Reviews from

One Million Candles (Maureen)

Her fulgent light cannot be matched

21 total reviews 
Comment from Nosha17
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am unable to go to church to light a candle as I have a bad knee. However, I have said prayers for her recovery. Very nice tribute to her. Good use of descriptive language and rhyming. Hope you don't mind, I spotted an error, Line 3, should read, who inspires. Enjoyable read and most fitting illustration. Faye

 Comment Written 30-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2014
    Nosha17,Once again a big thank you.I apologize for the delay in returning my gratitude. thank you ever so much for stopping by to read and review my work. Maureen is such an incredible human being as we all know. Again thank you. jls
Comment from rama devi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Exquisite tribute to our beloved Maureen, my friend. I especially love this verse:

The words you mold are resplendent grace
infused with lucent gems of wisdom's fire
So polished with your gleaming spirit;
the brightest stars of Heaven could retire

Eloquent and nicely paced with good rhyming throughout. The only nit to note is the use of WHOM here:
and honor the woman whom inspires all

it should be who.

and honor the woman who inspires all.

Love and prayers,

 Comment Written 30-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2014
    rd, once again sweet friend, a big thank you and a big hug. I apologize for the delay in returning my gratitude. thank you ever so much for stopping by to read and review my work. Maureen is such an incredible human being as we all know. Again thank you. Jimi
reply by rama devi on 06-Oct-2014
    Big thanks ans hugs to you too. We've been so blessed to have Maureen as part of our FS family. You too! Light and love, rd
Comment from Tonulak
This work has reached the exceptional level

this was a beautiful tribute, payer and inspirational poem for our dear friend, Moreen.
always appriciate the wonderful outpouring of feeling given. I went to the store today and bought seven new candle holders and candles, my last one burnt out yesterday:) But, some lights never go out...Thanks so much for your lovely words--Ted

 Comment Written 30-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2014
    Ted, it is I who should thank you for holding our incredible friend in your loving heart and thoughts. She is easy to write about, such is her spirit.
    I apologize for the delay in returning my gratitude. thank you ever so much for stopping by to read and review my work. Maureen is such an incredible human being as we all know. Again thank you for stopping by. I am truly humbled..jls
Comment from Ronni
This work has reached the exceptional level

Dear Jimi! have even 1/10th...the skill and expertise
in reviewing that you have! Alas I do not. so pardon
my lacks threof.
Firstly, I LOVE the theme and tone of 'One Million
Candles" in visual and in your capture of the vibrant
spirit of Maureen in analogy of ' voltage of a million
flames' don't even come close to the 'light' that
she gives, and the immediate effect that ensues and
alights within us.
I especially loved the line, "So polished with your
gleaming spirit/ The brightest stars of heaven could retire'
so poignant and powerful it immediately creates a most
bedazzling image!
Your last lines, truly echoes and vibrates with all
our collective and individual anticipations, prayers
and ever abiding love true Celtic Warrior in every]
inch of her and fiber of her being.
Thanks for sharing this most profoundly ethereal and
exquisite poem and contribution to all beloved ones
expressed so endearingly.
Love and blessings, Ronni

 Comment Written 29-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 06-Oct-2014
    Ronni, thank you ever so much. Your articulate nature and eloquence cannot be matched. Do not sell yourself short sweet friend.. I apologize for the delay in returning my gratitude. thank you ever so much for stopping by to read and review my work. Maureen is such an incredible human being as we all know. Again thank you and I do hope all is well with you! Jimi
Comment from Jacqueline M Franklin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Nice dedication to Maureen. She is such an inspiration in her beautiful poetry. Hopefully, she'll be back soon.

Cheers & Blessings
Keep Smilin'.... Jax (*.*)

 Comment Written 29-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 29-Sep-2014
    Jax, thank you ever so much. There is not one thing that can be truly written which can express her beauty and spirit. Again thank you ever so much.. jls
Comment from mikemagine
This work has reached the exceptional level

What can I say? This is a powerful, heartfelt, heart-written poem lovingly paying tribute to a very special person. I don't know Maureen personally, but I've seen many wonderful things written about her. This poem is from one who also has a splendid, glowing light of wisdom and compassion within.

Thanks for sharing!


