Reviews from

Grasping the Elusive Dream

Viewing comments for Chapter 10 "Adjusting to Our Newest Daughter"
The Followup to Chasing the Elusive Dream

24 total reviews 
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm allergic to most material so I struggle finding clothes, I'm not allergic to. I understand Connie's problem. When Steven, my youngest was born, the two oldest boys, Greg and Jeff, were 15 and 14. Old enough to know better. I was fixing dinner and asked them to watch Steven, he was probably about 4 or 5 months old. I heard a ruckus coming from the living room, and said, "It sounds like you're playing football, you're supposed to be watching your brother." The answer, "We are, he's the football." I give up. LOL

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 05-Jul-2023
    LOL I can't help but laugh. I'm glad I didn't have two boys. Just one was enough to drive me up the wall. Using a baby for football shoulds like someting Don would have done if he had some one to toss he to. I can imagine your reaction.
Comment from Anne Johnston
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a great chapter! Connie certainly had the hand of the Lord on her side, or she would never have survived. I can relate to your last paragraph, about it being harder to raise our last child than the first two.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 05-Jul-2023
    Thank you Annie. If the Lord didn't look after us, I wonder if any would survive. My baby did have a rough time. You have to do the best you can and pray for them.
reply by Anne Johnston on 05-Jul-2023
    You are welcome, Beth. I often look back and think we could have done better, but we did the best we knew, and committed them to God's hands.
Comment from Bill Schott
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow! I guess all of we youngest kids go through the same type of gauntlet growing up. I was always the victim of jealous siblings who hated that I was the treasured baby and they had all worn out their welcome.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Thank you Bill, I appreciate the review and the six stars. I see how you can identify with my youngest daughter's plight. My books free on Kindle today thru. Thursday, if you're interested. Chasing the Elusive Dream by Elizabeth Shelby.
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Goodness!! You would have needed eyes in the back of your head. Keeping Connie alive was a challenge in itself and you also had Don's mischief and Christi's jealousy to manage, as well as that other child. Superwoman! Well written.
Typo: causing not causeing

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Thank you Wendy. Thanks for pointing out the spag. If you're interested, I have a book on Amazon with stories of what went on earlier. It is free on Kindle today thru Thursday. Chasing the Elusive Dream by Elizabeth Shelby.
reply by Wendy G on 04-Jul-2023
    Thank you. I?ll take a look.
Comment from JSD
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ooh, more excitement to come then! I continue to enjoy these snippets of autobiography, taking the rough with the smooth in equal measures. Thank you for continuing to share them.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Thank you for continuing to read my posts. If you interested I have a book on Amazon with stories of what went on earlier. It is free on Kindle today thur Thursday. Chasing the Elusive Dream by Elizabeth Shelby
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another lovely, well expressed read here, Beth! But, my goodness, what a trial you had juggling the needs of all those children and keeping little Connie safe (who is absolutely beautiful in the picture by the way). We have only two grandchildren (aged 4 and 1) and I can appreciate all too well some of your experience with rough play. Your story reads so easily with pace and interest throughout and once again you know exactly how to conclude to keep the reader hooked. Small edit: Raising Connie was a (different) experience. - All excellent and a delight to read (if a little scary at times!) Thanks Beth.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Thank you Debbie. Parents have their hands full. Some of what goes on doesn't come out until years later when the kids dare to tell their parents. If you interested, I have a book on Amazon with stories of what went on earlier. It is free on Kindle today thru Thursday. Chasing the Elusive Dream by Elizabeth Shelby.
reply by Debbie D'Arcy on 04-Jul-2023
    Hi Beth, unfortunately I don't have kindle :(
Comment from damommy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It must have been hard dealing with so much sibling jealousy. Did it ever get better before they were grown? I suppose Connie got big enough to defend herself at some point.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Thank you for review and comments. Yes, She was a pretty tough teenager and gave her dad and me fits but she eventually turned into a decent fun-loving person that is pleasure to ge around. If you interested I have a book on Amazon with stories of what went on earlier. It is free on Kindle today thur Thursday. Chasing the Elusive Dream by Elizabeth Shelby. You've probably alread read most of them though.
Comment from Ben Colder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Love your story. Makes me remember when my children were young and the things they did. I hope others who read this will do the same. No doubt she grew into being a beautiful woman.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Thank you, You are a faithful reader of my post. My ebook is free on Kindle today thru Thursday. Chasing the Elusive Dream by Elizabeth Shelby
reply by Ben Colder on 04-Jul-2023
    I have no way or device to read it with. My phone is one of those cheap models or I would.
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh my, Beth, what a handful you had. Poor Connie. I wonder what all my kids did to each other, lol. You have a wonderful memory to remember all those details. I was the baby of the family and joke with my sister about the mean things she did, but she never stuck me with pins. I'll have to share this story with her.

Take care,

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Thank you Rhonda, I did have my hands full until they all grew up.
    If you interested, I have a book on Amazon with stories of what went on earlier. It is free on Kindle today thru Thursday. Chasing the Elusive Dream by Elizabeth Shelby.
Comment from Katherine M. (k-11)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am astonished Connie even reached age 5. She seemed to have everyone gunning against her, even the sister who cared for her most, and herself! I look forward to reading exploits of when she's older. kay
hyperactive and had > no and here
difference experience > different experience

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2023
    Thank you Kay. yes, my last child had a rough beginning.Thanks for your help with spags. If you interested I have a book on Amazon with stories of what went on earlier. It is free on Kindle today thru Thursday. Chasing the Elusive Dream by Elizabeth Shelby