Comment from
Pam (respa)
-Very nice artwork and presentation, Gypsy.
-Do you remember adewpearl doing Whitney poems?
-I used to write quite a few when I first joined.
-It's nice to see it coming back.
-You did a good job with yours.
-I like the opening lines with a positive mood and tone.
-Good closing lines.
-Effective imagery and positive message.
-Well done.
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Comment Written 29-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 29-Jan-2024
I joined fanstory right after she left for health issues. So many poets wrote poems for her. Dean talk to me about her, she was very supportive of his work. I'm sorry I missed her. She sounds like a wonderful lady.
I read Shelley's Whitney poem and decided to try it.
Thank you very much for your excellent review and kind words.
Gypsy hugs
reply by Pam (respa) on 29-Jan-2024
You are very welcome, Gypsy. I appreciate your reply.