Reviews from

United We Stand

77 cents and other divisions, why do they do it?

22 total reviews 
Comment from padumachitta
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi. Don|t kmow about America...but I do know I was often paid less than my male counterparts in the same job...the reason...they had families to support and I was single...I even had one boss tell me to get a man to provide for me who knows...i do know all nations need to hang together...there are bigger fish to fry at this moment...and all these little red herrings aren| the way to go.
anzwaz...I gave zou a for the writing was good, clear and made the point. i like that you had sources...good addition.
p.s...i am sorry i have so many typos in this...the FS editoe thing has gone wacky with my keyboard...i hit keys and the wrong things pop out...

 Comment Written 13-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2014
    Thank you very much. I was mostly talking about my country. I know things may be different in other Nations.
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I, for one, think much as you stated here in your narrative, Lance. It's a crock of B.S. I've worked in several places where women, very skilled and qualified women, made far more than their male counterparts, and rightly so.

I have about as much respect for what comes out of a politician's mouth (regardless of their personal party affiliations), as I do with what I leave behind in the toilet bowl after eating a bunch of fiber. Without getting too graphic or disgusting, it's rarely a pretty sight.

Nice essay, and a pertinent topic for the times we're living in today.

 Comment Written 13-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2014
    Thank you very much, Dean. I feel the same way.
Comment from humpwhistle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I've got to stop watching NBC, Lance, because they dropped the 77 cents thing on me just yesterday. So, what is the true figure according to all those other august institutions? Women still earn less than men, right?

Division is the nature of mankind. In the end it's all based on greed. We mask it according to fashion.

Peace, Lee

 Comment Written 13-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2014
    Thank you very much. There are too many reason that involve career choice, babies, salary negotiations, and family. Basically the WH is not telling the whole truth. As most writers on the site no, Context matters. But that 77 cent stat leaves context out and compares apples to oranges. Like a pro male basketball player in the NBA, with a pro female basketball player in the WNBA. Will they make the same? Should they? The WH says, yes.
    They also compare an Engineer with a school teacher. Not the same.
reply by humpwhistle on 13-Apr-2014
    okay, so if they're comparing apples to oranges, what are you comparing?

    The NBA and WNBA is an abberation, and easily rationalzed.

    What about middle managers at GM? I think that might be a more appropriate plumb line, don't you?

    Frankly, Lance, I'm not certain which side of the fence you're leaning on. Are you suggesting there isn't a gender-based pay bias?

    Peace, Lee
reply by the author on 13-Apr-2014
    The side I'm on is the whole truth. Not slices of it to fit an agenda. If you are going to go out tell the American people that women are being paid less than men in the work place, despite laws against such, break it down, explain it. Don't just skip over every rationale for it, and go directly to discrimination.

    Yes, the NBA, and WNBA is easily rationalized, except the WH isn't doing that. Why not?
    Check the sources, even watch the Jay Carney press conference and see him admit to them leaving out the detail, but refuse to say why. The truth has been out there for years, those who want to know will investigate, those who wish to faithfully stick to an ideology will never ever fact-check it. Because to do so will require them to question their choices in supporting it, and that can be painful.

    I am never one any side of the 'fence' I do not favor, the rich or the poor, the left or the right, men or woman, black or white.

    I believe in liberty and truth for all regardless gender, race, or wealth. I will defend the liberty of all Americans. I do not pit one against the other.
reply by humpwhistle on 13-Apr-2014
    Okay. I respect your judgement, Lance.
    If you were you average things out, is there a gender-based pay inequality in this country?

    It's a fair question and deserves a simple answer.

    Peace, Lee
reply by the author on 13-Apr-2014
    Lee, yes, the average pay between men and women is not Equal.

    But, an inequality does not mean discrimination, that it is wrong or requires intervention.

    Men and women are NOT equal, their choices are not equal, their decisions are not equal, they do not work the same amount of time, or choose the same careers in the same numbers, they do not negotiate for salary the same. They do not enter and leave the workforce at the same times or rate (babies).

    If you and I got into a foot race, our times would show an inequality. Should the gov't equal that out, and how would it do so? It can not speed you up, but it can slow me down. Does the disparity in our times constitute a discrimination?

    I would hope you do a fact-check. It would only take a little time on your computer.

    You seem to care about this issue. Please, just look into it for yourself.

    Have a Good one.
reply by humpwhistle on 13-Apr-2014
    You want me to do a fact check?

    Lance, I'm not arguing with you.
    You wrote an opinion piece. What I took away from your essay was that you do not think there is a significant disparity between the earnings of men and women.

    I disagree with you. And I don't give a damn what the "WH" has to say about it, either.

    I don't have to do a 'fact check' to see the truth that's staring me in the face.

    Disagreements are just that.

    Peace, Lee
reply by the author on 13-Apr-2014
    The wage gap was only a small piece of my commentary. The larger piece, that seems have been missed, was the use of disparities, and victimization to divide the people. That was the entire point of the piece. Look at the picture. look at the use of the Tower of Babel.
reply by humpwhistle on 14-Apr-2014
    I tend not to look at the pictures, Lance.
    Sorry if I misread your piece. Lee
Comment from Saikripa
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The views expressed in the article are universal and apply equally to most of the countries. In India, most of the leaders try to cash on minorities issue. May be they will be on the side of majority when they become aminority.

