Reviews from

Fabric of Life

What life's made of.

19 total reviews 
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Trials is definitely 2 syllables and I can't really see how 'smiles' could ever be 2. In which case I think you are 1 syllable short. If that's the case, could you say loom(ing)? I like the idea of these emotions being woven into the fabric of life. It's a very vivid image all beautifully presented! Well done, Tina, and good luck! Debbie

 Comment Written 24-May-2024

reply by the author on 24-May-2024
    Thanks, Debbie, for your comments! I appreciate your input. Trials is 2 syllables and smiles is 1. I did look at it just now and I still count 15 syllables.
Comment from jessizero
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm not sure if "trials" should be one syllable or two. I counted it as one and found the poem was one syllable short. It makes sense as two syllables, though. If it's two syllables, maybe you should put that in your author's notes. Of course, that's just my opinion, and you can feel free to ignore it. Thank you for sharing, and best wishes to you.

 Comment Written 24-May-2024

reply by the author on 24-May-2024
    I will put that in the notes because I did look it up. Thanks, Jessie!
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a thought-provoking poem that expresses a truth we all experience. When we face challenges, there is always a smile right around the corner if you're willing to look for and accept it. I truly enjoy and appreciate the message of your poem. Best wishes in the contest.

 Comment Written 24-May-2024

reply by the author on 24-May-2024
    Thank you so much. Your comments mean a lot!
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lovely wee poem you have here, my talented friend. Beautiful offering in only 15 syllables! A ribbon winner in my eyes.

Sending you my best today as always, and my very best wishes in the upcoming contest.
Sal Xoxo

 Comment Written 24-May-2024

reply by the author on 24-May-2024
    Thanks, dear Sally. I really only enter contests to challenge myself to do my best. There are so so many talented writers on here, like yourself!
Comment from Jesse James Doty
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, the trials of life are what we tolerate and the smiles are how we cope with the trials of life so they are comingled in our lives. I agree with this statement made in a 15-syllable poem. Creative and clever with a style all your own.

 Comment Written 24-May-2024

reply by the author on 24-May-2024
    Thank you, Jesse!
reply by the author on 24-May-2024
    Thank you, Jesse!
reply by Jesse James Doty on 24-May-2024
    You're welcome, Tina.
    Enjoy the weekend.
reply by the author on 24-May-2024
    I sure will! You do the same:)
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How very beautiful! Yes they do weave the fabric together and both are necessary for learning and growing. I love the presentation, and wish you success in the contest!

 Comment Written 24-May-2024

reply by the author on 24-May-2024
    I appreciate you, Wendy! Yes, both are necessary to grow us. Thanks for getting that:)
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem reminds me of the "Fates" of Greek mythology and the one had the scissors to cut the end of the life line. I like your metaphor of the "fabric of life" and yes, all lives are full of smiles and trials. Best wishes in the contest!

 Comment Written 23-May-2024

reply by the author on 23-May-2024
    I used to love mythology as a kid. Your comment makes sense.
    Thanks for the review! I wish you smiles!
reply by the author on 23-May-2024
    I used to love mythology as a kid. Your comment makes sense.
    Thanks for the review! I wish you smiles!
Comment from Pamusart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Tina. This looks like a good entry for the contest. Good luck with that.!

I ran out of six stars. If I had one, I would've given it to you You have said something very profound with very few words. That is not easy to do with any measure. I've been reviewing post after post with these with limited syllable poems and yours is the best I've seen so far.

Great job. Thank you for sharing.

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 Comment Written 23-May-2024

reply by the author on 23-May-2024
    Coming from you, this nice review means more than stars. I SO want to learn and grow, so I will keep this treasure of words in my heart!
    I appreciate you, Pam!
reply by the author on 23-May-2024
    Coming from you, this nice review means more than stars. I SO want to learn and grow, so I will keep this treasure of words in my heart!
    I appreciate you, Pam!
reply by Pamusart on 23-May-2024
    Smile. Thank you for the compliment
reply by the author on 23-May-2024
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a well written 15 syllable poem for the contest and I wish you the very best in the contest. May you have a wonderful weekend and may God bless you. Patricia .

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 23-May-2024

reply by the author on 23-May-2024
    Thank you, Patricia. These small poems are so hard to do so I appreciate your thoughts!
    May God bless YOU, sweet friend!
reply by the author on 23-May-2024
    Thank you, Patricia. These small poems are so hard to do so I appreciate your thoughts!
    May God bless YOU, sweet friend!