Reviews from

Dear Frank

My letter for the Dear John-Joan contest.

20 total reviews 
Comment from Annmuma
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A dear John letter that expresses the truth and never wallows in it. It reads like a self-help piece with all the advice and direction carefully expressed in a palatable piece. Good job. ann

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2009

reply by the author on 16-Aug-2009
    Thank you very much, Ann. Zee
Comment from OldVet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Alligators, huh?
Debt paid. A new beginning. Good luck!
any one-person [one person]
So now I am here[;] I am less than zero.
"[stray space]Out of here."

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2009

reply by the author on 16-Aug-2009
    Thanks much OldVet. I appreciate the help. Zee
Comment from Cooper Watt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Powerful stuff, darling. You really are going through "something" right now, aren't you? I mean, the "hate" rant, and now this. I wish I were with you right now, to talk, I'm worried about you... As for this dude you've written to/about--the guy sounds fuckin' beautiful. Ha!

Be well, my friend,

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2009

reply by the author on 14-Aug-2009
    Frank was years ago. 20 plus. It was a great learning experience for me. It saved my life. You are so kind to care about me. Thank you, my dear friend. Zee
Comment from MadameSparkle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"Write about what you know" I've been told. I do hope that isn't true in this case. Whether it is or not, this is a very powerful piece, written with just enough angst to make me wonder? I think we should have a competition for the Franks of this world to reply, next, don't you! What could he possibly reply to your letter?

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2009

reply by the author on 14-Aug-2009
    Hi Sparkles. I would love to write his voice. Perhaps I shall. Thanks for the suggestion and thanks for reading and reviewing. Zee
Comment from Belinda
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Actually the idea of suffering through the bad deed of others as a means to 'cleanse' oneself has never entered my mind. But the way you write this 'letter' the passion you put into writing, shows 'logic' and a very strong emotion.
"When you stole my fur coat to go to the track, I was thrilled. When you sold my stereo to bet a horse, I was ecstatic. When you ripped off my boss for the nights receipts, I loved you even more." Good luck with your contest!

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2009

reply by the author on 14-Aug-2009
    Thank you very much Belinda. Hind-sight is a marvelous thing. Zee
Comment from Charles Keith
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Zed,
This is terrific, you would have won your own contest for sure. I - like you - don't believe it is right to set up a contest and etry to win it yourself. So childish -- just another form of Indian giving.

Do you mind if I borrow your letter I might need it soon. All I have to do is change the name and remove the bit about the bars. LOL (non funny LOL!)

All the best


 Comment Written 14-Aug-2009

reply by the author on 14-Aug-2009
    All I have is yours, Dear Keef. You are too generous. Thanks so much. Zed
Comment from Terra Dane
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"I Will Survive" -- great now I've got that song playing in my head, again (Yes, played it a million times during a divorce-- enough times for my three-year-old to learn how to sing it. Anyway, that's what this brings to mind.

I didn't read the contest rules, but this is passionate, strong, and an excellent write.

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2009

reply by the author on 14-Aug-2009
    I used to own a bar and had Karaoke night. I would get all the women who had been crapped on by men to sing that song together. They would sing their hearts out. It was great. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Zee
Comment from babylonia
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is a great one. made me smile. i know that feeling ... all of it. been there and done that. thank god it's over. easy to read and follow. no spaggies. imagery is excellent.
love you,

 Comment Written 14-Aug-2009

reply by the author on 14-Aug-2009
    Thanks honey and congrats on the win. Love you. Zee
reply by babylonia on 14-Aug-2009
    you are welcome~
    thanks again.
    love you,
Comment from Sasha
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I absolutely loved the contest and every entry was delightful. This is such a cathartic idea. Even better than ranting. You did a terrific job and I enjoyed every word. Very nicely done.

 Comment Written 13-Aug-2009

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2009
    People often need the permission to tell the truth. They pull up festering sores from the past and are able to release them. How cool is that? Life is a journey. Climb aboard. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Zee
reply by Sasha on 14-Aug-2009
    To be honest, I didn't need contest to do this. I am famous for my "angery letters". Whenever one of my sisters got one it took her two days to get up the nerve to open it. Oh, how marvelous the power of the written word!
Comment from c_lucas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Somehow, I get the feeling that there is more truth in this letter than you wanted. As usual, it is very well written with you unique sense of humor. I'm sure the other contestants thank you for not entering.

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 Comment Written 13-Aug-2009

reply by the author on 13-Aug-2009
    Charlie, if you are going to read between the lines, you are going to see the ugly. Turn to the light my dear. Thanks for reading an reviewing and reading between the lines. Zee
reply by c_lucas on 13-Aug-2009
    When I read you work, I am in awe. There is no light brighter than you muse's candle.
reply by the author on 13-Aug-2009
    I thank you for that. More than you know. Zee
reply by c_lucas on 14-Aug-2009
    You're welcome, Zee. Charlie