Reviews from

The Greatest Love

Contemplating God's love

25 total reviews 
Comment from boxergirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed your spiritual poem about the greatest love. Your rhyme and meter seem on target and a wonderful message for us all. I liked the personal touch in verse two.

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2015
    Thank you so much. The message was on my heart. Have a good week,
Comment from happykat4
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem just reminds all how God gave His Son to die for us so we could live. I cannot imagine giving up my child. Then to know it was his plan from the start. I am so glad that you experienced your father's peacefulness. He was relieved. Then your turn to live with the one who has loved us and not given up on us. Wonderful poem.

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2015
    Thank you for taking time to review and leave such wonderful comments. Have a good week,
Comment from Nosha17
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think you are doing very well with the poetry, Rhonda. I like the idea you are writing rhyming poetry. I make it known to lots of people that I cannot stand free or blank verse, there is something missing and it is not attractive to read aloud. This has a lovely spiritual message, we all need to have faith and believe in God's love. Excellent rhyming. Couple of suggestions: Verse 3, its depths, no apostrophe s there is no possession, it is a plural. In poetry if you have too many 's it tends to sound a bit awkward. You don't need an apostrophe s in the last verse, it is perfectly fine to say morning dew. Then in the last line celestial is an adjective and cannot take an 's, it should read 'celestial seat'. Enjoyable read. Faye

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2015
    Thanks so much, Faye, I will go change it! I appreciate all of your comments, and your ever present support!
Comment from MelB
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very nice poem, Rhonda! Good rhyme, rhythm, and flow. You're doing a great job expanding to poetry. I started the opposite and am learning prose.

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2015
    Thank you so much, Mel, for the wonderful review!
reply by MelB on 17-Aug-2015
    You're welcome
Comment from gamay
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Rhonda, This a very nice and the picture fits to the poem. "I saw it once in father's eyes,
Its love-light shone, to my surprise,
His dying breath I saw God's peace,
On wings of grace joy's sweet release". And we thankful for his love to us. Thank you for sharing, gamay

 Comment Written 17-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2015
    Thank you, gamay, you have given me a very sweet 6 star review, my friend. I love the comments you have left,
Comment from Barb Hensongispsaca
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very well done.
Rhyme is spot on.
Flow and meter are perfect.
A nice testimonial to share with your readers.
You did very well

 Comment Written 16-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2015
    Thank you so much, Barb, for you kind and personal review,
Comment from poetadeu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Absolutely love the last stanza, of course
the other two lead one to the last. They are
each beautifully written. Your reference to
your father's eyes reminded me of my mother
shortly before her passing. Thank you for
sharing these great words.

 Comment Written 16-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2015
    And thank you for your wonderful and sweet review. I was with my father when he passed, and while it was so sad, I felt his love,
reply by poetadeu on 17-Aug-2015
    It was my pleasure...LOL:} Joyce
Comment from Taffspride
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Such an uplifting poem which read so beautifully aloud.

Set to music it ould be a lovely hymn of praise.

I could not find any line or stanza that stood out more than another. All were equally as good.

Iechyd da


 Comment Written 16-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2015
    Thank you so much, and what a kind comment about putting it to music! I wish I could sing...
Comment from Walu Feral
This work has reached the exceptional level

G'day Rhonda. This is a sweetly done piece of poetry my friend. You have found your touch and have taken to this poetry caper like a duck to water. Beautiful flow and rhyming and a super message make this production an exceptional yarn. Very well done.

Cheers Fez

 Comment Written 16-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2015
    Thank you so much, Feral, for a wonderful 6 star review. Coming from you, my idol, I take this as a wonderful compliment!
Comment from royowen
This work has reached the exceptional level

What a marvellous poem Rhonda! The idea that sparked that sparked this revelation obviously dates back to your dad, there is nothing better than the revelation of God's grace, love, and the myriad of benefits that flow from the Father through us, because of God's grace and love, great effort, my friend, aren't you glad you saw Christ in your dad's eyes. Well done, blessings, Roy.

 Comment Written 16-Aug-2015

reply by the author on 17-Aug-2015
    Thank you so much, Roy, and yes, it was great to see God's love in his eyes. It's hard to watch a parent pass, but to feel that peace and know where he left me to go, is a great blessing. Thanks so much for your wonderful 6 star review, my friend,
reply by royowen on 17-Aug-2015
    Most welcome, how's it gone?
reply by the author on 17-Aug-2015
    Doing well, thank you.
reply by royowen on 18-Aug-2015