Reviews from

The Ghosts In Aunt Grace's House

in my aunt's house?

35 total reviews 
Comment from abbasjoy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is rather an interesting story, and there just might be something to Joe's story.
Whether it's true or not about your Aunt Grace and Uncle Claude, the important thing is that Joe believes it's true, and decided to do something about the house, so he could live in peace.
A well told story.

 Comment Written 22-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2015
    Thank you. Your right, Joe believes it to be true and that is all that matters.
Comment from Sis Cat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I do not know if ghosts reside in your aunt's and uncle's house, not having visited it myself. Old places tend to retain the memories of the people who lived there. Some people have the ability to feel these "spirits." So, no, I do not think Joe is delusional, just highly sensitive. It would be interesting to see what would happen if you were to stay in the house, since you knew your aunt and uncle.

This is an intriguing account of the places that haunt our memories. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 22-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2015
    Yes, I intend to stay overnight there someday in the future. Thank you for your comments on the story.
Comment from sibhus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, this was a well written interesting story. I really enjoyed reading about your Aunt's old home, and the days when people still did for themselves. But, wistfully thinking about those bygone days is just wool gathering, because they had to work twice as hard just to do simple things. As for the ghosts, it could be. In England people have reported seeming the departed for hundreds of years. Your Aunt could very well have a deep attachment to the house. Great piece and thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 22-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2015
    Thank you for your comments. I think you may be right about my aunt. That house was her whole life.
Comment from angelface2
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi, prettybluebirds. I don't believe in ghosts. I think Joe was delusional. Perhaps someone else had talked to him in those twenty years and told him stories of the house. But I love ghost stories and I loved reading this one. I hope you get back to the house and let us know what you feel, if anything. BTW my Aunt Vera lived in a house she thought was 'haunted'. She said she could hear someone playing cards after she had gone to bed. My Aunt Vera never would tell a lie, but I am not sure what she heard was ghosts or had some other explanation. :>) Miss Sally

 Comment Written 22-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 22-Aug-2015
    Thank you angelface. I kind of agree with you that Joe is, as my husband would say, a fruitcake. I hope to find out one day soon
Comment from justjo66
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I personally do not believe in ghosts. I do believe in spirits. I do not
think they are our loved ones, however. There has been a war going on
before our world was ever created. This war is between angels and demons(God and Satan). I truly believe that these demons are what we call ghosts. Our loved
ones are either with God in spirit form or are held in a holding place until
judgement. Your story was very interesting. A few SPAG's noted but they
did not detract from your story.

 Comment Written 22-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 22-Aug-2015
    Thank you. I intend to correct some of my mistakes. I don't know if I believe in ghosts or not either. Like you, I do believe in spirits.
Comment from MissMerri
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a most fascinating story! I honestly don't know what to think, but the fact that Joe received instructions from the former residents on how he needed to fix the house back to the way it was originally, makes me want to believe that he was actually communicating with them. I have always heard that spirits sometimes linger near the places they once loved. I honestly don't know but you've written such a convincing story about it, that I'm almost persuaded to believe it's true. Good writing... and certainly thought-provoking.

 Comment Written 22-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 22-Aug-2015
    Thank you. One thing that gave me goose bumps was that Joe told me Aunt Grace or gramma, always wore a hair net. In life she always did wear a hair net.
Comment from Louise Michelle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi prettybluebirds,

I'm very much into metaphysical philosophy and, therefore, think there's a strong possibility the spirits are real.

From what I've read, spirits are souls that still cling to earthly things and that they need to be directed to the white light/heaven, etc.

On the other hand, souls that have passed over to where they're supposed to be can and do make their presence known on earth for a multitude of reasons.

Either way, it's so magical to contemplate this.


 Comment Written 22-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 22-Aug-2015
    Thank you for your input, Louise. I am inclined to believe you on this matter. Someday soon I'm going back and spent some time alone in that house. Joe said that is okay with him.
Comment from Naxsc
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very enjoyable story. I liked the story very much, but what was really off-putting was the comma placement, punctuation stops in-between.
Also a few places where the words could have just continued on instead of putting them in parenthesis or semi-colon.

for ex.
As a final insult, they painted the house ( PINK )
for me, it could have just continued on. It would have done well without the parenthesis and space after the opening parenthesis and before closing parenthesis really is not required.

