Reviews from

Poems to Publish

Viewing comments for Chapter 26 "Falling Short"

33 total reviews 
Comment from Ginda Simpson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Debi, thank you so much for sharing this. I needed these words today and you have written them with such pure intent and deep feeling. A wonderful poem that reflects your unwavering faith in God.

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2023
    What a delightful review to return home to after being gone for a few days.
    I can?t thank you enough Ginda, for the lovely comments. All went remarkably well at the reunion that I have been planning for months, so now to get some well needed rest. Lol. Thank you again, my very dear friend.
Comment from JSD
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A lovely poem, Debi. Perfectly structured with its effortless rhyme and rhythm, unforced and natural sounding. And your faith and conviction shine out of your writing. Well done and thank you for sharing this.

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2023
    What a delightful review to return home to after being gone for a few days.
    I can?t thank you enough John, for the lovely comments. All went remarkably well at the reunion that I have been planning for months, so now to get some well needed rest. Lol. Thank you again, my dear friend.
Comment from Janis Miller
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That is a lovely picture of your grandchildren! They really are a great example in some many ways of how God wants us to be. The gift is learning from them, and so many people miss it. The last stanza felt a little off rhythm to me when I was reading it. (That could just be me, but I read it a few times and found myself stumbling over the words.) The last line in the first stanza also felt like it was just missing one more syllable to have an easy-to-read flow. Those are my only two nitpicky things and are just my humble opinion for what it's worth.

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2023
    Hi Janis, you must be new here and I do welcome you. The problem with that you haven't enough knowledge of how we review here to know you can't mark someone down when you don't understand the club entry and know what its about. A 4 star review on a poem like this knocks out a six and its ranks for the month, MY meter and syllables were spot on and I'm known for this kind of poetry,. Perhaps you weren't reading it wrong. You,say it seemed to be missing syllables but you didn't count them? '

    I ,Appreciate your review but there is nothing that merits a 4 star review here.
reply by Janis Miller on 02-Oct-2023
    I think you are incorrect. The rules of the website specifically state not to defend your work in such a manner as you are now. In fact, there is an entire FAQ regarding reviews, which I familiarized myself to be sure nothing had changed, which it hasn't. I am also not new, just my account. I used this site on off over many years 10+ actually, (often with a new account just because I forgot the previous one). This reply shows nothing but arrogance and pride which is interesting considering the poem that you just wrote about. I don't think you do actually appreciate my review and that is fine, but let's be honest with one another when we are speaking. This is my opinion, whether or not YOUR meters and syllables were spot on or not. The reader, (that's me), did not find it easy to read through in a few spots. Maybe someone else feels different about it and that is fine. I wouldn't argue with their opinion, because it is an opinion. I had to pause a few times and read it again to try and find a flow after it felt like it changed. Whether or not you agree with that assessment is not my business. I even went back to be fair and read it again. I'm sorry that you are bothered by this, but perhaps for both of us, I think I would rather just not read or review your poetry any longer if this is how you respond to people who share their opinion in a respectful way. I think that will probably solve this problem for the both of us, but what a shame, because it shows you did not really mean what you wrote.
reply by Janis Miller on 02-Oct-2023
    I am also copying and pasting the "guidelines for replying" rules to refer to in the future should someone else have an opinion that you do not like.

    We recommend that you take a moment to write a simple "Thank You" to each person that comments on your writing by using the comment "reply" feature. It shows readers that you are reading the comments and encourages them to continue rating your work.
    Sooner or later you will receive a comment that you disagree with. Your initial reaction may be to question the review and defend your work. Doing so is strongly discouraged by the site.

    Authors should not reply negatively or request that a reviewer change his or her rating. An opinion is subjective and is therefore always correct.

    The site expects you to receive unfair and inaccurate ratings and has protections in place against them. The site excludes the highest and lowest rating on your work once it receives ten comments. You can see what reviews were excluded by looking at the individual comments for a specific work. There are also other less visible checks and balances in place. In short, ratings that are not accurate will have a negligible impact on your rating and rank.

