Reviews from

Love Long Distance

Viewing comments for Chapter 6 "Heart and Soul - Chapter 6"
A Wartime Romance

30 total reviews 
Comment from Liz O'Neill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Isn't it amazing how good cooked food's aroma will comfort the unrest in most? You draw the reader in with your poignancy as this is related to us. We all are on edge along with the speakers in this chapter. This presentation seems so real the way you have written it, at first I thought it was you speaking. That it was something you personally experienced. Well written. I'm voting for this.

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2019
    Hi Liz!
    Thank you so much for reading and reviewing this chapter. Your review is awesome and very much appreciated. Thank you also for your vote. It really means a lot to us what you've said here. So glad you enjoyed it. Chapter 7 is in the works and coming soon.
    God Bless,
    Bill & Cathy
Comment from Commando
This work has reached the exceptional level

Greetings, Cathy! As a rule, I don't review chapters of a book that I am co-authoring. Yet, Chapter 6 of "Love Long Distance" is above and beyond the rule. First, may I say, "Your writing is astonishing, and I am honored to be writing at your side--You betcha!" Now, don't you think it's time we get out to the meadow? Because, there's a little hungry deer near, that needs feeding. Hurry along now, 'cause it'll be dark soon, and the mean ole bear will be out there. Of course, you know this--don't you? Best wishes for good health, happiness and God Bless. Respectfully with Admiration, Bill

 Comment Written 02-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2019
    Thank you, Bill, for your awesome review and for co-authoring with me. I want you to know that I am the one who is honored to be writing by your side. You put life into the words we spin and you've taught me to be bolder and more direct in my own writing. When I'm not, you throw some corn at me! Although our styles are different, they blend together so well. You're the Best - You Betcha! God Bless.
    Respectfully with Admiration,
    - Oh, you know I am so scared of that mean ole bear! But I'll be brave and meet you in the meadow so we can feed the deer. Then, let's keep walking onward together to that Pot of Gold!
Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Bill and Cathy,

Lovely chapter. Shows so much affection between many people and relationships. Family members, couples, doctors and patients, more. Nice job. The writing is good and tight and shows your combined talents. I enjoyed!

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2019
    Hi Robyn!
    Thanks so much for stopping by to read and review Chapter 6 of Love Long Distance. We are so glad you enjoyed it. Your comments are awesome and much appreciated. Chapter 7 is in the works and coming soon!
    God Bless,
    Bill & Cathy
Comment from estory
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think that heart rending phone call from the grandfather in the opening of this chapter spoke volumes of emotion. We really feel the fear of loss here, as you contemplate losing the love of your life. But through it all faith perseveres. I thought the part with Billy dreaming he is reaching out to touch the face of God, hearing Jesus welcome him to heaven, was an interesting, surreal kind of moment, that has us jostled by the reality that this man might be really dying. I think you handled that part well, and the doctor by his side as he wakes from his dream makes it all feel very real. estory

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2019
    Hi estory!
    Thank you so much for reading and reviewing Chapter 6 of Love Long Distance. Your comments are great and we really appreciate how specific you were about what you liked most. So glad you enjoyed this chapter. The next one is in the works and coming soon!
    God Bless,
    Bill & Cathy
Comment from Karen Luciana
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

HI Cathy,
I have not yet read the previous chapters, but this chapter kept me engaged. I will read more of this book and more of your work when I come across it. I like that you incorporated bits from history, such as the TWA 707 and Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire." Good luck with all of your work.

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2019
    Hi Karen!
    Thank you so much for reading and reviewing Chapter 6 of Love Long Distance. We really appreciate how you pointed out the bits of history we incorporated within it. Glad this kept you engaged and you plan to read more. All previous chapters are available on this (Tootie's) profile page, and Chapter 7 is in the works and coming soon.
    God Bless,
    Bill & Cathy
Comment from Sally Law
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, Cathy you and Bill rock! Love, love this, again. The Ring of Fire video made me laugh which was good because I was crying after reading your love story. So well done and wonderfully formatted. Thank you. Easy for me to read with me ol eyes.
Sending my best to you both today with a six star rating.
Sally :+) :+)

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2019
    Hi Sally!
    We may rock, but you rock too! Thank you SO MUCH for the AWESOME 6-star rating and review. We are HONORED and SALUTE you! So glad you enjoyed this chapter and it was easier for you to read. To know it brought you to such emotion means a lot to us. Nice to know that the song also brought on laughter. Stay tuned! Chapter 7 is in the works and coming soon.
    God Bless,
    Bill & Cathy
Comment from JudyE
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your story is moving along nicely with consistent dialogue.

I just had one comment to make regarding the following.

I said goodnight to all, laid back on my pillow, then asked myself, "Why haven't I received a reply to my letter from Cathy that I wrote on March 20th?" I could sense something was wrong. Please, God! Keep her safe for me because I love her heart and soul. I fell asleep listening to the song, "Ring of Fire," written and recorded by Johnny Cash last year.- as there are quotaton marks round 'Why haven't ......' shouldn't there be similar quotation marks round 'Please, God!. ..... and soul'? Rather than 'last year' I might have put 'the previous year'. 'Last year' sounds like you're changing tense.

 Comment Written 01-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 02-Jul-2019
    Hi Judy!
    Thank you so much for reading and reviewing Chapter 6 of Love Long Distance. We're glad you found it to move along nicely. Thank you also for your suggestions. We have added the quotation marks. As for the reference to the song, we appreciate your thoughts and will keep that in mind. Chapter 7 is in the works and coming soon!
    God Bless,
    Bill & Cathy
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

When true love is found, In my experience the only thing that can separate it is death itself. And then the love lingers forever.

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2019
    Hi Patricia!
    Thank you so much for stopping by to read and review Chapter 6 of Love Long Distance. Since you commented on true love (we agree!), we hope you could feel it within the words we've written here. We truly appreciate your support. Chapter 7 is in the works and coming soon.
    God Bless,
    Bill & Cathy
Comment from Miss Jane
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A lovely romance! The emotions drew me in. One thing, though: Sometimes I wasn't sure who was speaking. Perhaps a bit of sensory clues would help? Like the hospital smell, the roar of the jet? The stoop on Grandpa's shoulders? Then we'd know who was speaking. I liked the poem! Well done!

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2019
    Hello Miss Jane! So very glad you enjoyed this chapter and we thank you for reading and reviewing it. In regards to your suggestion, we have read through this again and feel the prompts are there already to explain who is talking in each part. Maybe it would've been easier to follow if you had read some previous chapters beforehand? Just a thought. Since we've received exceptional ratings from others with no comments regarding having difficulty following along, we wonder if you would consider doing so and then possibly raising your rating? In any case, we appreciate what you've shared and hope you'll continue to follow along with our novel. Chapter 7 is in the works and coming soon!
    God Bless,
    Bill & Cathy
Comment from Ulla
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi to both of you. This is the best chapter written so far, in my opinion. It's much less flowery language and much more down to earth. In prose we're trying to convey ups and downs as we live through them, showing our feelings hopes and fears. You've managed to that here. Well done. This chapter rings true. I'm looking forward to reading on. All the best. Ulla:)))

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2019

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2019
    Hi Ulla!
    Thank you so much for the EXCEPTIONAL 6-star rating and review. You are such an AWESOME writer, and we are both HONORED and SALUTE you! So very glad you enjoyed this and your comments are great. We are also glad you are continuing to follow along with Love Long Distance as we write and post each chapter. Chapter 7 is already in the works and coming soon.
    God Bless,
    Bill & Cathy