifting gears at the same time - very easy to do when you are fighitng for your life! My plan was to kill them both by peeling them on the side of a parked car, but someone starting shooting at me before I could do that. I drove right past the police station - no response what so ever! I went to the police the next day because my commander wanted me to and the police officer said, We won't catch them. He was very unmotivated - too many donuts I guess. They only wrote down what I said and then most likely trashed it when I left. But the next morning I looked like Frankenstein when I went to work and scared the bejesus out of everyone - so there were lots of witnesses to this story and it is all REAL!!!
reply by Gunner Lil on 20-Aug-2024
    Read your story. You state your 2.4 cubic engine. Not 2.4L.
    Your story did make me laugh.
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2024
    You are just an asshole!
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Where in Indiana? I was born in Lebanon and still have family there. And I lived 26 years in Connecticut - Vernon.

How did they keep up with your truck if you were going 45 MPH? And how do two men hold onto you around your neck, hurling down the road so fast? They must have been bumping into each other.

Why didn't you go to a hospital, given what had happened to you. Or report it to someone at the Coast Guard Academy?

And you say someone was hiding in the bushes to shoot at you as part of this set-up, but how did they know what bushes to hide behind when you were traveling at 55 MPH and had to have driven a ways from where the two men latched onto your neck.

Honestly, Harry, I kept waiting for you to say, "Just kidding!"

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2024
    Well, yes, 2 men held on to me around the neck and I was punching them in the face. My truck was very peppy and I surprised them by fighting back and I took off real fast so they were afraid to jump off. I don't do hospitals. I did report it to the Academy the next day. That is in the story. There is always someone hiding in the bushes. They were behind me shooting at me or I would most likely be dead today. I am from Evansville and lived in New London, Conn. for 6 years.
Comment from nomi338
This work has reached the exceptional level

What an amazing story of bravery n the face of such an abject act of cowardice. You acted much more bravely than most of us would I dare say. This reminds me of a night where I, walking down a street I grew up on was robbed at gunpoint by two teenagers. I immediately hit the robber nearest me, but the one I did not hit was the one who was armed. The one I hit kept urging the one with the gun to shoot me. Luckily I was able to talk him out of it, I told him you do not want to kill me over 15 lousy dollars do you? He did not, so I was able to escape with my life. This happened in Detroit, Michigan back in the early 1970s, I quickly moved from that neighborhood and never returned there.

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2024
    Thank you Nomi338 for your review! I really appreciate that! And it sounds as you might have been lucky too!
Comment from Rachelle Allen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

WOWWWWW!! Now THAT was some seriously action-packed writing!! I was reader faster and faster as I went along because it was so riveting! There is one change I think you should make, though: At this sentence:

One guy looked at me and asked, "what happened to my face?" I started to tell...

Because you are using quotation marks there, the question would be "What happened to YOUR face" rather than 'my' face, because then it translate to him asking you what happened to HIS face.

Great entry in the contest!! Good luck! xoxo

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2024
    LOL! OOPS. Yes, you are right Rachelle. I missed that one. Thank you for your insight and your review! I really appreciate that!
Comment from lancellot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very interesting. Growing up in Chicago, I learned never to drive with the windows down or the doors unlocked. It always surprises me, when I see people being yanked out of their cars.

I am surprised that, first at 55, you didn't simply slam on the brakes. No way a human could maintain their grips. Newton's 3rd law and all. I'm also surprised when you did hit the brakes, the last guy ended behind your truck and not in front of it. Or how they could even stand after such a thing.

Anyway, you paint a thrilling and detailed story.

 Comment Written 18-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2024
    Yes, it was a crazy night. I never figured that out either. I think it was the first guy that fell that ended up behind the truck. I was too busy fighting to look really lol!
Comment from Mufasa
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It never fails to amaze me what people will do. It also amazes me when people ask why I am always armed. Good on you for being a fighter, not a victim. Glad you didn't run them over - you would have been charged for it. Ironic, huh?

 Comment Written 18-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2024
    Yes, we should all be armed. Yes, I deciced I was NOT going to be their victim.
Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, your story is incredibly intense! The raw emotion you share make it feel like we're right there with you, experiencing every moment of the fight. The courage you showed in the face of such a dangerous situation are truly impressive. Your ability to stay focused and fight back under such extreme pressure is nothing short of remarkable. It's clear that your training played a huge role in your survival. Thank you for sharing this harrowing experience! It's shows your strength and bravery.

 Comment Written 05-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 05-Aug-2024
    Thank you Michael. And yes, my training did help. I was an Army Sergeant before I joined the Coast Guard. So fighting was part of my training. And in this world I have decided I would not be anyones victim.
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This story is both gripping and compelling. Your vivid descriptions of your experience allows the reader to easily envision your dilemma trying to drive AND fight in order to save your life. The reaction of the police was disappointing.

If you decide to post again, especially a story of this length, I would recommend using a larger font, which attracts more readers. It's easier on older eyes. I wish you the best in the contest.

 Comment Written 02-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 05-Aug-2024
    Well, thank you for your review and the kind words.
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! It's almost like you were writing an action scene from some high-powered movie. It sent chills through me. I think it's disgusting and unbelievable that the police would be so callous about it. You are lucky to be alive. There must be something important in life for you still to accomplish. Great tory!
Smiles, Carol

 Comment Written 02-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 02-Aug-2024
    Well, let's just say I know how Donald Trump feels. You really can hear a bullet whizzing by. The bullet hit the end of my nose, not my ear. And yes, I always thought I must be here to accomplish something but I don't know what LOL! Thank you for your kind words.
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, what an eventful night, and something that probably happens more often than any of us ever realize. I just wish you've have gotten the chance to slam them against the parked cars or run over them. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 31-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 31-Jul-2024
    Well thanks Ric for your review.