Comment from
I answered my own question about how to find other posts so thought I'd start with yours. It is astonishing to me that anyone can do this, but you've done a truly beautiful job eliciting emotion, telling a bit of story, even making a lot of sense. This might be a way for you to always write your poems... or is it already? Anyway, I enjoyed it very much and thought it even came to a strong conclusion in the last few lines.
In the directions for this club challenge, you said some things that really struck a chord with me... about how poetry can and often does elicit strong emotions in the reader that go beyond what the words are saying. I've found this true, especially when reading poems by reconciled, but can't really explain the why of it. There is just something about words arranged into moving poetry that does that. Thanks for this fun experiment in ten-minute writing, and I think your piece is a splendid example of how it's done. MM
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Comment Written 06-Jan-2018
reply by the author on 06-Jan-2018
Oh my, I'm so pleased this is POSITIVE as I was just over at your place singing YOUR song. LOL
I often DO write just like this, especially if it's free verse. Of course the structured pieces, sonnets and the like I have a totally different approach. But this is the most fun for me and probably the most ME. :))
I'm delighted you enjoyed this AND liked the challenge. I think it turned out to be a fun exercise with some great results. mike