Comment from
Theresa Honnigford
Note: out of 6 stars. Haiku is one of my favorite poems to read. This one was especially amazing. I love crows/ravens. They are one of my favorite birds. I was a little confused about the syllable count. 5-7-5? 3-5-6? I am just unfamiliar with that. Overall amazing work here. The images were stunning. Thank you. Theresa H.
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Comment Written 12-Jun-2023
reply by the author on 13-Jun-2023
Hello, Theresa,
Thank you very much for your time, kind review, and helpfull feedback.
Haiku in Japan is 5-7-5 but english haiku is 17 syllables or less in any combination. I love Haiku, I'm a very visual person so haiku is perfect for me. I'm happy you like it too. I teach haiku and manage two clubs in fanstory, haiku club and Japanese poetry club.
I always add websites links in my author notes, along with rules.
These are a few...
reply by Theresa Honnigford on 13-Jun-2023
Thanks Gypsy. Much appreciated.