Comment from
That sounds like the best of friendships. What can be better than a relationship built on complete honesty and trust. I can see how you two are still together. Like meeting a fated soulmate. You two are very lucky.
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Comment Written 14-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 14-Aug-2022
I love this review because you totally "get" the relationship. Thank you so very much for that. I appreciate it completely. xo
Comment from
How does one know who a friend is, being able to say the most outrageous things to one another and not take offence, and keep coming back for more. One knows that is the ultimate but in same-gender, there is a level of sensitivity in a husband/wife, a line on cannot cross. Heh, the differing forms are fascinating, beautifully written Rachelle, well done, great write, blessings Roy
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Comment Written 14-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 14-Aug-2022
You are definitely right about that; the husband-wife bond is more delicate. There's something more tenuous and on-the-line. Thanks for this wonderful review, Roy. Hope this finds you well. xo
reply by royowen on 14-Aug-2022