Reviews from

Silly National Days

Some Strange and Some Nice

42 total reviews 
Comment from Mintybee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is funny looking up all the National Days that go by. National Talk Like a Pirate Day is a fun one, too. The fun colours and font added to the playfulness of your poem. The internal rhyme was a fun choice, too.

 Comment Written 15-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 15-Apr-2024
    Hi Mintybee, I love that idea and wished I used it as I did see that. Someone else actually mentioned it too. Argh! LOL.

    I thank you for the fun review and comments. I could have added a hundred more easily but I had to draw the line somewhere. I was afraid of people getting tired of hearing anymore. Thanks for having some fun with me on this one, my dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

-Very nice artwork and presentation, Debi.
-Your notes are appreciated, as well as
your efforts researching National Days.
-They come up with some weird ones,
but offset those with good ones, too.
-Talking Shakespeare could be fun, but
you would have to practice a lot.
-I'm one of the few people who likes fruitcake!
-I agree, No appreciation for squirrel day
although they do entertain with their antics.
-I totally agree about World Peace and friendship, too.
-Very well done, special friend.

 Comment Written 15-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 15-Apr-2024
    Pam, for Shakespeare, I would have to say, "To be or not to be, because his poetry's not me."

    I thank you for the fun review and comments. I could have added a hundred more easily but I had to draw the line somewhere. I was afraid of people getting tired of hearing anymore. Thanks for having some fun with me on this one, my dear friend. Love, Debi
reply by Pam (respa) on 16-Apr-2024
    You are very welcome, Debi, and I agree about drawing the line. I enjoy having fun, dear friend. It makes the world a better place.
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

LoL it's funny. You have a good list. I didn't realize there are so many silly holiday days. Beautiful presentation! I like free verse. You always write a lot... it's a talent. I wonder how you find the time.


 Comment Written 15-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 15-Apr-2024
    Hi Marival, thank you for your kind words, but I don't think I have ever told you that I write a lot because I am so crippled up. I don't watch much TV and only got some use of my legs back a year and a half ago when I had my last major surgery with new knees and reconstruction on my legs.

    Otherwise I had been in a wheel chair for years. And it isn't working too well as I can only be on my feet for a few minutes at a time.

    Lupus has taken its toll on me, and I have had so many surgeries that the doctors tease me about being the real bionic woman. Now they would like me to have my third major spine surgery and I have said no.

    So they did more injections but they are not working. I live in such pain that the only thing that helps it is mind over matter. I've done the pain killers and medical cannabis and I love my mind too much to stay on that route.

    I write a lot somedays and not so much others. I just keep throwing it on paper because my screen time is so limited from shingles in both eyes and that is why I don't review as much as I like because it takes every minute I am allowed to respond to reviews.

    Writing is my sanity and so rhyming is a game for me. This piece was actually rhyming but it was all done internal.

    I am not complaining because I feel blessed to be here. I hope you don't mind me sharing that with you. I thought it was time for me as your friend.
    Thanks again, my sweet friend for your kindness always. Love, Debi
reply by Gypsy Blue Rose on 15-Apr-2024
    My dear friend. I think you told me you have lupus but I didn't know what a huge effect in your health and daily life. You can always reach out to me. I will give you my email address in a message.

    I'm sad about the pain... it sounds very hard and you manage to be so loving and kind with everybody. You are an examplary lady.

    cannabis edibles just relax you it's not like smoking. I have chronic insomnia and sometimes I eat half of a low dose gummy.

    My daughter suffers intense pain from Trigeminal neuralgia. It's a horrible pain in her mouth

    It's a chronic pain condition affecting the trigeminal nerve in the face.
    The trigeminal nerve carries sensation from the face to the brain. She takes medication and edibles. But that's a personal choice. I understand.

    For many years I refused to take medication for bipolar symptoms and it was very hard on my children and me. I ended up in the hospital several times. Now I take medicine and sometimes therapy. I live a normal life.

    Now I understand how much you love to write. And you are so good at it.

    I'm happy we are friends.

    Love you,

reply by the author on 15-Apr-2024
    Before coming to FS I was on THC oils for 2 years but now maybe gummies would be better. Every time we seem to relate to something it makes me realize why I kept feeling that awesome connection with you. We truly have a lot in common as I have always admired your writing, but can't help but love you, my beautiful friend.
reply by the author on 16-Apr-2024
    I forgot to add that I appreciate knowing more about you and your families chronic pain issues too. My mom used to always say that someone always has it worse, and I know that is so true. God bless you for all you do for your family and for yourself to keep going too. Since Minnesota was only medical cannabis for years, can you believe it was costing us almost $600. a month to be on it, and now as of August it is recreational too, so I will look into the gummies that you talked about. Are they created equal or is there a certain one that works better?
reply by Gypsy Blue Rose on 16-Apr-2024
    The ones I use are 20 dollars for 20 but they are low dosage. It does get expensive. It would be good if insurance covered it. I asked my psychiatrist if it was okay and he said yes. I hope you find something helpful

    Love xoxoxo
Comment from GoWiSt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! Such a beautiful complementary picture art choice. The lights and colors among the vegetation are stunning!
Good rhymes and multi-color scheme to your write.
"they even have a 69" I'm afraid to ask what that's about LOL
Geez! Who knew there were so many weird national days? Well written.

