Reviews from

At Home in Mississippi

Viewing comments for Chapter 14 "Communicating With God"
Growing up in the 40 and 50 in MIssissippi

23 total reviews 
Comment from Pamusart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi there, BethShelby. Did you ever get your sibling. I think maybe not because of this

"Mother actually wanted more children. Maybe God tried, because years later, she admitted to having a miscarriage when I was a few years old."

I really enjoyed the story about the green man. The entire story was upbeat and entertaining.

Eggcellent work. Thank you for sharing

 Comment Written 07-May-2024

reply by the author on 16-May-2024
    Thank you for a great review. I'm sorry I running so far behind. No I never got my other sibling but it was just as well I didn't because the following chapter showed I changed my my mind about wanting one when I realized I liked being the one who got all the attention. LOL
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a charming story, Beth, and your sense of humor shone through. You were an imaginative little girl, and I'm sure you kept your poor mother on her toes. I can just imagine her trying to explain the whole baby thing to you. I was the baby of the family, and always wanted a baby brother. Unlike you, I was very gender specific, lol.

Thanks for sharing,

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 Comment Written 07-May-2024

reply by the author on 16-May-2024
    Thank you so much Rhonda. I'm glad you are finding some of my stories humorous. God might have found my requests hunorous as well.
reply by davisr (Rhonda) on 16-May-2024
    I?m sure you gave him unending joy!
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh Beth, how can you recall so much and write this in a style that actually seems like it's coming from you as a child! I still have a smile on my face by the end. You were such an amazingly bright and mischievous little girl. And your mother's rather worried or even stern responses make this even funnier. I didn't notice any errors and this is a virtual six from me. Well done and keep them coming! Debbie

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 Comment Written 07-May-2024

reply by the author on 16-May-2024
    Thank you, Debbie. I really love your reviews. You know I enjoy reading all those flattering words. I'm pleased you seem to like reading my stories.