Reviews from

Come As You Are

A loving friend. Under 1300 words

18 total reviews 
Comment from empire76
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

In many ways your story is very bold. for Christianity and for human tendencies that the Bible speaks against. I hope your readers appreciate the story for what it is, because you tell it without forcing an opinion or making a judgement. Sometimes that's the best way to tell a bold story.

Good job

- After the last song [was sung] and the pastor dismissed
I'd recommend that you take out that part [ ]. It creates the idea of a repetition and your sentence doesn't suffer without it

- ...we do our best to meet people where they are in their faith journey.?
I liked this line very much

Thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2008
    Thank you, empi. I appreciate the great feedback and I will take a look at that suggestion.
Comment from angel of the quill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

a very warm story and hopefully not that fictional.
to many judge and that is a problem many face and decide not to go back too.
i am a mom of five with a husband with issues. not the type in the story but issues none the less. it was their judgemental attitude that drove me to stop going to any church
especially when i asked their help and all they could do is say fix this or don't come.
so i loved the story and wished such a place existed near me
even if i work sundays now at a job that is hardly a joy or worth my working at.

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2008
    I'm glad you liked my story. I pray that you find a church like mine one day. Don't stop looking! I went to 5 churches before I found this one. Bless you
Comment from Hitcher
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That was a nice little story redrider and one I've witnessed with my own eyes. I was brought up in such a religion, and had occasion to witness the finer quality's that religion can offer to all people. My mother is still to this day one of those people who gives without wanting and her faith is all she needs.

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2008
    Praise God! It's so encouraging that His work is being done. Thank you for the great review.
Comment from Lead Scout
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hearing the words taken from a bible delivered by a pastor is a nice thing that will happen in our life especially if we are being touched by the God's words. Wonderful piece.

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2008
    Thank you for the generous review and the kind words.
Comment from ritareeact3
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You definately have writing talent and your story was smooth and keep me reading. My only thought is that I do believe people are born gay and don't choose that lifestyle - but that's my personal belief. In my heart, I can't believe people choose a lifestyle that is so controversial and painful. God bless you for your story!

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2008
    Thank you very much, rita. I appreciate your honesty and your kind words.
Comment from Grace07
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a joy to know that this is a real church, with people who practice what they preach. And a pastor willing to openly admit about his own problem, that would earn my respect. IF we could all learn to be like that and not so hypocritical...

Well, as you can see, I don't think there's anything I'd recommend changing.

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2008
    Thank you very much, grace. I wish there were more churches like mine. Too many believers are left without a church home, searching for this kind of acceptance. I appreciate the great review.
Comment from Rdfrdmom2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

redrider6612, this is an excellent story. It sounds like you go to a church that knows what is important ~ catching people for God and letting Him do the cleaning. I wish all churches would learn that message. Good job.

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2008
    Thank you for the words of encouragement and the generous review. Bless you!
Comment from ccarp
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice focused story. Good details. You do a good job of fictionalizing life.

Dialogue sounds natural. Not normally a religious reader, I finished somewhat reluctantly. Hope you don't mind if the message I take away is 'be who you are'.

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2008

reply by the author on 07-Aug-2008
    My goal was to give unbelievers and lapsed believers something to think about. I appreciate your honesty and the generous stars. Thank you for reading and reviewing.