 Comment Written 15-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 15-Apr-2024
    Hi there my friend, well one guess with the 69 was the speed limit but I know it is all about me because I am 69 right now. LOL....hehehe!

    I thank you for the fun review and comments. I could have added a hundred more easily but I had to draw the line somewhere. I was afraid of people getting tired of hearing anymore. Thanks for having some fun with me on this one, my dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Verna Cole Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love how you cheered yourself (and the rest of us) with your poem for fun or funny days. One I'd never celebrate is "Squirrel Appreciation Day." Instead I'll go for numbers 11-14. Hugs, sweet friend!

 Comment Written 15-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 15-Apr-2024
    Hi sweet Verna, I am with you about the squirrel. And of course I know what the 69 is for. It is to honor everyone like me who happens to be 69 yrs old. LOL. Hehehe!

    I thank you for the fun review and comments. I could have added a hundred more easily but I had to draw the line somewhere. I was afraid of people getting tired of hearing anymore. Thanks for having some fun with me on this one, my dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh wow! This had to be fun to write. I posted a couple of these National Days last year which centered around food (ice cream, grilled cheese, donuts and lasagna days) and alcoholic drinks (bourbon and rum). They were fun writes.

I loved how you intermingled these select few days into your "super style" poetic mastery!

As usual, I'm in a better place after reading...

Happy happy Monday!

 Comment Written 15-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 15-Apr-2024
    Hey John, it was fun to write. And it got me out of my slump after I heard that Israel had been attacked by Iran. So I needed a pick me up.

    And of course you and I know what the 69 is for, right? It is all about others who share the same age as us. LOL.. heheheheh!!

    I thank you for the fun review and comments. I could have added a hundred more easily but I had to draw the line somewhere. I was afraid of people getting tired of hearing anymore. Thanks for having some fun with me on this one, my dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thanks for cheering us up with these fun national "holidays" !! Hooray for World Peace Day and I Love You Day. I guess we should all write like Shakespeare on the 23rd of this month!

 Comment Written 15-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 15-Apr-2024
    What? You aren't going to party with Patch for hairball day? Hahahaha!
    But I will celebrate those things with you too, dear friend, as I guess they weren't all silly after all. Except Shakespeare, I never liked him or his writing so I skip that part.
    Thanks for all the kind words for my silly National poem, my lovely friend.
    Love, Debi
    P.S... I just found out that Rhonda's mother in-law passed away last night so waiting to see if I can let others know with a poem. I never like to do it without their permission. But thought I would tell you in case you'd like to wanted to privately message her.

reply by lyenochka on 15-Apr-2024
    Thank you! So many difficult things for our friends here!
reply by the author on 15-Apr-2024
    I know. I am so thankful that right now you are ok, and am praying hard that your brother will be getting the right help for him. 🙏
Comment from DeboraDyess
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Debi, you absolutely gave me a grin. :)
Great use of those days (since I doubt many people actually use them at all!). Let's write in Shakespearian speech next week! lol. What dost thou think?
Hmm... Better work on that... lol
Thanks for all, both the bad news and the good poem

 Comment Written 15-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 15-Apr-2024
    Oooh, Deb, thank you so very much. You are too sweet. This was fun to do and Karenina and I are thinking about doing a book later where someone picks a national day to write about. I love silly versus the alternative.

    About Shakespeare, I say, "To be or not to be, we will have to see."
    Dang, can't stop the rhyming thing. LOL.
    Love, Debi
    Thanks for your awesome review and comments.
Comment from Bobby Jo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

charming. I could go for a national fun day, or sleep day, or even national ride your horse day. I thought this was clever. don't want it to be forever. But would like to see a national do nothing day.

 Comment Written 14-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 14-Apr-2024
    Bobby Jo, I thank you for the fun review and comments. I could have added a hundred more easily but I had to draw the line somewhere. I was afraid of people getting tired of hearing anymore. Thanks for having some fun with me on this one, my dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for giving all of us something to chuckle about. I can imagine there is a day for everyday of the year and most are pure nonsense but so much fun. Thanks for sharing.
Smiles, Debi

 Comment Written 14-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 14-Apr-2024
    Awe, Carol, thank you for the fun review and comments. I could have added a hundred more easily but I had to draw the line somewhere. I was afraid of people getting tired of hearing anymore. Thanks for having some fun with me on this one, my dear friend. Love, Debi