Reviews from

The Snake in Jack's Car

Wild thing, I think I love you.

26 total reviews 
Comment from ExperiencingLiphe
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is important we know what we want and what we don't want in a man. This was a fun story and what a fun memory to have with each other. I don't think I could do snakes. Yuck!

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2019
    Jack was an Eagle Scout and around snakes more than most. I appreciate your excellent review and honest comments. I still don?t like snakes, either!
    Sal xo
Comment from Debra White
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Sal :)
I loved reading this recollection. So warm and engaging and well written as always. It sound ms like you have a laugh a minute with Jack! How romantic that he brought you flowers every Friday too. Is that still the case?
Thank you for sharing this. Best wishes as always, Debra :) x

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2019
    He is a love. He buys me flowers regularly at the market where we grocery shop. Since I don?t drive anymore, we shop together. He says, ?what kind of flower would you like this week?? Then, he gathers them up. They are eye candy for me and I love the most fragrant ones, too. I am so pleased you liked our story.
    All my best, dear Debra,
    Sal xo
Comment from LaRosa
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

oooo, wild thang...! Memories
Jack must have chosen you partly because you put up with him after being introduced to the snake. Most gals would'a said good-bye?
Cute story. I enjoyed the snake coming into it every now and then, and the hitchhiker. It's enjoyable to follow as I watched for the clincher.

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2019
    Thank you, dear LaRosa. I appreciate the kind review. It is always so good to see you. I hope to see you more in the days ahead. Are you writing these days as I have not been alerted as your fan. I will double check on you today and make sure. I don?t want to miss you.
    All my best,
    Sal xo
reply by LaRosa on 25-Apr-2019
    Thank you for the kindness, Sally. No I haven't been writing as 1) the computer kept freezing me out when I'd try to review or enter anything. Finally, took months but have it fixed. 2) going thru personal issues and just too conflicted to be honest in writing, even stupid little stories...
    I wrote one piece and am not ready to have it 'seen/perceived' . But maybe after 2-3 more, I will just flood you with it all at once. ?? :)
reply by the author on 26-Apr-2019
    I?ll wait and watch for you! Xo
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This sounds like an horrific story to me, I would have been totally terrified of the snake! But not Jack! This in a way is a tributary write for your relationship and the memories you have together, a joy to read Sally, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2019
    Thank you dear Dolly. I am so glad you enjoyed my story in spite of the terrible snake. I appreciate your excellent and kind review.
    All my best,
    Sal xo
Comment from Ben Colder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Short on sixes but I really enjoyed reading your write. I can relate to having a snake in the car. I had one also, Rode all the way to Wyoming with me, but found a new home in the desert. Thanks for sharing. A very good story.

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2019
    You?re short on sixes because of me, most likely. You are so kind. I am pleased you liked my silly story. Jack thought up the song and started singing it after dinner. He inspired me to post it with the old 60?s tune. Dig the hair and the Nehru suits! We had fun laughing as we relived those memories last night.
    All my nest,
    Sal :+)
Comment from BeasPeas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Not too many people are fond of snakes, harmless or not. When I lived in the mountains of California, I came home to a God awful sound. It was a 5 foot rattler in my yard. A snake wrangler came over and took it away. This is an interesting story that I enjoyed reading. Marilyn

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2019
    My husband was an Eagle Scout and snakes were a usual thing and still are. He pinned a rattler when he was a young boy. He is amazing. I am so thankful to see you and for the excellent review.
    All my best, dear Marilyn,
    Sal :+))
reply by BeasPeas on 25-Apr-2019
    You're welcome. :)
Comment from WalkerMan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ha! I like this story about Jack and his slithery friend (and foot). You certainly found a winner there, and are most fortunate to still have him to keep the thrill going with his gentle teasing.

Yes, I remember those early Mustangs. I considered buying one in 1964 before I bought my Galaxie, but rejected it because the pull-button for the four-way flasher was centered in the back of the glove box -- an absolutely stupid placement for a control needed in an emergency, as the box would have to be emptied to get to it.

One issue: In the title, you meant Jack's [possessive]. You can safely change that in the editor without losing reviews or rating.

 Comment Written 24-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2019
    Thank you for the excellent review and kind comments. In the title box Jack?s goes squirrelly for some reason. I tried a few times. That edit box will not receive an apostrophe. Any pointers? Sal :+)
reply by the author on 25-Apr-2019
    Never mind, I just figured it out. You must code a prompt not type in that edit box. Now, I know. Look good. It?s early...woke up to look at this post to try and figure it out. Voila!
Comment from l.raven
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Sally, I laughed at your story told...I take it a some time the snake got out of the car...but I am so glad you find Mr.Right in your life...very well written my sweet friend...I enjoyed reading this...and I loveeeee the picture...those were the you sweet girl...Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 24-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2019
    Linda, sweet, Linda, thank you for the kind review. What would I ever do without you. He is Mr. Right and a snake professional extraordinaire! So glad you enjoyed this.
    All my best,
    Sal xo
reply by l.raven on 25-Apr-2019
    LOL...he sounds wonderful...and you sweet girl are soooo welcome....all the best to you as well...much love...xxoo
Comment from poetwatch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Jack became a charmer, Sally? :) I don't like snakes nor spiders... only tarantulas, they are big and slow moving without a care in the world. Jake is a good man, he made you smile with his pet snake. :) I'm going to post the reason I don't like snakes. :) You made me do it.

 Comment Written 24-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2019
    I love to spur on a good poem, dear poet. Bring it! Jack is a charmer in every way. Look what happened to me! Thank you for your kind review. Waiting and watching...
    All my nest,
    Sal :+)
Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a wonderfully romantic story. Anyone who can be that lackadaisical about a snake can't be all bad. hahaha. I've always told my sons to look for someone that can make him laugh. I see you found yours.

 Comment Written 24-Apr-2019

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2019
    It is romantic, in spite of the snake. Yes, laughter is a key ingredient to lasting love. I appreciate the excellent and insightful review.
    All my best,
    Sal xo