Reviews from

When Blood Collides

Viewing comments for Chapter 65 "Spotlight on Barbara and Bobby"
A family's love is tested.

22 total reviews 
Comment from abbasjoy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I find it's sad when sisters aren't close, relationally, perhaps because I had only brothers and always wanted a sister with whom I could share my secrets. Perhaps that was just a wish, and if I really had one we would be poles apart.
That was a wake up call for you in the complaining department. As you mentioned Bobby is the one who had way more to complain about, yet he wasn't complaining. You both had so much to be thankful for, and you were the ones doing the complaining.

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 10-Nov-2015
    I get peeved when people gripe about cancer. Granted it's bad but at least they have memories of doing cartwheels, dancing, and making love.
    Barb and I were close at one time. But we took different paths.
    I'll be working on her story next. Thanks for following.
Comment from barkingdog
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Barb's values aren't yours and visa versa. I can't imagine be a size four and wanting to be thinner. It 's funny how sisters can be so different and Nicole can be so much like her Aunt. Genes--I put it all down to genetics which go far beyond hair color and gender.


 Comment Written 09-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2015
    My son and daughter look and act totally opposite. Extrovert versus introvert, family oriented versus screw you-- well, not that bad, but Nichole gets her life to herself.
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You've forecast unfortunate times ahead for Barbara. Saying she had lost four pounds when she was already a size 4 doesn't sound good. It seemed that she might have found time for some family things, like giving you her phone number or visiting Bobby. Bobby was really a wonder the way complained and did as much for himself as he could as long as he was able. Interesting that Nicole and Barbara were so much alike in appearance and behavior. Barbara sounds like a bit of a snob, at least when it comes to education. Well presented. judi

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 10-Nov-2015
    Thanks, judi. I can't wait to find time to write the next chapter. Have to work on my visit to the dentist entry now. At least it's not a blind contest.
reply by judiverse on 11-Nov-2015
    Hi, Spitfire. I signed up for the dentist contest but have gotten interested in other projects, so don't know if I'll finish something in time. Good luck with yours.
Comment from sibhus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Barbara sounds like she's a barrel of laughs. I have known people like her in the past and I no longer associate with them, and I seldom miss them. Well, unless you count my doctor, who was three years ahead of me in school. An interesting chapter, which does not sound like things well go well for Barbara.

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2015
    Thanks, husky. Come to think of it, she didn't have much of a sense of humor.
Comment from Muffins
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm noticing, with reservations, out bodies won't allow us to fake it especially when it gives us aches and pains.

Your observation of your daughter and sister was the truth. People who are more alike than not do not get alone. I've seen this time and time again. The ending, from your POV doesn't sound good. Someone who has always been thin does not lose pounds over the holidays especially if they are not trying to.

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2015
    Yes, I've heard that too. We see in them something we don't like about ourselves, I guess. Thank goodness, hubby and I are different in the right ways. :-)
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The Silver Fox...that's kinda catchy, Shari. But, didn't they give the same nickname to actor Redd Foxx, the old guy who played Fred Sanford on that 80's tv sitcom, Sanford & Sons? Just sayin...

Losing weight is a good thing, but only if you NEED to lose weight and are trying to. But just having pound after pound fall off without even trying, well...that's not always such a good thing.

Good for you for realizing that in the grand scheme of things, your and your sister Barbara's health woes were nothing in comparison to what Bobby had to endure day in and day out. Many would not have given it a second thought...


 Comment Written 09-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2015
    I'm glad you remarked on the weight loss. Something is wrong when you lose weight for no reason. More than once I found myself telling Bobby about Frank's health issues and promptly stopped myself.
reply by Dean Kuch on 09-Nov-2015
    It's usually (but not always) an indication the something is rotten in Denmark, Shari.
    You're very welcome.~Dean :}
Comment from Eigle Rull
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed reading this chapter, my friend. The photo is great too. My aunt used to complain all the time about having hives. Luckily, I've never gotten them. It seems like complaining about aches and pains is a common thing with seniors. I remember my mom and Aunt Betty complaining every time they got together. Now, I'm the one doing the complaining. So I guess it's just a phase we all go through. This was an interesting chapter, my friend. Best wishes to you and yours.

Always with respect,

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2015
    Thanks, sweet Eigle. It can become a very bad habit because our cells are listening!
Comment from Curly Girly
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is another great chapter here, Shari. Family politics ... oh, man!
You right--look at Bobby, normal people should be grateful.


I remember the rare compliment my sister ever gave,
I remember the rarest compliment my sister ever gave,

whining.Look at Bobby.
whining. Look at Bobby.

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2015
    Thanks for the exceptional rating, Nicole. I addressed the errors you noted.
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I thought you and Barbara didn't get along. ???
Anyway, sounds like Barbara was becoming anorexic. Not good.

What's wrong with Bobby anyway? Born that way or accident?
Btw, you spelled his name BOBBIE once.

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2015
    I went back and added a some things to answer your questions. Also found the spelling error. Thanks for asking these things. It's a long time between postings, and readers forget.
Comment from Jay Squires
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Why should we do all this whining.Look at Bobby. [Missing space after "whining."

"Why should we do all this whining.Look at Bobby. He can't walk. He can't lift his arms any higher than chest. He has to have a caretaker to put him in bed and turn him over during the night to relieve the built-up pressure in his lungs with a fresh oxygen machine. How dare we complain!" [Shari, is this thought, or dialogue? Since I believe it's thought, may I suggest you italicize it, or put it in the past tense. I would have other concerns if it was supposed to be dialogue.]

The suggestion with your last line is that she is ill. Good open question to end the chapter.

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2015

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2015
    I wondered about the italics and changed it since it's not dialogue. Fixed the spacing.
    Is she ill? Wait to find out. :-)