Reviews from

Remembering Yesterday

Viewing comments for Chapter 55 "Reasons For Concern"
A widow's journey into her relationship with her

17 total reviews 
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So glad that you are posting again. I guess you have your computer up and running!
I'm really impressed with what you shared about your husband. His passion for flying is tempered with safety. He was responsible and didn't take unnecessary risks. Also, he was brave to go over his horrible boss and was granted a transfer! He's resourceful and diplomatic.
What a difficult choice you had to make between your mother and father. I remember when you were in college, you mother left and wanted to go to college, too. I wonder if she ever pursued her dreams. It was probably wise to not have to choose between one parent or the other.

 Comment Written 15-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2020
    Thank you so much for the review and comments. Mother was never able to realize all her dreams, however as time went on, she became more content and Daddy mellowed out as well. They were still together when when Mom died at 80. They had been married 62 years.
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I hope you remember to tell us what happened between your mom and dad. There are several stages in life where troubles shows up in every marriage. We had a little trouble adjusting to the empty nest syndrome. Nothing to talk about when the kids were all gone. LOL Best wishes, Beth. Nancy:)

 Comment Written 15-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2020
    Thank you for the review and comments. Mom never tried to leave Dad again. She had some unfulfilled dreams but both she and Dad seemed to become more content later. They were married 62 years when Mom died. I don't know if my story will go on that long so I'm telling those who ask about them.
Comment from Mistydawn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You're poor mom thinking she was wanted by the FBI. I feel sorry for her, but yet it's kind of funny. Something I'd pull as a kid. I'm glad your husband got a better job, and that you guys are adjusting to the new location. Your story is well-written, interesting start to finish. I look forward to reading more.

 Comment Written 15-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2020
    Thank you so much for the review and for continuing to read my story. I've been out of town two week getting a friend out of rehab so I'm behind on reading and writing.
reply by Mistydawn on 15-Aug-2020
    I hope your friend does well.
Comment from Raffaelina Lowcock
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your well-written renderings about your life continue to be very interesting. The blip with your mother is heartfelt. So many seniors find the disappointment in their lives a little too late and have to make some heartbreaking decisions. The fact that your husband was a valued employee garnered him the successful transfer to another department. This would add to a sense of settling in and the decision to buy a house.
I am enjoying your book Beth.


 Comment Written 15-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2020
    Thank you so much for the review and comments, Ralf. I appreciate that you are continuing to read my story. I always find yours so interesting.
reply by Raffaelina Lowcock on 15-Aug-2020
    Thank you.
Comment from Marjon van Bruggen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Uneasy times again for your family, Beth! Your mom's troubles with your dad also would worry me. At their age, and after so many years together, I hope they worked it out again. Of course, it is difficult and upsetting to lose your job at 62, but, well, in a few more years he would meet the same situation anyhow.
Then the letter of your husband. It worked out well, but it could have been very different!
The stolen bikes in the apartment...bad news, also for the kids.

Well-written chapter again, Beth!

 Comment Written 15-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2020
    Thank ;you so much fro the review and comments. I've been out of town two weeks and without a working computer so I'll try to catch up on your posts after today. Thanks for continuing to read my story.
reply by Marjon van Bruggen on 15-Aug-2020
    Thanks, Beth. Welcome to the review. I forgot to mention a little typo:
    ...that trait (form) from me...
    Bless you!
Comment from Elizabeth Emerald
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

(typos: trait FORM me s/b FROM; I decided It s/b it lower case; there WAS some tears s/b WERE grammatically speaking--though in a common sense way tears are not counted one-by-one--so I'm with you!) Welcome back! Another fine piece of work. Cheers. LIZ

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 Comment Written 15-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2020
    Thank ;you Liz. I'm looking forward to catching up with reading some of the posts I've missed from you. I'll try to find my spags and fix them.

Comment from Ben Colder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

We seem to be still on the same page with happenings. Your Dad was a victim of lost identity that only Christ can restore.
The stolen bike is on my wave link as well. My son Jody lost his the same way about the same time.
Wow. I sure don't blame You fopr not flying a strange instrumented plane.
The Mooney was nice to fly.
Better than the Piper

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 Comment Written 15-Aug-2020

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2020
    Thank you so much for the review. It is good to be back home. I enjoy your comments.