Reviews from

Finding the Right Size God

Let us make god over into our image...

16 total reviews 
Comment from Janet7053
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Deniz22, Very interesting essay about how we view God. Reminds me of a line in a song, "God is bigger than any mountain that I can or cannot see."

This paragraph sums things up beautifully.

"I've met many since that time who are very happy to have a god "just about my size". A nice, manageable god...pocket-size perhaps, to be carried like a lucky charm, a celestial rabbit foot, to be brought out for extreme situations."

 Comment Written 27-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 27-Apr-2015
    Thanks Janet...this one raised a few hackles...lot of proud folks around...but God is bigger. God bless, Dennis
Comment from Brett Matthew West
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"Just about my size" makes God much too confining. Well written with a very important meaning thrown in for good measure. Fully agree with message. Write on.

 Comment Written 27-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 27-Apr-2015
    Thanks, Brett, and God bless you. Dennis
Comment from TAB_that's me
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The Bible says we are created in the image of God so no matter our size, God is our size. I like that you write that makes it a more manageable God. I'll have to remember that.

 Comment Written 27-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 27-Apr-2015
    Yes, God is seeking someone to manage Him. Thankfully, their are many volunteers...many who feel over qualified for the position...:) Dennis
Comment from penmythoughts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are apparently an accomplished writer,
So pardon my different views.
Great artwork , description and title.
To some extent twisting God for self- serving pursuits is wrong.
But having said that the contradiction of your work is mentionable.. You spoke about letting the creator change you.
We mortals don't let anything happen.
Anyway scriptures are time tested but God is all pervading, naturally if he is a mascot that's not undesirable.
Lastly God can be confined to goodness in anybody's heart.
Pls don't get offended its just that I felt your title and work collided.You restrict God to holy books and talk about molding him.

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 Comment Written 27-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 27-Apr-2015
    No offense taken, honestly. But, "We mortals don't let anything happen." Really? Are you married perhaps...but yet you ''didn't let it happen"? Illogical, to say the least. And since God holds us accountable for what we do, a very poor defense for our oft times bad actions. "To some extent twisting God for self- serving pursuits is wrong." Trust me, its always wrong according to scripture. And God as a "mascot" is demeaning to God and deceptive to ourselves. Thanks for commenting, Dennis
reply by penmythoughts on 27-Apr-2015
    We don't let things happen in the concept of principal and agent..we being the agents and God being the doer....twisting god to remove my worries still doesnt seem bad & our existence itself is his will.Obviously that what I was referring to..but then again to each his that's his wish isn't it?.
    Good day
    P.S luck may I say is God' s grace ,but your views are yours and my faith differs.Lastly interpreting God as my divine mascot is never equivalent to disrespecting him.I mean he is the beginning of all good things in life.
    Thanks for being sportive
reply by the author on 28-Apr-2015
    Anyone is free to have their own views of course...for a while. God's truth will prevail in the end and we are cautioned to adopt it through Christ before our little time runs out. Dennis
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a good story in a couple, three ways. It was a nice Christian story that was understandable by seekers as well as those still waiting. It alludes to a classic series that some may have heard of, but if not, one that is quite accessible. The third's short and gets the job done without pontificating too long. Happy day.

 Comment Written 27-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 27-Apr-2015
    :) Thanks Bill. "Pontificating" may be to the ear what beauty is to the hero is Paul, who put a guy to sleep, while "Preaching long." Dennis
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a good write. Too many I fear see God only as big as themselves. To me that would be to make my god of little power. I am weak, but he is strong so my God is far bigger than I am or any many I have ever met.

C. S. Lewis writes of Lucy, in the Chronicles of Narnia. She had wandered in the wilderness for some time and at last (come) to a stream of water. should the word be (came)?

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 Comment Written 27-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 27-Apr-2015
    Good point...will change...thanks! Dennis