Reviews from

The Aspen Grove Murders

Viewing comments for Chapter 26 "The Aspen Grove Murders #26"
A Tommy Thompson Mystery

22 total reviews 
Comment from Ulla
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow, Sally, this is amazing, isn't it? What I mean, of course is about the wedding dress. I can't wait until the next chapter to learn what all this is about. A big hug, Ulla xxx

 Comment Written 15-May-2023

reply by the author on 19-May-2023
    Dear Ulla, thank you for the lovely review and super stars! As always, I'm blessed from head to toe. Thanks so much, my friend!
    Blessings to you all.
    Sal XOs
Comment from Debi Pick Marquette
This work has reached the exceptional level

Lol, first part. Mr Craig D Lounsbrouth certainly has a way with words...
Well described with what was going on.

Oh this chapter is wonderful! Worthy and so related to all of those incredible words. Wow, some heavy stuff going on with Tommy noticing that only two guys came out. I didn't catch that at first, so went back to read that the driver and two guys went in. You are such a Clever girl!

Can't believe that they think they can get by with sneaking him out in the laundry cart. Tommy and the rest of you are all too smart for them...

The note that that Sally passed on holds so much suspense of how much the Tammy story fits into the whole thing; working for Fee, etc, etc....

I am absolutely in love with the beauty of Betty Jo coming home to find out about the wedding. How she comes home to all being taken care of and then goes into the house while there is preparations for the wedding and a fancy meal prepared by Simon. The whole thing is like a fairy tale for us dreamers.

And the lovely wedding dress part made me want to cry, but I am not sure yet what those tears are about; the angelic way that Candace must look in the dress and the mystical feeling of the moment or sadness for the fact that Betty was never able to wear the dress herself.
(another clever way to make us not even sure what the feeling is about as of yet)

You really outdid yourself on this one, my dear. Bravo and Encore Please!!!
Reading this is like a Circus, with jumping from scene to scene and like a Merry go round all in one, with all of it's ups and whirlwind excitement. Thank you a million times over. So worth the wait and gives me a Monday Rush like you wouldn't believe!!! I Love it!!

By the way, I do not believe in coincidences either.....

 Comment Written 15-May-2023

reply by the author on 15-May-2023
    Thank you, beautiful friend and fan! I?m delighted you enjoyed it all. There?s a lot of stuff going on in this book because it?s real life. I love all my characters (except for the evil ones of course), but as you know I love to let them run a bit before I hook ?em and reel ?em in.

    I?m honored and blessed, my dear. Thank you for the wonderful review and super duper six!
    Love and blessings always.
    Your BBB XOs