 Comment Written 13-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2014
    Thank you very much. It is a people thing.
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What you write here is the truth. They have burned me out with their hype and their lies. I don't listen to any of their crap anymore. I doubt there is a good man/woman among them. They don't want to lead they want to rule. Good job. Nancy

 Comment Written 13-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2014
    Thank you very much, Nancy. I agree, they do want to rule, which is why they keep us divided.
Comment from judiverse
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is priceless, and gets my first six-star of the week. You have done a great job of getting your point across. You certainly have it right about victimization. You've given Obama someone to blame besides George Bush--God. It's all God's fault. You're certainly right about the victimization business. Whether or not the information they put out, such as the gender wage gap you mentioned, is accurate, people are willing to believe it. Great reference to the Tower of Babel. I just read an ad that a local candidate for judge had put out. She claimed to be all for women, minorities, senior citizens, children, and I think she mentioned cocker spaniels. I wondered how such a sympathetic soul could judge fairly a case involving a white guy under 50. The attempts to guarantee fairness usually mean that more people will be treated unfairly. judi

 Comment Written 13-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2014
    Thank you very much, Judi. I appreciate the honor. Some politicians always need someone to blame, a boogie man. without it the people may notice what they are doing or not doing.
reply by judiverse on 14-Apr-2014
    You're so welcome. I can't believe how so many women seem to be falling for that equal pay for women stuff Obama's been putting out. They have really been quite successful with their boogie man strategy. judi
Comment from Chrisfiore
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Greetings lancellot,

Interesting take on the divide and confuse propaganda the politicians use these days. I like the point you made about them offering to "give you that elusive equality you've been denied during their first eight terms in office." Comical but thought provoking.

I did notice a couple of things here:

"Baby, a person is smart, but people are lazy, ignorant, silly-ass creatures who want to be led like blind(,) little sheep."

The people were then scattered across the Earth into the groups (in) which they shared a common language.

On a side note, when God created the Earth and put Man upon it, He told them, "Be fruitful and become many, fill the Earth and subdue it." By building a great city, Babylonians sought to thwart God's purpose. It was because of this that God confused their language, so that they would scatter into groups and thus "fill the earth and subdue it" as He had originally decreed. ;) Chrisfiore

 Comment Written 13-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2014
    Thank you very much, Chrisfiore. I don't know about that, the King James version actually quotes what God said. How did they know that, you got me.
Comment from barleygirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm not into politics, as I prefer to preserve my peace of mind. But I will respond to one aspect of your essay, which stood out for me. The concept of "exclusive" vs. "inclusive" (used heavily in religion as well as politics) . . . what you're saying about this deserves a dedicated essay, without the wage-disparity distraction. I wonder if politicians really do intend their actions to squelch the power of a unified people . . . I don't give them that much credit for being smart or effective. I believe politicians (& some religious leaders) appeal to the shallow thinkers becuz that's how they think. Thanks for encouraging us to think.

 Comment Written 13-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2014
    Thank you very much. Ha, I don't blame you, peace of mind is important. You make an interesting observation.
Comment from Sylvia Page
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wordy sentence

Every two years, like clockwork, some politician is telling us, if you are a minority you are being discriminated against, abused or treated unfairly, but if you just for vote for______(insert party or politician name here) they will pass a law, or raise a tax to fix all your woes, and give you that elusive equality you've been denied during their first eight terms in office.//

This sentence may be excessively wordy. Consider re-phrasing the sentence, or breaking it into smaller sentences.//

but if you just for [a ]vote
or raise [the]tax

[the] prison population
skew numbers [on.]/The preposition, "on", is at the end of a sentence. Consider re-wording your sentence so the preposition is not at the end.

So, that puts the responsibility on your shoulders, and depending on your life, that can be a heavy burden to carry.//
Inconsistent verb forms
The verbs in both clauses "puts" and "depending" may not make chronological sense. Consider changing one or both verbs so the tenses are compatible.//

in that environment problems are [-actually] solved.

spirit[,] they began

or need [-a ] government dictating their lives.

In college[,] my professors always drilled [in me] to provide sources.
//It may be unclear what "in me" is modifying in this sentence. Make sure it is clear which word or phrase is being modified by it.//

It is a fact that women work more hours a day than men, and for a long time there was lobbying in many countries for equal pay.


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 Comment Written 13-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2014
    Thank you very much Sylvia. In this country women work less hours than men. Yes, you are right, things are different in other places.
Comment from mfowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You've probably heard of the the theory that the world is ruled by two emotions, Love/Fear. It's simplistic, but this polarisation between united and confused, is really just that. Politicians (and Australian ones specialise in it too) divide with fear tactics, often dumbing down a thinking population with fear of not following the offered solutions. The wage differential argument 77 cents, seems just one of those arguments. Somehow, if they could play the Love card (eg united,truth, caring) they might just get somewhere, but that wouldn't be politics, would it? Interesting read.

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 Comment Written 13-Apr-2014

reply by the author on 13-Apr-2014
    Thank you very much. Yes, you are right, if they could use love or anything else they would.