Reviews from

With Mother's Milk You Succoured Me

Baby's afterthoughts?

16 total reviews 
Comment from Miska
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi! Peter

The words and feelings written from the perspective of a baby is clever. I know a hungry baby must have great feelings of satisfaction when feeding.In your words you express this feeling clearly. --Miska

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2009

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2009
    Thank you, Miska. I can't think what came over me. Peter
Comment from sara-beth
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, I've never read anything about this subject....but I've nursed three daughters and the bond is really something men should envy. I think I'm going to cry now....

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2009

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2009
    Sara, sweetie, if that's what it's doing for you, I'm so pleased. As a man, I've always appreciated this kind of love in women. It's totally selfless. Peter
reply by sara-beth on 04-Feb-2009
    I know you men get all sensual about breast feeding which is understandable, I kind of got that from your words too, but as a mother I feel it more from the other side, which is much different. Anyway, it was interesting.
Comment from earthlybeing
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a beautiful poem in the babies point of view. I breast fed and it was such a wonderful and natural feeling. Thanks, Jeanette

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2009

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2009
    That's wonderful, Jeanette. Perhaps it's the only really selfless love, and I honour it. Peter
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Peter, what a fanciful and warm poem in nicely cadenced quatrains with strong rhyming couplets - to write of breast-feeding from the perspective of the infant is quite creative.
the intimacy and warm happiness of the experience is conveyed well, and I love the playfulness of the line about changing "shops" partway through. This memory of your family is obviously one you cherish, and rightly so. :-) Brooke

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2009

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2009
    Dear Brooke, a mother's milky love must be the most selfless, and I honour it. Thank you for approving. Peter
Comment from Joan E.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This one didn't quite come along with the first as the usual pair. Maybe it was just the computer's transmission. This poem is a fascinating taking on a persona of an infant. I thought the last stanza especially captured the moment and what a baby might truly be experiencing.

 Comment Written 03-Feb-2009

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2009
    I can only imagine the baby's feelings, Joan, but I'm in no doubt about the mother's selfless giving and nurturing. Thank you, Peter
reply by Joan E. on 04-Feb-2009
    That indicates to me what a loving mother you must have. She must be very proud of you.
Comment from Roisin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow Peter! What a beautifully crafted poem. I love your rhymes and flow and your words are just gorgeous. You have a real gift. Good luck in the contest. Not like you to enter one.

Warm regards.


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 Comment Written 03-Feb-2009

reply by the author on 03-Feb-2009
    It's not that I'm uncompetitive when required, but today I was inspired! Thank you for your valued comments, Roisin. Peter