End or Beginning for America
As a person thinks and speaks, so it will be!24 total reviews
Comment from Lana Marie
First of all, I really love the picture you picked. It's shows how there is life on the other side. You did a great job expressing your beliefs throughout the well rhymed poem.
Yes people will perish for their lack of knowledge, but hopefully a few more will believe with the seeds that this poem will drop and grow in the hearts of the readers.
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reply by the author on 04-Jun-2021
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First of all, I really love the picture you picked. It's shows how there is life on the other side. You did a great job expressing your beliefs throughout the well rhymed poem.
Yes people will perish for their lack of knowledge, but hopefully a few more will believe with the seeds that this poem will drop and grow in the hearts of the readers.
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Comment Written 03-Jun-2021
reply by the author on 04-Jun-2021
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts as well as your time to read and review. The confirmation in your review was overwhelming. I felt my spirit team pressing in with a question. What is it you really want? After reading the reviews, with special mention to yours, I want to introduce the God I know with a planting of a seed within the heart. If it is planted, I know He will give increase. With that said, I remain humble and grateful because I know what that touch from Him can do inside someone. I often receive downloads of information that most are not willing to search out the matter on. So my thoughts will get carried captive, as these messages are not for the faint of heart and often unbelievable. We must however take heed to them. I thank Him for my cloud of witnesses that He sent for what He was about to reveal to me. I couldn't make it up if I tried lol.
Thank you and enjoy the rest of your week.
Comment from Wendy G
You have described well the confusion that reigns when truth is distorted or not spoken. The people need to turn humbly to the only One who is Truth, and find a new beginning in Him. Well written.
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reply by the author on 04-Jun-2021
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You have described well the confusion that reigns when truth is distorted or not spoken. The people need to turn humbly to the only One who is Truth, and find a new beginning in Him. Well written.
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Comment Written 03-Jun-2021
reply by the author on 04-Jun-2021
Thank you Wendy for your time in reading and reviewing this poem. I am almost certain that truth is beyond distorted and much has never been spoken. I will take back the power that was freely bestowed and cunningly robbed. We are to be doing greater things and I believe collectively, WE CAN! Truth is where new beginnings start. Thank you again and have a great rest of the week!
Comment from Pj Dennison
Your poem has excellent rhyme and meter throughout which is quite a feat considering its length. It is difficult now to distinguish between what is fake and what is true. Your poem sounds like a prophetic message I believe and I hope that does not offend you that I have told you this. It sounds like it should be shouted from a mountain top to the people below. You are a talented and gifted poet.
reply by the author on 04-Jun-2021
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Your poem has excellent rhyme and meter throughout which is quite a feat considering its length. It is difficult now to distinguish between what is fake and what is true. Your poem sounds like a prophetic message I believe and I hope that does not offend you that I have told you this. It sounds like it should be shouted from a mountain top to the people below. You are a talented and gifted poet.
Comment Written 03-Jun-2021
reply by the author on 04-Jun-2021
Again, thank you for taking your time to support this writing. I was just telling another reviewer that I don't remember writing a great deal of this. So when I read the poem in completion, knowing it is an on time message for us, I am always taken back. I guess it is mine and His way of getting good laughs from start to complete. I am grateful for the opportunity to share what God has given to me and I don't take it lightly. I appreciate your kind thoughts and you only confirm what my spirit is aware off but my flesh runs from. Tug a war all the time between them two. Light and love to you and thank you again for the encouragement you bring with your reviews.
Jennifer, You are a gifted poet and you have a gift of the spirit. Never run from it. Blessings, Pj
Jennifer, you are a gifted poet and you have a gift of the spirit, Never run from it. Blessings
Comment from Senyai
Hi Jennifer,
Your poem is an excellent description of the quandary we are in. This so aptly conveys the parallels between the Biblical texts and today.
Your finely crafted work has masterful rhymes and a message... that brings to light that America and the world should be aware of and heed.
All the best,
reply by the author on 04-Jun-2021
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Hi Jennifer,
Your poem is an excellent description of the quandary we are in. This so aptly conveys the parallels between the Biblical texts and today.
Your finely crafted work has masterful rhymes and a message... that brings to light that America and the world should be aware of and heed.
All the best,
Comment Written 03-Jun-2021
reply by the author on 04-Jun-2021
I thank you for your time in reading and reviewing my poem. I honestly sometimes don't remember exactly what was written until I read my draft. I guess this is mine and the Lords way of getting a few laughs. I am always in disbelief at the final completion. I know it is all Him and yes He is long suffering and patient yet He will not strive with man always. I pray that warriors will rise up against any and all that try to rise above Him. The best way I know do introduce the God I know, is with love and in truth. Others must seek Him and the matters at hand out for confirmation, clarity and understanding. Be Blessed and thank you again for your kind thoughts. Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend.
You have a great weekend too!