Reviews from

Get Well, Brooke!

Viewing comments for Chapter 10011 "A Rivulet's Charm"
Writing for Brooke

17 total reviews 
Comment from Gloria ....
This work has reached the exceptional level

Jimi, this is a stunning and amazing poem for Brooke. She will adore it. Each stanza contains an element of her poetry from the gurgling brook to the flora and fauna to the fairies and dandelions.

The motion of the creek bringing forward yesterdays and leading into tomorrows. At first meandering then effervescing with determined exuberance and all a joyful celebration of life.

Within the poetic devices are layers and meanings of interpretation moving steadfastly below the straight-forward realism.

My goodness what a thoughtful gaze into the brook this is.

Your poem is an exquisite work of art.


 Comment Written 30-May-2015

reply by the author on 30-May-2015

    And a glorious morning to you!

    I am simply inept at words as I have said before.

    Your reviews leave me quite stunned, meaning I am in awe that you find my work so worthy. Truly, you bolster my confidence in writing.

    Thank you so much. This poem came quite easily on my 3 hour drive home last eve.
    My Son has this incredible beautiful creek which runs through his property. I often just go and sit on a nearby rock, especially after the rain. Its earthy aroma is exquisite and it imagery is stunning and ethereal.

    Again thank you.. your fan always.. Jimi
Comment from His Grayness
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This beautiful work certainly deserves a six star rating and I'm short by one but long for the gratitude of sharing this very lovely, pleasant, and generous gift of thought, love, and respect. Beautifully done and great thanks! HIS GRAYNESS:Vance

 Comment Written 30-May-2015

reply by the author on 30-May-2015
    Vance, truly a huge thank you for such a review and a humbling compliment. I am so very honored that you found this work worthy of a review.

reply by His Grayness on 30-May-2015
    You heart truly gleams! Dear one! Vance
Comment from Sis Cat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I do say that this is the best Brooke tribute poem I read. I did not see the end coming but it all made sense. Your details are exquisite. I can see, hear, and feel the coolness of the rivulet. You also masterfully created a brook metaphor for Brooke's name. This poem thrilled me in a way I hope it thrills Brooke. Thank you for sharing and for caring.

 Comment Written 29-May-2015

reply by the author on 30-May-2015
    Andre, another big thank you for your continued support of my work. I appreciate you very much.

Comment from Janet7053
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Stunning! Bravo! Brooke will love this. The descriptions of nature's waterway are captivating. My vocabulary must increase to provide me with a greater descriptive base like you have.

 Comment Written 29-May-2015

reply by the author on 30-May-2015

    Thank you very much for stopping by to read and review my work. I am honored. Jlsavell
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is beautiful. I had thoughts of Brooke the whole time because of your well chosen words. I can imagine Brooke sitting near the rivulet enjoying the sights and sounds and gathering inspiration. You did an excellent job. The last line sums it up precisely. Good job and thanks for sharing.

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 Comment Written 29-May-2015

reply by the author on 30-May-2015
    jannypan, thank you ever so much for stopping by to read and review my work. I am honored, truly.

Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is beautiful and the video is just the right touch. As I listened to the video I had a picture of Brooke in my mind as she is smiling, but with tears glistening in her eyes. Patricia

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 Comment Written 29-May-2015

reply by the author on 29-May-2015
    patcelaw, thank you for stopping by to read and reivew my work. I am honored.. jlsavell
Comment from reconciled
This work has reached the exceptional level love Michael

 Comment Written 29-May-2015

reply by the author on 29-May-2015
    ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................well I suppose this means speechless. Love you sir.. Jimi