Reviews from

Bearing Up

All hail the power of Teddy

21 total reviews 
Comment from sue133
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So lovely! Teddy bears are a wonderful institution and long live them. From Pooh Bear to Paddington, they are all great givers of comfort. Your rhyming is great and the whole poem has a light, happy feel to it. Thank you for writing it. Susan

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2017
    Dear Susan, Thank you for your review and the five stars. I loved Winnie the Pooh in childhood and liked Paddington in adulthood. The bear from darkest Peru. There was Humphrey B.Bear in my son's childhood who was his constant companion until his baby brother was born, and all the bears that ever were there . Yes, they are all wonderful. thanks again cheers Cass
Comment from Janet Foor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There is a reason that we give our children teddy bears or some cuddly animal.
They do give comfort and confidence.

A very nice uplifting poem.

Well done

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2017
    Dear Janet, thank you for your review and the five stars. Yes, quite true. Something warm and furry to cuddle into at bedtime can be so comforting to a child. Especially if they have a few night time terrors. My son used to talk to his bear , telling him to go to sleep and not be scared because Mummy and Daddy are just down the passage. Sweet memories cheers Cass
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written uplifting poem. When one lives alone, life can get very lonely. When we can find something to comfort us in our loneliness the object becomes our comfort.

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2017
    Dear Sandra, thank you for your review and the five stars. Now, by the sound of the words in your review, I think you just might have a teddy bear (or two) (or more) keeping you company. I certainly hope so! A large friendly chap with bright glass eyes, a smart bow tie and a shiny black nose. Go for it Girl ! All the best cheers Cass
Comment from marybell1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed reading your uplifting poem. I think everyone should have a teddy to hug. Your poem rhymed nicely and you told a good story.
Best of luck.

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2017
    Dear Marybell, thank you for your review and the five stars .Yes, that's what I think too. Everyone should have a teddy to hug. So if you lack one right at this moment, I suggest you flee to your nearest Goodwill or Salvation Army store and find yourself a furry friend. Thanks again cheers Cass
reply by marybell1 on 16-Mar-2017
    You are most welcome. I have a one year old Granddaughter. She gives me all the hugs I need.
Comment from Kerry Foley
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Awww, that was so adorable. Very uplifting.
Quit fitting for the contest. Everyone a cuddly teddy.
I know I do. Good to you.

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2017
    Dear Kerry, thank you for your review an the five stars. Yes, and so say all of you, if the reviews are anything to go by. I have given many teddies away to people in times of sadness and in every case the furry one has been received with thanks and a smile.
    It is amazing just how positively people respond to a teddy dressed in a pair of overalls and a cheeky matching cap, or a lace trimmed dress and frilly knickers with a bow between her ears and a handky in her pocket. My cousin was seriously ill in hospital after her husband of 50 Plus years died and so I took her a bear all tissied up with frills and furbelows and put it on her pillow. She loved it and we agreed to call her Mother. When dear Alice finally followed her husband the bear was taken home by her loving younger daughter where I believe it still resides. Cheers Cass
Comment from Thal1959
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very nicely done. Rhymes and rhythm are all steady. I actually have something of a similar experience. In order to help a sleeping problem, I tried for six months sleeping in a recliner. But I was so use to tossing and turning in a bed; something I couldn't do in a recliner. I read that it helps to sleep with a stuffed animal tucked under one arm. The idea is that the mind subconsciously believes one is holding a puppy or a baby while sleeping, so the mind squelches the urge to roll over and possibly hurt the living entity. I bought an antique Teddy Bear on ebay, probably from the fifties. Unlike yours, he was not in need of repair - but I think he was stuffed with horse hair because the stuffing in its head had congealed into a hard, rocky mass.

I guess I had watched too many episodes of Gilligan's Island, so I named him Thurston! It did help me stay in place whenever I slept on the recliner. I occasionally wonder who the little boy back in the fifties was who originally owned him... probably in his 70s or 80s now, if he is still alive.

