Reviews from

The Coyote Boys

Viewing comments for Chapter 12 "Counting On It"
Story about two brothers who change their destiny.

19 total reviews 
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, I guess we all have secrets, and most of us, more than a few. But we mustn't forget that once we've told someone, they are no longer secrets anymore. :-) Thanks for sharing another fine chapter. Wish I had a six.

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 28-Jul-2024
    Secrets should remain with the beholder in a lit of cases. Thank you for this understanding review. Gretchen
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It seems to me Matthew had something to do with the disappearance of Dewey's father. I sure Dewey with be happy to know Matthew isn't his father. Now I don't if it might be Huck that attacks Matthew if he follows him. I'll be anxious to read what will happen.

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 28-Jul-2024
    I'm thinking he might have gotten rid of Deweys father as well. But that's a whole other story. Lol. Thank you for this encouraging review. Gretchen
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well written.
So it's a race to see who gets Matthew, Huck or Dewey. One could put him down, the other finish him off.
Good plotting. Nice how you explained why Momma would have ever married Matthew.

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    Thank you, Wayne. Just remember she said life is full of secrets. This revelation might just be the tip of the iceberg. Lol. Thank you. Gretchen
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Things are coming to a head. I don't know if it will be Dewey or Huck who kills that bit of slime. Poor Dewey, it would make him feel so much better if he knew the truth, but now his brother has promised his mother to keep her secret, how will he find out? I think I know, but will wait to see if I'm right!! Lol. This is a fabulous story, Gretchen. Well done, my friend. :)) Sandra xxx

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    This story is draining me. Next up, a new Miranda. I do appreciate the nice review. Gretchen
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, Huck is about the change the world if he's going to follow his father and make sure he doesn't hurt the one he loves. Seems like he does have a love for her since he wants to protect her. What a lot of heavy burdens in the secrets that his mother shared!

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2024
    Thank you so much. Remember she said life is full of secrets. This might not be her only one. Thank you for this. Gretchen
Comment from Rachelle Allen
This work has reached the exceptional level

Ugh. My stomach is in knots more with every chapter. I see your name in my Inbox and my Little Voice whispers, "Oh no; let's hope it's not Coyote Boys." I'm too invested now, though, to stop reading it even though I know it's going to wreak havoc with my head and my heart. Damn you, Gretchen Hargis!! Why do you have to be SUCH a good storyteller????!!!

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2024
    It's only fiction . Lol. This is exactly how I feel everytime I read my 2005 Suburban "Old Reliable" broke down in Amish country. My German heart goes "Noooo!!"
    You crack me up. This one is tough for me to write. After I finish this story, I'm going back to snarky comedy. Thank you for the awesome review and the sixes. Gretchen
reply by Rachelle Allen on 26-Jul-2024
    I'm German, too! It's our good work ethic that's our common denominator. Where's your sicko sense of humor from, though? Because the book entitled "Six Thousand Years of German Hunor is actually a 1-1/2 page 4 x 6 pamphlet.
reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    It isn't what the Germans say that's funny. It's how they say it.
    German knock knock joke.
    German: Knock, knock
    You: Who's there?
    German: Ve will ask zee questions!
    Hope this explains it. But you are right. I'm Irish so I'm guessing the humor is from those genes, the fact that I like dark humor is the German side.
reply by Rachelle Allen on 26-Jul-2024
    Mine is from being Jewish. How many Jewish Mommies does it take to change a light bulb?

    Nevuh mind; I'll sit here in the dark...
reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
reply by Rachelle Allen on 26-Jul-2024
    I knew you'd like that. I liked your German knock-knock joke.
Comment from Samantha Wymer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed reading more about Dewy and Huck after a long day at work. Huck is a very remarkable young man, always curious about the world around him. I love the setting of the family, reminds we how a family should be. Great writing. I can't wait until you post the next chapter.

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2024
    Thanks so much. I'm glad you revisited the story. Gretchen
reply by Samantha Wymer on 25-Jul-2024
    I look forward to the next writing you upload.
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh dear, the confrontation is coming soon, and I am so tense, and have goosebumps. I wish I had a six, but they've all gone. You write this story so well that it fully engages the reader. I feel like they are real people, because your writing is so authentic. Well done!

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 Comment Written 25-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2024
    Thanks so much, Wendy. I'm glad you are sticking with this story. Gretchen
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That's some secret Huck now has to keep! And, if Dewey ever knew, it would give him even more reason, perhaps, to plot to kill him. An interesting dynamic thrown in here and I wonder if Matthew was the cause of Dewey's father's disappearance. You've given me a lot to mull over, Gretchen, in your fascinating story! Thanks for sharing. Debbie

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 Comment Written 25-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 25-Jul-2024
    I would definitely not put it past Mattew to have scared Dewey's father off. Thanks so much for this. Gretchen