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Commentary and Philosophy

Viewing comments for Chapter 6 "The Creator's Mind"
My thoughts about t

58 total reviews 
Comment from ciliverde
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dang it! I so wish I had a six for this - it is wonderful. I love the photo of you with the long hair and beard. You kind of resemble the paintings of God on the ceiling of the church I went to as a child (if you will pardon me making the comparison). Awesome :)
The intro is most interesting, but the nonet poem itself is really, really good. highlighting the great and amazing diversity of everything on Earth, and culminating on the point that WE TOO are creators. I wish people could learn to use this ability for good - for the good of all people and our home, this planet.
Well done!

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2016
    Thank you Carol. I am pleased that you liked it. It took about a year to grow that beard. I originally posted this about a week before I cut it off.
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There is only one God that can create everything on earth as uniquely as we are and each and every creature that walks the earth. We are created in the image of the Spirit of God. Our bodies are just a temporary vessel for our earthly life.

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2016
    Thank you Sandra. Yes, well said.
Comment from Susanne M. Psyris
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a perfect and wonderful This is My Life contest entry!!! The nonet form is very sweet to me. Love that form and your suite is fabulous. Correction: what is God's must noticeable characteristic? Did you mean "most" not "must"? Just anal about grammar, even in author notes. lol...I wish you best of luck in the contest. This will be hard to beat! God bless and hugs, Susanne

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2016
    Thank you very much Susanne. You are correct. I'll fix that.
reply by Susanne M. Psyris on 29-Apr-2016
    Enjoy your day...keep writing so I can keep reading. *smiling*
Comment from YvonneAguilar
This work has reached the exceptional level

Your words are well said

Time is near
Why hasn't anyone read the word
things can't be changed but unless is
written in the way the bible states
For is written if anyone takes away
from or add God will add
the plagues in the are written
in this book.
And if any man shall take away
from the word of the book of this
prophecy, God shall take away...
and out of the holy city and
from the things which are written
in this book. He which testifier these things said,
Surely I come quickly.
Even so, I come quickly. Amen so, come Lord Jesus.
The grace of the Lord Jesus

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2016

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2016
    Thank you very much for your review, the stars, and your spirit urge poem that you shared.
Comment from trimple
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a very interesting poem you have here
I was particularly impressed with
It's not a surprise, that people too
Are part of the celestial brew.
We're a Human Bouquet,
In some Diverse Array!
Uniqueness being an
Awesome Thing!
We're all part
Of God's
very cleverly written Tom
Kind regards Trimple

 Comment Written 11-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 11-Jan-2013
    Thank you. I've since cut my hair and shaved off the beard,
reply by trimple on 11-Jan-2013
    LOL you appear to play the part well ! :)
reply by trimple on 11-Jan-2013
    I meant to ask, the line
    "what is God's must noticeable characteristic"
    did you mean "Most" ?
Comment from 9999pool
This work has reached the exceptional level

The scary thing about is poem is that it is a revelation of sorts. To have the plain image view that others have seen but not really observed or even understand. I am sure this poem will have a lot of support from the believers but as a writer and a poet, we have put aside our belief that God EXIST. And review this poem on a stand alone basis to give it the proper critique it deserves. To write so nobly with such clarity does deserve a 6 STARS. But that aside, from the literary viewpoint, it did hold water within the realm of 'God's Creations and EXISTENCE' base on the observations our human naked eye. On closer scrutiny, it is all flawed. I am saying that because I preferred to dress in the clothing of the 'DEVIL' (if he existed, of course, LOL) and critique it - a view that will be so different from that of the believers of GOd and even the Ateist!

The Critique:

1a) If I am a believer in GOD (spell backward = DOG, don't ask me why pls.), I would have ink the poem the WAY it did. However,
1b) If I am a DISBELIEVER of GOD I would also have ink it this way! Ritchie being cheesszzky again? Not really this time around, LOL. Never once in the poem did the author said:" I BELIEVE IN GOD other than my self". of course TC has the option to amend this error after my critique, but I am very sure HE WILL NOT.

