Reviews from

When Blood Collides

Viewing comments for Chapter 41 "Explosion in the Hospital Hall"
A family's love is tested.

29 total reviews 
Comment from Leen1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

OMG! I cannot tell you how my heart raced with the reading your inevitable confrontation. Oh, what a hurtful time for you, not to jump ahead but I do hope in time everyone will be able to come together in peace. Once again, you've left me yearning to read more

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2015
    Thanks, Leen, for your empathy. Can't jump ahead. You have to suffer like I did. LOL
Comment from cercie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I feel as if I am privy to this argument and that the words are spoken in front of me. You have put me in this story with you words and wonderful descriptions. I am hooked and want to know what is next. I am an eavesdropper.

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2015
    Eavesdrop away. The words are pretty much the same. Some things you don't forget.
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dee has been able to poison the well on many occasions. Sounds like she's determined to have her own way. She seems to blame you and Frank for everything that happens. Barb is siding with Dee, but it must have hurt you (not just the slap) that she did. Comparing what was going on to the Springer show makes a good analogy, as readers can relate to that. You do a great job of writing about these sensitive family situations. judi

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2015
    Thinking back I was surprised. She wouldn't even listen. You'll find the reason why, later. Hey, it's good to have a story line already in place. :-)
reply by judiverse on 18-Jul-2015
    I'm sure you're not the only one who's experienced such behavior. Hospitals seem to bring out the worst. judi
Comment from joann r romei
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is crazy, she really needed to be under supervision, it seems as if other things may have been bothering your sis and aunt, these situations are common in families.

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2015
    An interesting thought. I think my sister had enough on her personal plate, she didn't want to be bothered.
Comment from alexisleech
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, I can't see how you're going to sort it out if your sister won't even listen to what you're trying to tell her. As for the slap, why did she do that? As you say, Jerry Springer 'springs' to mind! Alexis x

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2015
    I would guess stress in her personal life was bottled up and had to find a way out. :-) LOL on your pun.
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Go get 'em, Frankie Boy! I'm not ashamed to say so, but I would have reacted just like Frank did except I probably would not have used as colorful a language as Frank did. Still, the gist of what I said to them would be pretty much the same. 'Go to Hell', or, if I wanted to get all cultural and haughty on 'em, 'Va te faire foutre!'

I can't believe you sister slapped you in front of Bobby like she did. I'm kind of surprised you didn't slap her right back. But, with Bobby there, coupled with being in a hospital (no to mention being the pragmatic, civilized person you are), I can completely understand why you held yourself in check.

Tense? Oh yeah, it was a tense chapter all right...


 Comment Written 17-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2015
    The most violent moment in my life. First time I'd ever been hit. So out of character for Barb. But her personal life was a difficult one. I wish she hadn't cut me off, but friends were always more important to her than family.

    Yeap, Frank doesn't go down nice. LOL The French response would have blind-sided them. :-)
reply by Dean Kuch on 17-Jul-2015
    I like that about Frank, lol. And French blindsides even the French sometimes. I've had more physical confrontations than I care to mention, and I'm not proud of that either. But, the past is just that, the past, and there's nothing I can do to change it.
Comment from Walu Feral
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

G'day Shari. Another really good but explosive chapter mate. I was wondering how long it would be until somebody got hit. You guys had been under heaps of pressure for a long time and something had to give. Very well done, cheers Fez

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2015
    An unusual reaction considering the way we were brought up. Pressure as in stress can do that though.
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your aunt and sister need to locked up in the same room in a looney bin. What horrible behavior. People never cease to shock me with their self-centered, nastiness. Every family has one or two of those bad apples, and all they do is cause strife.

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2015
    I guess my mother had her share of nastiness dished up her husband's (my dad) sister. Jealousy can destroy two or more people at the same time. This is what is happening here.
Comment from barkingdog
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Families fight about the strangest things that somehow become significant. In our family it was a gold bracelet with sentimental value.
It's a shame all of this bickering has to go on around your sick mother. She should be kept calm and cared for, not upset by sibling disputes. I guess, being an only child, I don't understand them. So, who am I to judge? My two had their disagreements, too. Petty to me; big to them.

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2015
    My sister would have loved to be an only child. She felt I was the favorite which explains a lot of things. She was smarter, prettier, and good at everything. Go figure.
reply by barkingdog on 17-Jul-2015
    That may be a common problem with only two children. Mine had the same interaction even though they were boy and girl.
Comment from padumachitta
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You give me their phone numbers and i will call them and give 'em a good tongue hiding, my gosh in the dark night,...
And it is so hard not to be pulled along into anger by people behaving like this...

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2015
    I bet you could put the fear of God in them. Or Buddha. LOL
    I try now to stay away from angry people. Unfortunately, hubby is good at being rude to incompetent store clerks, persistant telemarketers, etc. He's always amazed when I get results without raising my voice.