    So feel free to use the reply feature and private message system to enter a dialogue with a reviewer in a friendly manner about specific points they brought up in a comment. Or feel free to contact a reviewer if you have made changes based on that reviewers feedback. But do not use it to attack a reviewer or to be defensive about your work.

reply by the author on 02-Oct-2023
    I am so sorry if you took what I said as an attack. And we are all aware of the rules. That was not at all the intention, but to help you understand, because I see those who rate on opinions alone don?t last long.. Please accept my apologies. This piece in particular meant a lot to me. Thank you for reading. I am sorry that text doesn?t pick up tone, because I did not mean it in anger.
reply by Janis Miller on 03-Oct-2023
    I thought for a long time before deciding to reply again. I do appreciate the clarification regarding the intent of your reply. I do have to wonder if the reason why people don't "last long" on this site for giving reviews of their own opinion, is because of the backlash that they receive and therefore people who are genuinely just giving an honest opinion are bullied out. Someone could give any one of my poems a rating of a 2 simply because they just don't think it is interesting and that is a FAIR review that whether I like it or not, I will have to accept. If we hope to improve our work (and no one should have the impression that they are above reproof or a reader's opinion) then we should be able to humbly and graciously accept ALL reviews whether or not we think that person is qualified to make it. It is not a personal attack on someone's character. Otherwise, what happens is people start to give fake reviews. They tell you what you want to hear, because they don't want to deal with confrontation or making people upset. Is that beneficial to anyone? Iron cannot sharpen iron if we are putting a layer of cotton in-between. So, I stand by my rating and that doesn't mean I think it is a poem that isn't worthy of being read. It is just what I subjectively would rate it. I wouldn't even rate every single poem that Emily Dickinson or Edgar Allen Poe wrote as all being 5 stars. I don't care how famous they were. That is the importance of subjectivity. I think that is really all I have to say on the matter. I don't harbor any ill-will or bitterness. I waited until I had plenty of time to think and let any strong emotions pass. Just a discussion at this point between two writers (and two Christians I am assuming) so...reconciliation is always on the table even if we differ on opinion.
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Debi--

You are so right, He is waiting for you to return, and He will embrace you and welcome you home. BUT NOT ANY TIME SOON if all of our prayers have anything to say about it!

Your poem is so honestly penned it brought a lump to my throat. We are only human, after all. Who understands that better than our Creator?

You keep being you....and dodge that oncoming train! Your journey has many many years ahead of you!

Keep writing and inspiring. That's your super-power! Love the song too!


 Comment Written 02-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2023
    What a delightful review to return home to after being gone for a few days.
    I can?t thank you enough my sweet K, for the lovely comments. All went remarkably well at the reunion that I have been planning for months, so now to get some well needed rest. Lol. Thank you again, my very dear friend.
reply by karenina on 05-Oct-2023
    I'm so glad your reunion went smashingly! Boy, did you ever deserve that! Get some rest... just not ETERNAL rest, ya hear? (smile)
Comment from Mary Vigasin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great photo!
An incredible and strong showing of your faith, and when overwhelmed, it is your faith that gives you strength.
The font adds strength to your words, however, it makes it difficult to read.
Best wishes,

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2023
    What a delightful review to return home to after being gone for a few days.
    I can?t thank you enough Mary, for the lovely comments. All went remarkably well at the reunion that I have been planning for months, so now to get some well needed rest. Lol. Thank you again, my very dear friend.
Comment from Teri7
This work has reached the exceptional level

Debi, This is a very beautiful and very well written poem for the contest of what God desires of us. Thank you for that great scripture and the lovely song. I appreciate you joining in and inspiring us all! love you dear friend, but God loves you so much more!!!