~well house, and a shed that ran along the west end of the old barn.
well house and a shed ~ should work better. I have noticed this with many fine authors, they usually tend to slip up and use a comma that might really not be necessary. So take care at instances such as these.

There are many other places that need your attention as in pulling the comma or full stop before the closing double quote, continuation of the words to make the sentence complete rather than putting them in parenthesis, etc.

With all these things said and done, I truly did enjoy reading your story. Though I would not be able to contribute any money, I will contribute a story from my grandma that I still do not know if I should believe or not.

My great grand mother, it seems one fine day she just up and died so suddenly that nobody could believe somebody's death could happen so fast and so unrealistic. But the people from the village decided what has happened, has happened and so to perform the final rites for her body. They wanted to do the final rites according to our family tradition which would be to burn her body and release her soul to the soaring skies. So the set up was made ready in the burial ground.

They plaited a make-shift stretcher with coconut and banyan leaves, put the great grandma's body on it and marched to the burial ground. There the scavenger had piled the wooden logs ready to set fire once her body was mounted. The villagers put down stretcher down and moved away so the priest could say the final prayers to god and for the soul to rest in peace.

As the priest was half way through the chanting, my great grandma's body suddenly bolted and sat upright. As every one of them looked with great shock, she looked around and said in a very angry voice it seems 'who dare bring me to the burial ground, you fools'

Needless to say everyone of them bolted from the spot including the priest. My great grandma walked back home it seems and lived for another 6 years hale and healthy before she kicked the bucket real time.

If you ask me I would say she had a medical condition that put her in temporary death state for an hour or so (my grand ma says all the family members and the village doctor confirmed that great grandma was dead by checking her breath and pulse. Even her body was cold she said...) ~ a temporary rigor-mortis might have set in. We will never know. But to hear my grandma say it, she feels that my great grandma's soul had been wrongly pulled out before her time and so she met her maker, clarified the correct date of death and so turned back to live with us all for another 6 years.

Well, whatever the fact is, I will never know what is right or what is wrong without being an actual audience myself. One thing for sure is 'Yes may be the spirits do exist, playing small tricks on their loved ones every now and then and laughing at our expense' When we come to realize their tricks, we cannot help but join them.

Thank you again for your story and I hope I hadn't bored you with my long drivel...

All the best!

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 Comment Written 22-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 22-Aug-2015
    Thank you for your tips on writing. I am new at this and do the best I can. I simply write down the thoughts as they go through my mind, I know my grammar and sentence construction is not always correct but give me time and I intend to learn. I thank you again, and I loved the story about your gramma. That must have been quite a shock to everyone even gramma.
reply by Naxsc on 24-Aug-2015
    Yes the incident was indeed a shocker to hear my grandma say it. Keep writing more, I am sure you will improve a lot within a short span. I will follow your stories and will comment on your growth as we go on.

    All the best!
Comment from papa55mike
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have a wonderful story. Some editing would make this a 6 star story. You have rich characters that are well described. Two quick things could fix a lot.

Example: "And that, was that." The period goes before quotation marks.

I had to ask. You need a paragraph break after each bit
of dialog.

I hope I haven't confused you too much. Have a great weekend and God bless, mike.

 Comment Written 22-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 22-Aug-2015
    Thanks for the tips. No, you haven't confused me too much. I am doing my best to learn this writing stuff and appreciate all the help I can get. I keep forgetting that rule about a new paragraph after every dialogue. I will go back and edit. Thanks again
Comment from Eric1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi prettybluebirds after a lovely well written story like that I would lend you the money if I had it!, Wonderful upbeat tale about your Auntie and Uncle that kept my attention all the way through my friend, thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 22-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 22-Aug-2015
    Thank you, Eric, for the kind review. I am learning this writing stuff so if you find errors don't be suprised.
reply by Eric1 on 22-Aug-2015
    You are very welcome my friend