Reviews from

Jonathan's Story

Viewing comments for Chapter 21 "Yum ... not!"
Our fostering journey with a severely disabled boy

21 total reviews 
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can't believe this disregard for someone's quality of life in a home meant to be caring and thoughtful. They want Jonothan tube fed for convenience and care nothing about his enjoyment. Your continued fight must be tiring Wendy and I admire your tenacity to carry on supporting Jonathan. A sad post and I am glad you are exposing this story which should be published in a major Newspaper to shame these homes. A fine post, love Dolly x x x

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2024
    Yes, it was very tiring. I was teaching full-time, helping to timetable a school of 1400 and 130 staff, and organising international excursions for students as well, before, during, and after all this. Thanks so much for your very understanding review. and yes, such places and practices do need to be shamed.
Comment from Paul McFarland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I was waiting for some intervention by Luca. Hopefully you mentioned him because he will help you to address the problems that Jonathan is having.

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2024
    In a small way, later on, in a couple of chapters. First, I reach breaking point. Many thanks for your review. I am glad you are still reading and reviewing.
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dang. Poor guy is denied repeatedly about his one pleasure, other than music. He is dehydrated, yet they never made a connection with the Thick-it. (A brand of thickener here in the states). They just didn't give a shit. Pardon my language, but this is why the Health care system is too messed up. Too many bureaucrats. Put mothers in charge . Lol. Gretchen

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2024
    Yes, if mothers were in charge, there would be more care for these people, for sure. And fewer wars as well. I am so glad you are continuing to follow, Gretchen. Your reviews mean a lot to me.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am hoping this lawyer uncle was brought in to help fight for Jonathan's rights. I would love to see that happen. I am so happy Jonathan had you in his corner. It's sad to think other disabled children/adults don't have that.

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2024
    Thank you very much Barbara. There are so many who have no one to advocate for them. Thank you so much for reviewing - much appreciated, as always.
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I find it very disgusting that they would not follow the recommendations of the independent person that have been brought in when it came to Jonathan's eating. This story is compelling to me for the very reason that I've met my late husband as a result of his cousin, having cerebral palsy. my husband would take him in other young people who were physically disabled to parties, and that is where I'm at my husband so your story touches my heart greatly. Patricia .

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2024
    Your husband must have been a very caring and compassionate man. I am pleased. And I am glad that you understand the situation so well. Thank you so much for your ongoing interest and reviews. Much appreciated.
reply by patcelaw on 12-Mar-2024
    When I met my husband, he had a Plymouth vehicle with a large trunk in the back and he picked up four people who were in wheelchairs. He was able to put three of the wheelchairs in the trunk, but one wheelchair needed to be put inside the car, the inside of the car was big enough that they were able to put the fourth wheelchair between the front seat and the backseat and the passengers who were in the backseat, didn?t complain at all about it being so cramped because they were going to go to a party and Mr. Wayne was going to take them there. They were always excited.
reply by the author on 12-Mar-2024
    How very beautiful. What a good man!
Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If not for you, Wendy, I hate to think what would have become of Jonathon.
You've given so much to this young man, treating him and worrying for him as he was your own child.

These organizations have all the power behind them and unfortunately it's the Jonathon's of the world who suffer the most. Despicable is what it is.

Another well written chapter complete with the love you have for him!


 Comment Written 12-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2024
    Thank you so much John. Yes, he became as valued as my other children, and they never ceased to care for him too. This all reached breaking point in the next chapter.
    Many thanks for your review.
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The picture might have been a painting of Jackson Pollock. Maybe, valued on a wall, but yucky if presented on a menu.
Your battle for Jonathan, and a release by another FanStorian has me muse
what Americans battle for abortion rights/wrongs. Just proves there is an opposite in all things. Another well versed chapter.

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2024
    Thank you Tom for this thoughtful chapter. Abortion is much more common now, because most people don't value anyone with a disability, despite all they can offer and teach us.
    Thanks so much for reviewing.
reply by Tom Horonzy on 12-Mar-2024
    Do you think God had a purpose in giving someone a chance to be a Good Samaritan, and will Jonathon be resurrected without his disabilities?
reply by the author on 12-Mar-2024
    I believe so, and yes, I believe God is a God of love, mercy and grace, and I have explained about salvation to him, and I think we will have a new resurrection body which will be perfect.
reply by Tom Horonzy on 13-Mar-2024
    me, too
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My heart breaks for you and Jonathan. For every other child who has been unfairly treated by caretakers. If they don't really want to do what's right for their "person" then they shouldn't be in the field. And sweeping it under the rug or simply ignoring it should be a crime. How horrible!
Smiles and hugs, Carol

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2024
    You are so right - they shouldn't be in the field. Keeping people alive has to be accompanied by maintaining quality of life. They just didn't want him to die on their watch and didn't care what compromises to his well-being were being forced on him. Thanks so much for your very understanding review.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I was wondering if you could catch these people out, they would seem that they didn't care at all, and never counted Jonathon as a human being, it seems to me that was it. People have to die be it caused by neglect, and easily provable. Well done Wendy, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 12-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2024
    Yes, you are exactly right, very sad and uncaring. Thank you for your kind review, always appreciated.
reply by royowen on 12-Mar-2024
    Well done
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very well written, but extremely distressing.
But what to do? Without a viable option (a different home setting), you were in a real bind. Any win on your part, and Jonathon would be made to suffer.
I was surprised to learn of the grandparents' lack of involvement.
Best wishes.

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 Comment Written 12-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2024
    The grandparents were very old, and simply treated him like a baby, but after their son's death, the visits really ceased. They never came to us to see him. It all reached a climax in the next chapter ... another hard one. Thanks so much for reviewing. Always appreciated, your reviews are caring and understanding.