Reviews from

The Aspen Grove Murders

Viewing comments for Chapter 27 "The Aspen Grove Murders #27"
A Tommy Thompson Mystery

26 total reviews 
Comment from Debi Pick Marquette
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow, so glad that I rested up to be able to explain more how-wonderful it is! Please don't be insulted but this is truly the best and most beautiful chapter of them all! As far as how the wedding was presented to us was brilliant. Who doesn't love love? And I love how you described every detail so lovingly. I also think that is why I love reading all of the beautiful work. Awesome chapter dear friend!!

 Comment Written 23-May-2023

reply by the author on 23-May-2023
    You are just the sweetest thing, my dear! You must really love me and my stories to do this when you're not feeling well. Thank you so much! I am honored and blessed! Seeing stars here!

    I'm delighted to hear I've pleased you again! I think you're easy to please though.

    Sending you my best, and love and blessings across the miles!
    BBB XOs!
Comment from WalkerMan
This work has reached the exceptional level

Twenty-seven is the most joyful chapter in this book so far.

In Section One, Tommy, keeping watch over Fee, got better coffee from the nurse's station than from the malfunctioning public machine, is told by Nurse Lucy that the security footage is not yet available, and was amused by Fee's protests about his sponge bath.

In Section Two, Captain Riley tells Tommy that Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste's bloodhound Samson has found a body at the fishing cabin, and Tommy surmises it's Victoria Elling (Simon's mother). DNA will determine that, but it will
take a few days.

In Section Three, Candace wakes up to find a beautiful love letter from Simon and a single red rose.

In Section Four, Tommy takes Simon to shop for his wedding. Simon first gets styled at The Groom Stop. As several other reviewers mentioned, your way of comparing Simon to Fee is "The apple had fallen far from the tree and rolled into the next county." Simon makes it clear that he won't be like his father. His shopping continues with rose perfume for Candace, wedding rings, baby boy clothing for Daniel, plus lingerie for Candace on their wedding night. After paying that bill, he paid for his black tuxedo and blue suit plus some cologne. After they got all of that to Tommy's car, Simon quickly bought a huge rose bouquet across the street.

Section five is the memorable lovely wedding between Simon and Candace. Considering all the evil events in this story, today's chapter is a much appreciated delight.

Superb, heartwarming, and aptly illustrated.

 Comment Written 22-May-2023

reply by the author on 24-May-2023
    Dear Mike, thank you so much for the wonderful review of my book chapter. The generous stars bless me so. I appreciate them all. I?m glad you enjoyed this chapter in particular, and the memorable wedding scene and love between Simon and Candace. I enjoy writing these scenes so much.
    Sending along my very best to you as always,
    Sal :)))))
reply by WalkerMan on 24-May-2023
    You are most welcome, Sal. You certainly have ways to please your readers, whatever may be occurring in the story. Regarding the love aspects of a story, only one with the unconditional love you have shared for decades despite all obstacles could write such love scenes the way you do. Yes, I did love this one. :))))) -- Mike
Comment from Cindy Warren
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a lovely wedding. I'm so glad Simon turned out to be nothing like his father. I'm not sure if Fee is going to end up dead or in jail, but either way his son and his wife can have a bright future.

 Comment Written 22-May-2023

reply by the author on 23-May-2023
    Thank you for the excellent review and insightful comments, Cimdy dear. Both are so appreciated.
    Sal xos
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well that was a beautiful chapter with everything proceeding smoothly and well. No unpleasant dramas. Nice inclusion of 1Corinthians 13. Well done.

 Comment Written 22-May-2023

reply by the author on 24-May-2023
    Thank you so much for the lovely review of my book chapter. I?m so glad you enjoyed it all and the reading from I Corinthians 13. Can?t get enough of that, can we?
    Sending along my very best to you all, Sally XOs
Comment from Sankey
This work has reached the exceptional level

This was such a lovely chapter. Not a spag anywhere and I can't wait to see where this is going. I loved this unique statement..."The apple had fallen far from the tree and rolled into the next county."

 Comment Written 22-May-2023

reply by the author on 27-May-2023
    Dear Geoff, I'm as late as can be but thankful as I always am. You're terrific! Thanks so much for coming by and for the super stars! Blessings to you all,
    Sal XOs
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Most of this chapter was about the wedding. You are very good at describing every detail so throughly. I feel like I have attended the wedding. This pair deserve all the happiness they can get. Nicely written.

 Comment Written 22-May-2023

reply by the author on 27-May-2023
    Thank you for the lovely review and comments. Both mean so much to me. I hope your hands are doing better. I've been praying for you, Beth. Sending you my best today as always,
    Sal XOs
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
This work has reached the exceptional level

A lovely love letter from Simon to start this chapter off.

"The apple had fallen far from the tree and rolled into the next county." Great line:-)

I can't help it, but every time I read a chapter I wait for someone to jump out and scream, "BOO!" But they pulled it off and are married. Awesome!!

Thanks for another great chapter.


 Comment Written 22-May-2023

reply by the author on 27-May-2023
    I am so behind! Please forgive! I've had injury and illness this week. I appreciate your wonderful review and generous six stars! I'm so honored and blessed, Pam. How sweet you are! I know how hard the sixes are to come by. Thank you, again. Love and blessings to you all,
    Sal xoxo's
Comment from Carol Clark2
This work has reached the exceptional level

Such a lovely wedding ceremony! NIce touch to have Simon read I Cor. 13. Simon's love letter is beautiful! The vows spoken with the rings are new to me. Just curious -- are they from a particular wedding order of service?
Blessings. Carol

 Comment Written 22-May-2023

reply by the author on 22-May-2023
    Thank you for the lovely review and generous stars. I'm so delighted you enjoyed it. I used to be a romance writer before crime/fiction. Sometimes I can't help but the two.

    The wedding vows are from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer: say, With this ring I thee wedde: with my body I thee worship: and with al my worldly goodes I thee endow. In the name of the father, and of the sonne, and of the holy gost. Amen.

    I changed the wording and spelling a little, and as you can see it's old English.

    Sending you my best today as always.
    Sal XOs

reply by Carol Clark2 on 23-May-2023
    It's beautiful. Thanks for the explanation. I've often heard only the first phrase used, but the other two really make an impression that this is a forever decision.
Comment from Mary Shifman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I went back and read Chapter 25--somehow I keep missing them! Anyway, this is a great chapter. I think the wedding is beautiful and touching. I'm wondering how Betty Jo happened to have an unworn wedding gown. Did I miss something in a previous chapter? Look forward to the next chapter.

 Comment Written 22-May-2023

reply by the author on 27-May-2023
    Thank you for the lovely review and generous compliments, Mary. How sweet you are! Sending you my best today as always.
    Sal XOs
Comment from lyenochka
This work has reached the exceptional level

Great way to bring in the Scripture to show the love between Candace and Simon. And even Tommy calling Willa to say he loved her is also a tangible way to show love. A satisfying chapter to bring love to the open!

 Comment Written 22-May-2023

reply by the author on 27-May-2023
    Please forgive my tardinesses, my friend! Thank you for this. I'm so honored and blessed. I know you saved me a six although so many others are deserving as well. I'm glad you enjoyed the wedding and the spiritual aspects of my story. Even while I wrote this, I thought of first Corinthians 13 in our prayers for each other, that as we wait, we would be patient, kind, and long-suffering. It's not easy to love in our own strength. Only in the Lod can we love like this.
    Sending you my best today, love and prayers as you move and resettle into your new home. I'm so excited for you!
    Sal xoxo's