Reviews from

Chasing the Elusive Dream

Viewing comments for Chapter 19 "Nightmares Going West"
A southern couple's journey in the 60's,70's & 80'

49 total reviews 
Comment from Earl Corp
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This reminded me of National Lampoons Vacation. When you're planning a trip Murphy's Law is in effect, Anything that can go wrong will. Thank you for resharing this.

 Comment Written 03-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2022
    Thank you Earl. Yes it was a bit like National Lampoons Vacation. We can laugh about it now but wasn't so funny at the time.
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So much for camping, right, Beth? What an experience. I'd have been scared to death at that rest stop and the fact that one was locked in the prison as you called it. It did seem to be a good idea at first. However, that blew away the minute the tire blew out. Thrilled y'all survived.
Respectfully, Jan

 Comment Written 03-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2022
    Thank you Jan, it was a while before we tried camping again and that time we new where the safe camping facilities were.
Comment from rtobaygo
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello, again:

Your description of the 'camping trip made me simultaneously smile and shake my head. As I stated before (and will again) you have an unique ability to take the reader and bring him into your adventure. The trials and tribulations of making a trip with three young children is commendable. I know in New Jersey you cannot have anyone in the truck bed or you will be ticketed.

We took a similar trip with our two daughters from NJ to Florida and found it exhaustive.

Excellent Post!

Take care,


 Comment Written 17-Sep-2013

reply by the author on 17-Sep-2013
    Thank you so much for the review and comments. The six star rating is very much appreciated. I think it is probably against the law everywhere now but it I don't think it was when this happened. If it was, we were lucky we didn't get stopped.

Comment from Sankey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Top story Beth. What a hair raising adventure. Glad you reminded me of some camping I have done for my book. As you may remember my wife is disabled. My brother offered to take us on a Coaching and Camping trip he was a Coach driver (now deceased)...I said "Richard, are you going to come and help Louise get up off the ground each morning?" because there was no way I could do it. SO that idea got shelved thanks for reminding me.

 Comment Written 26-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 27-Aug-2013
    Thank you Richard, I appreciate the review and nice comments.
    I'm glad you are enjoying my story.
reply by Sankey on 27-Aug-2013
    Hi Beth Geoff here my eldest Bro was a Richard
Comment from Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am delighted you revived this story. Will it become a chapter? I could just see the mattress getting barraged by food and the kiddos tumbling on it as you traveled. Hats off to your Mom. She is a trooper. Well done, Carolyn

 Comment Written 26-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 26-Aug-2013
    Thank you for reviewing and commenting on this Carolyn. Yes, this will be chapter 19. Mom was a trooper but I'm not sure she would have gone if she known what she would have to deal with.

Comment from AprilShower
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This reads like quite an adventure, Beth. You probably can laugh about it now, but back then it wasn't so funny.

My husband and I tried this with a brand new van a few times. It was a lemon right from the beginning. That year all the vans of that make were lemons. Some people I knew had theirs completely converted into a camper.

They tried to get compensated. Their van sat for a whole year(1974), and I don't know if they ever got anywhere with their lawsuit.

All of us have our memories. It's fun to share them.

April :o)

 Comment Written 26-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 26-Aug-2013
    Thank you so much April. We had large Vans later and it wasn't the end of our camping. Every trip had its own set of disasters but this was the last camping trip my mother had to suffer through with us.
Comment from Samuel Dickens
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a mess. In truth, it sounds like something I might have tried when I was in my early twenties. There's just so much to learn. Well, you clearly learned something on that trip--enough so that it'd never be repeated. It reminded me of my older half-brother who hauled his wife and three kids all over the country in a '49 Chevy pickup with a homemade camper on the back.

 Comment Written 26-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 26-Aug-2013
    Thank you Samuel. I guess we learned a little from that trip. We didn't make those mistakes again but we made plenty others. LOL

Comment from writerwish
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sounds like the camping trip from hell. Well you were brave to try it. Camping is like giving birth. You forget how bad it was, so you do it again, then you remember. Thanks for sharing. It gave me a chuckle.

 Comment Written 26-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 26-Aug-2013
    Thank you for the review and comments. I like your line about Camping being like giving birth. I think that describes it well. I've tried it a few times since then and it always has it's moments that make your wonder why you've done it again.
Comment from A Matter Of Words
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That was a journey worth writing about. You did an excellent job of telling in such a matter-of-fact way yet holding the reader right to the end. Your poor mother. A very enjoyable story.

 Comment Written 26-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 26-Aug-2013
    Thank you so much for the review and comments. My mom did get the worse of it. I guess I wasn't entirely unselfish inviting her to go along. She had to spend the most time back with the kids.

reply by A Matter Of Words on 26-Aug-2013
    A great story.
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'd say that your writing has improved since this post which is full of passive voice. Still, it kept my attention with all the unpleasant things that were opening. Your account of the men in the old Ford put me on edge too. I've heard about that rest stop dangers. Now, they always have a night guard around. Your mother must have wanted to really get out of town to put up with the bed and lack of communication for a potty stop. This was the trip through hell and your details successfully prove that.

 Comment Written 26-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 26-Aug-2013
    Thank you for the review and comments. I do need to go back and take out some of that passive voice. I'm glad they are taking better safety measures these days but crime is probably even worse not than then.