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2017
    Dear Friend thank you for your review and the five stars. I am pleased that you found yourself able to sleep, and especially with a teddy bear tucked in with you. Yes, the thoughts about previous owners can be quite mind filling and intriguing. I usually send a kind thought out or even a little prayer to bless the person who held it before me. It can never be inappropriate and who knows , if it lands where it's directed it may just be what that person needs. Thurston is an excellent name for a bear. Well done cheers Cass
reply by Thal1959 on 14-Mar-2017
    You are always welcome... it was my pleasure.
Comment from Thesis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I don't care who you are, a teddy bear usually has the same effect on a child as well as a mature adult. There is something abut them that offer comfort and peace. I enjoyed your post. It's cleverly worded with a bit of good humor. Nice job.

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2017
    Dear Thesis, thank you for your review and the five stars. Yes, I quite agree with you . The comfort gained from holding a furry, cuddly teddy bear is magical. I used to look after my cousin's children while she worked as a night nurse and the littlest one just would not settle at first. Some= one found a ratty old knitted toy which I washed and hung out in the sun to dry and put it in with her at bedtime. Magic!! Pure magic! She slept right through the night and woke up with a dry nappy. Happy as a lark all day.BUT the knitted toy christened Porge never left her side. It was literally falling to pieces when I saw it last.. That little girl is a mother herself now, and I often wonder if her own little girl has a friend like Porge . Cheers Cass
Comment from BeasPeas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

LOVE this. I have had my Teddy for about 15 years. (But she's a girl.) I like to dress her up in cute and outrageous outfits. Your poem is funny and sweet. I like Goodwill, too. Marilyn

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2017
    Dear Marilyn, Thank you for your review and the five stars.Yes, I have had girl bears and loved dressing them in pretty clothes. There have been those I have given away to friends at sad or difficult times in their lives. The sister of a dear friend lost her son in a house fire and so I dressed a bear and was on my way to her when a lady in a house I passed spotted the bear in my basket. She came over to the fence and we chatted about bears and other dolls and toys for a pleasant 15 minutes and then I went on my way. Some days later I met her husband at the local shopping centre. He told me that his wife was in the early stages of Alzheimer's/dementia and the interlude at the fence was a blessed respite for them both. So there you are M'dear. Believe in the saying "All hail the power of Teddy" All the best cheers Cass

reply by BeasPeas on 15-Mar-2017
    Horrible for the house fire. What a tragedy. But the other part is a nice story of teddy power, Cass. Thank you for sharing. Marilyn
Comment from Jackarrie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


I love this entry for the uplifting poem contest. I too love cuddly toys, I feel it was because I never got any bought for me as a kid. But your poem express how one can be uplifted with the simple things in life. Good luck in the contest. Mary

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2017
    Dear Mary, Thank you for your review and the five stars. The experience I had with that little girl's teddy bear before I bought my own was a revelation to me. Some years ago I had a room full of bears collected from various Goodwill stores and other similar shops and decided to unload them . So, I took them to the Women's Correctional Facility a few suburbs away. They were welcomed with cries of delight by the staff I spoke to. Apparently if a detainee is at all difficult or distressed they give them a teddy bear to cuddle which in almost every case has a soothing effect. So ,as I said in my notes "All hail the power of teddy" Cheers Cass
reply by Jackarrie on 14-Mar-2017
    that is a lovely story thank you for sharing it with me. Mary
Comment from Mrs Happy Poet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes I liked this poem it has a warm feeling I think it a piece that suits all ages well done the first gift to a child is a teddy bear and should be treasured for a lifetime regards Jill

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2017

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2017
    Dear Jill, thank you for your review and the five stars. My children had teddy bears from an early age and so did my grandchildren, but I had to wait until I was an adult before I recognized my need and filled it promptly. There are several bears in my life now, and each one has a personality of his/her own. Thanks again cheers Cass