Reviews from

When Blood Collides

Viewing comments for Chapter 110 "The Red Purse"
A family's love is tested.

24 total reviews 
Comment from judiverse
This work has reached the exceptional level

How interesting the way you show the changes in all the parties involved. (Except Frank doesn't seem changed that much.) You make the observation about Jeff's reaction to the man who directed you to the restaurant. Nicole seems to be going through a bit of depression. Anyone who wouldn't have wanted to pay that much for a purse would have to be. White jeans with sparkles! It does sound like role reversal if you went for them and daughter was no longer interested. There is something bittersweet about this post, an acknowledgement of the way people and relationships change. Great work. judi

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2016
    Love your insightful comments on this, Judi. LOL I agree on the purse price. Fifty dollars is not all that much although I would never spend that much on a purse. I miss the Nichole who would buy weird looking clothes and put them together. Her class voted her the most fashionable!
    Business attire is so dull. She's taking improv class twice a week now. I suspect that's bringing the creative part of her back into the world.
    Perceptive that you picked up her depression. A bit about that in the epilogue.
    THank you so much for the exceptional rating.
Comment from Jay Squires
This work has reached the exceptional level

Excellent denouement, Shari. Very touching, the way you ended this chapter. There was a feeling of "growth," of maturity, not only in Nicole, but also Jeff. Also, there was significant development in the author, as well.

Throughout the unfolding of your memoir, I've felt (and I'm sure I'm not the only one), the very personal introspection that delineated not only the sensitive reflection of your family, but also your own marvelous mind at work.

Jeff sat on a bench when his wife spotted a pricy boutique. [Just an observation, not a nit. Why did you not use Nicole's name here, but opted for "his wife?" It seemed to draw unnecessary attention to it. But it's mentioned as more a curiosity.

You must send this out to market, Shari.

 Comment Written 27-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 29-Dec-2016
    LOL. I used 'his wife' for no other reason than to avoid repetition, but you bring up a good point as to word selection. I'm quite pleased with your 'interpretation' of this biography. Also, that the non-fictional characters experience an 'arc'.
    Thanks for all your encouragement as I poured out my life.
    A six from you means oodles.

    As for marketing, I worry that Nichole would take offense at some things. I'll keep that in mind when I edit.
    Actually, I'd be surprised if you read it! Jeff says he wants to though. Go figure.

Comment from Heidi M
This work has reached the exceptional level

I sighed with contentment when I read your last words in this chapter: 'That simple sentiment told me what I needed to know. Our path was on the way to recovery.' This is what I've been hoping for all along as I've read your journey. I loved how you revealed your thought process while considering the purchase of the purse. You really did a nice job writing this chapter.

 Comment Written 26-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2016
    Thank you, Heidi, for the exceptional rating. Wait until you hear what Nichole gave me for Christmas!
Comment from IndianaIrish
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A fun to read chapter, Shari. I loved she welcomed your gift, the great hug, and and the ending was wonderful! Wow! The ending is next? I love ri I also Minda, too. Lol
Karyn :-)

 Comment Written 26-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2016
    Thanks for the exuberant review, but I can't figure out the last sentence. love ri I also Minda, too
reply by IndianaIrish on 26-Dec-2016
    I really need to check before sending. LOL I said....I loved the hug with your daughter, too!
reply by the author on 26-Dec-2016
    Must have been in code. :-)
Comment from maggieadams
This work has reached the exceptional level

Very touching how you have taken baby steps back towards each have both been willing to accept honest criticism and opened up to each other...alas, I wish I could do that with my daughter, but she is not willing to come off her high horse of righteous anger. Can't wait for the epilogue.

 Comment Written 26-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2016
    Love you for the six and for the insightful comments. It takes time to grow spiritually. :-)
Comment from Kaydoe
This work has reached the exceptional level

This story allows the reader to experience family dynamic struggles as they are. Often these types of dynamics are very frequent in relationships but they are usually never talked about let alone written about, but they are so real. Because they are often pushed aside healing never comes. You focus on each word and thought from each family member including your self in hopes to see a meaningful relationship to flower. I think you're making headway.

 Comment Written 26-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2016
    Thanks for the six, Marianne. I love how you put this:these types of dynamics are very frequent in relationships but they ...
    are often pushed aside [so] healing never comes. I may quote you in the epilogue if you don't mind.
reply by Kaydoe on 26-Dec-2016
    That is fine to quote me. Have a Happy New Year.
Comment from Sasha
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I loved this chapter. YOu did such a marvelous job conveying how you gained Nichole's love inch by inch. YOu are doing such a terrific job with this, I don't want it to end. Thanks so much for sharing this part of your life with us. I have been enjoying it immensely.

 Comment Written 26-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2016
    Your kind words warm my heart.
    Gained her love inch by inch.
    I'm glad this has a happy ending. I know my daughter has unhappy moments (in next post) but she's learning how to cope with it.
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good job MOM! You made all the right moves. Mothers and daughters should get along famously, at least that is what we are told, but sometimes personalities just don't mix. However as time passes and we learn life's lessons personalities change. LOL Strained relationships can not cancel the love that we have for our family, children, parents etc. Time heals all wounds. Well done Shari. Nancy

 Comment Written 26-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2016
    Thanks, Nancy. I found it so hard to believe that I was her world when growing up, then she did a complete turn around. Part of the fault was mine. Never had a problem with my son. Boys are easier to raise than girls, I've heard.
Comment from robyn corum
This work has reached the exceptional level

What I like about this story is how much YOU'VE grown. From the beginning of this story to now, I can tell. It seems like the old you would have told Jeff off about that phone call business, while the new you just sighed in agreement. And the purse-buying went a long way to mending fences. I liked that progression, too:

1.) encouraging her to buy and telling how great she'd look with it
2.) offering to go halves
3.) buying it outright for her.

You're a good mom, Shar. *smile*

Thanks for sharing your story.

 Comment Written 26-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2016
    Thanks for the exceptional rating, robyn, and your take on this. The old me would have not said anything either, fearing Nichole's anger at attacking her husband? I confronted Nichole about the issue. That's the new me.
Comment from TheWriteTeach
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another good chapter, Shari. Well written as always. Not even getting into dialogue, transitions, action, etc. They are all wonderfully carried out, as usual.

I was shocked that Jeff had the nerve to tell you to call Nichole every other week. If my husband ever told my mother such a thing, in front of me or not, I'd have given him two black eyes and knocked this front teeth out. My mother and I talk several times EVERY day, and one of those times will always be over an hour. The best part of it is that we live less than a mile from one another. I guess I just don't understand the relationship you have with Nichole.

A couple of spags:

Great sandwiches and well as drinks (I think a typo here - should be: 'as' well as)

"Rick (her boss) would never open a mall until all shops were ready for business." (This doesn't seem to be a direct quote, but you have quotation marks around it.)

Nice job with this.


 Comment Written 26-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2016
    Thanks for pointing out the corrections. It is a direct quote, but I put 'her boss' in italics to make it clear, I hope.

    One of my closest friends has the kind of relationship with both her daughters that you have. To be honest, it would bother me to think someone's life revolved around me. Unfortunately, that's how hubby is now. When I leave to do errands and am gone for two hours, it feels like six to him.