 Comment Written 29-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 29-Sep-2014

    Your review says more than enough.For the rating and the words, I am truly humbled. Thank you ever so much for stopping by to read and review my offering, JLS
reply by mikemagine on 29-Sep-2014
    Thank you. You deserve the rating and the review:)

Comment from Mystic Angel 7777
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your words speak abundant truth for no matter how many flames we light for her, their combined brilliance will never compare to the stunning beauty of her inspiring spirit. Nicely done and I thank you so much for sharing this with me.

 Comment Written 29-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 29-Sep-2014
    Mystic Angel 7777, thank you ever so much for stopping by to read and review my work. She truly is an inspiration and a beautiful person.. again thank you.. jls
Comment from Spiritual Echo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I've been absent for a few days. Has something happened to Maureen?

The poem was superb, but it was obviously a tribute and a call for strength. Please enlighten me.

 Comment Written 29-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 29-Sep-2014
    Ingrid, she had throat surgery, I believe about two weeks ago and then radiation therapy. It has not gone too well. She has been in an unresponsive state for a few days or more. They just took her off the respirator yesterday and she is breathing and holding her own. I believe that is the correct information. Thank you sweet friend.. Jimi
Comment from granny goes viral
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another million candles lit for Maureen.

 Comment Written 29-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 29-Sep-2014
    Hello Sheila, thank you.. How are you. I must get to your port today.. you are certainly prolific.. How do you expect me to keep up with you?
reply by granny goes viral on 29-Sep-2014
    I don't. I can't even keep up with me. I keep hoping my passion for writing will go the way of my passion for my husbands...but they lasted about 18 years. Oh well. LOL
reply by the author on 29-Sep-2014
    As I said before, you are hysterical.. I have only been married once and I am confident in knowing that was enough. You know they say men are like pumpkins, all the good ones are picked over and the rest are empty-headed.. lol...wish I didn't have to say that.. I had such high hopes. These dry spells create a lot of heat and there is nothing like a man to cool it down, but where are they?????.. ooops,, am I being transparent???? lol
reply by granny goes viral on 29-Sep-2014
    And my writers group thinks I am too serious. Too angry. And I don't even share 1/4th of the stuff I spew here. Poor little old ladies in my group. I would like just once to read my Granny Porn, and make them blush.
reply by the author on 29-Sep-2014
    you should!!!! Hey, never let grannies tell you they are victorian, for even victorian had human desires. Give them fifty shades of gray and a bottle of vodka..I met a woamn in my shop once who was 89 and absolutely beautiful. Her skin was glowing and her zest for life infectious. She did not look or act as one would imagine an 89 year old to act. I asked her what was her secret.. She took my hand, leaned in closer and her eyes just gleamed.. then she said.. Honey, a good man, great sex and lots of chocolate!...I loved her reply..
reply by granny goes viral on 29-Sep-2014
    Oh, I had a patient like that when I worked in nursing homes. She was in her 90's. Gorgeous.
    Told me the same thing. Her daughter however, was not as lovely, and I think she did not like her mother, or her mother embarrassed her. Her daughter was kind of chubby. The mother still wore make-up. She discovered a lump in her breast, but did not want anything done. Didn't even want to know
    Her daughter was all "upset". Had to advise her, that it was her mother's choice. I saw no reason for her to be in a nursing home, but I guess, her daughter didn't want her in her own home. She rarely visited. This woman, the mother had a long, long and obviously happy marriage, but she said she was still looking now that her husband was dead. The men are too old in here, she said. She was a hoot.
reply by the author on 29-Sep-2014
    Aging is not kind, is it? Although I have not one thing but the utmost admiration for those who do not let age detour their zest for life. I do not want to go into a nursing home, nor do I want to be an invalid and be a burden to my children.
reply by granny goes viral on 29-Sep-2014
    Have been a social worker in several nursing homes, and helping the NYC health department close one, hence my Whistleblowing name, and put the owner in jail, I would rather be dead.
Comment from DALLAS01
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a lovely tribute to our dearest friend. She has so many praying for her recovery and return to our lives.

The voltage from our million flames
could not compete with the light you give
For you, dear friend, command each heart
to grasp each day in the lives we live

Beautifully penned.

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 Comment Written 29-Sep-2014

reply by the author on 29-Sep-2014
    DALLAS01, thank you ever so much for stopping by to read and review my work. She is such a beautiful person, as you know... again thank you.. jls
reply by DALLAS01 on 29-Sep-2014
    You're welcome.