2) 'Nothing is really alike' when we view them: the leaves, the veins, the shape, the look, of the same species etc. Based on the imagery our brain gets, this statement is TRUE. However, any learned scientist will say: "Assuming we can bring every leave of the same kind to its atomic level, then THEY ARE ALL THE SAME! And, that is TRUE too". LOL.

3) "HE IS THE CREATOR" - yes, and so is the human kind, including me and you, my friend. E.g. this poem was CREATED by Treischel (TC). Likewise this Universal Critique was CREATED by Ritchie (RT) the cheesszzky (and, of course, cheesszzky was the word created by Ritchie besides cheesszzkier as with this review that he want to portray in 'retaliation', LOL)

4) "I find no contradiction in God's handiwork,
because I can see within His Mind a creation of instantly evolving thoughts ". This line is a REVELATION penned by TC. As all secrets under heaven is a secret of life not for the faint hearted, TC knows what I mean. The hint : 'HIS MIND'. The capital 'H' for His is understandable but why a capital 'M' for Mind? And if he did not get this revelation's answer which Ritchie said it is, then Ritchie will happily reveal the answer to this one (this is the cheesszzkist of Ritchie the CREATOR) - only on request from RC. Hint: the sub-conscious does not lie although we would like to lie to ourselves in this make-believe world dressing in differing 'skins'

5) IF "God is KING" then it is true to say also the human kind is KING in this world. We create, we destroy, and we have the power, perception and ability to change and influence the survival of the world or its existence. Think nuclear and the animal that serve our dinner tables. Usually, only the Creator can DESTROY the things he CREATED. E.g. TC can destroy this poem (maybe he should, so that I had a better chance of winning this contest, LOL) because he is the creator and by pressing "Delete" or "Remove this" and none of us can view it anymore.

6) "The Creator's Mind" - the final crux. Who is this Creator? GOD or TC himself. This one you gotta ask TC but I already know the answer. Well everyone is always treading on thin ice, try running away on this sheet of fragile ice and we will surely drown - as in DEAD! LOL

The 6 STARs says it all. The review is over. Everything under the sun is so plain to see, although different everyday - they all go to the same place/time/atoms. For ENERGY can neither be CREATED nor DESTROYED. Cheers, Ritchie at his Cheesszzkiest. LOL.

 Comment Written 16-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 16-Dec-2012
    I am speechless, except that no need to delete, I didn't come close to winning.
reply by 9999pool on 16-Dec-2012
    Oouch. I think I have step over board this time. But I am sure TC knows the true meanning of this review. Winning? I wondered what the FS team is doing in their bedtime, scrutinizing or night dreaming, LOL.

    But honestly, this the best masterpiece I have read from your works. My grading is this: the longer the review, the better is the writing 33 lines/50 total = 66% marks. that should do, LOL. Ritchie - also speechless.
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! This is a tour de force of poetic forms. I looked for a shape also, but didn't catch one. The rhyme begins to appear later, but not over done.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2012
    Tha k you Bill
Comment from speakup
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well,well that was a very good write I found it has a nice setup it was a pleasure to read the pic was a good one as well great work.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2012
    Thank you so much
Comment from Mishelly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Brilliant insight. It's true. No two things are the same. Even identical twins have something to distinguish them from the other, even if it's subtle. Like God, we also like to create - through words, music, art, dancing etc. I enjoyed reading about your philosophy :-)

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2012
    I love how got it! Thanks for the review.
Comment from allborn66
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think this is a great piece. And based on your poem - I think the picture is fitting. One minor suggestion, I saw the word different on two of the two syllable lines, and it threw me. Dif-fer-ent, three syllable, and how I tend to pronounce it. I suggest "diff'rent" that would drop the syllable count down to two in mind, and I hear people pronounce it that way all the time.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2012

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2012
    Thank you for the review. That's how I always have pronounced it as two syllables, although you are technically correct.