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2023
    What a delightful review to return home to after being gone for a few days.
    I can?t thank you enough Teri, for the lovely comments, as well as the equally lovely six stars. All went remarkably well at the reunion that I have been planning for months, so now to get some well needed rest. Lol. Thank you again, my very dear friend.
reply by Teri7 on 05-Oct-2023
Comment from Carol Clark2
This work has reached the exceptional level

I like your like about God giving heart compassion checks. And yes, we all fall short in that area. Continued prayers for your healing. I hope the infusions are helping you. This poem is a great testimony, Debi. Thanks for sharing your heart. Blessings. Carol

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 09-Oct-2023
    Carol, I am so sorry this is just getting responded too right now. I was sure I had, but sometimes I think that I accidentally push the next page button or didn't make sure the save button saved. All I know is that I am so sorry, Hon.
    I truly did appreciate this wonderful review with your six stars and such awesome comments. I always read them right away, even if I can't get to them then. I don't know if this ever happens to you, but once again I apologize.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your caring words. The infusions started up again two days after the reunion was over and they are much like the chemo that I remembered. Yet they are not chemo, just feels like it. But I will put up with it if they help. Thanks so much for caring, my very dear sweet friend.
reply by Carol Clark2 on 09-Oct-2023
    I've been so far behind on FS. I've only posted once in about a month, and I finally caught up with reviewing. It's never a problem to me that others get behind a bit, as I fully understand. Life is busy for all of us. Thanks for your sweet words. Praying for you as you undergo the infusions, and special prayers that they help.
Comment from aryr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was just about the most inspirational poem that I have ever read, Debi. The picture of the young children was wonderful as was the video. I loved how you provided enough information that you definitely gave enough that included the youngsters. Very well done and greatly enjoyed. Blessings n Hugs!!!

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2023
    Ali, you are so darn sweet and I just thank you so very much for the loveliest comments. You truly made my day and I appreciate it so very much!
reply by aryr on 01-Oct-2023
    You are so very welcome, Debi.
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is such a lovely heartfelt poem. I think about all my shortcoming and realize that I am blessed far more than I deserve. Like you sometimes there is so much to do that I don't feel I have the time to stop and think. What God requires of us isn't that big of a burden and he is willing to take what we consider burden on to himself. We all need go to verses. Yours is a good one.

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2023
    Beth, you are so darn sweet and I just thank you so very much for the loveliest comments. I have been so backed up with this reunion stuff and then being away for six days, I actually fell asleep a couple times without even giving thanks. So you did make me feel a little better, that it happens to all of us. You made my day and I appreciate it so very much!
Comment from Katie Mae Dead
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Debi.
Lovely tribute to the faith in 8/6 syllable lines which are somewhat difficult to do. They flow nicely but the accent on the syllables in some of your lines are a bit askew.

da-DUM, da-DUM, da-DUM, da,-DUM =8

da-DUM, da-DUM, da-DUM =6

I do it by ear but I have a degree in music so it comes easy for me. You can always check your dictionary for the accents on your words.
Thanks for writing this. We all need to be reminded now and again.

Third stanza, second line Debi. When you go from the first line to the second, I sense something. Then by itself, it sounds right. Actually that's the only line I keep stumbling on.
On another note, how about AT times I get so busy instead of THE times I get so busy
Then, how about BUT will not wallow, instead of I will not wallow.
This is such a great poem. Never rush though an 8/6. They will trip you up if you're not careful. Ive.done the same thing.
Take care and be well.

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2023
    Y'know Katie, I cannot believe I got caught. I always do the da dum and listen for the heart beat and I did not this time as I was trying to get it out to fast. Thank you so much for the reminder of something I do know better and pride myself on. I will go back and fix it right now. Bless you, my dear friend and thank you again,

    Hey Sweetie, I just went back to check on my poem but when I do the heart beat of how I was taught, there is no stumbling points for me. The rhythm kept going without stopping. Maybe with a little exception in one line, but it still flowed through.
    I don't doubt that you maybe know more about it, as it is just coming natural to me now. But could you tell me what lines you stumbled in?
    I truly would appreciate it. Because I really would like to fix it.
    Thank you! Debi
reply by Katie Mae Dead on 01-Oct-2023
    Sure Debbi. Just give me a min.