Reviews from

The Aspen Grove Murders

Viewing comments for Chapter 14 "The Aspen Grove Murders #14"
A Tommy Thompson Mystery

27 total reviews 
Comment from Sankey
This work has reached the exceptional level

What a great chapter. And look what I still had for you. SIX! Great reading and not a spag, anywhere, to be found. I guess there is still more coming. Good work!

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2023
    Thank you for the lovely review and generous six star rating. It is most appreciated and needed. Thank you for the six stars as I know how hard they are to come by and how quickly they go. Sending you both my very best and blessings always, Sally :)) xo
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow, Sally, you've loaded a lot of pinch in this post. My head was spinning as I tried to keep up!

It starts with a heartfelt prayer that gives him a positive outlook on his future. The, Fee re emerges and is confronted by his son whom, it seems, is a kinder man than his father.

An angel intervenes at an opportune moment, and Junior gets relocated.

He ends up with Betty Jo, and, maybe, a new lease on life.

Loved it,

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2023
    Thank you so much for the wonderful review and generous six star rating, dear Rhonda. It was so good to catch up with me and bless me like this. I SO appreciate you and your kindness. I?m glad you enjoyed my story and are staying with me.

    Blessings to you always,
    Sally XOs
reply by davisr (Rhonda) on 21-Feb-2023
    You bless me, my friend!
Comment from WalkerMan
This work has reached the exceptional level

Those of us who are sufficiently informed about what is happening all over the world are increasingly worried about the Evil growing around us. Our best hope is in demonstrating our faith through prayer, whether silently alone or verbally with others. Based on my own personal experiences, I know that sincere prayer works, else I would not be here today to say so. We all have Earth Angels around us, just waiting to help implement what is needed, if we participate in the process rather than simply wait.

This fascinating book is full of examples of what can be accomplished through faith and resolve, so Tommy's heartfelt prayer surely has been heard (as the aura following him proves) and will be answered. Tommy's prayer itself is lovely, ranging from humble reverence to clear statement of what is needed and why.

Because there are many aspects to a full answer, angel Patience is helping each person who demonstrates repentance and effort to counter Evil. For instance, Patience has transported Simon to Betty Jo's farm where Candace and her son, Daniel (after her father, not Gaston III as Candace's abductor would prefer) are hidden under guard by Captain Riley and newly commissioned Betty Jo Jenkins, as that will reunite him with the one person he knows will recognize and be glad to see him. Once her abductor, Professor Gaston Paulette, dies or their supposed marriage is declared either annulled or simply false, Simon could marry Candace if her parents understand the friendship both needed to remain sane and hopeful. Betty accepts him so quickly because she is well aware of what Fitzgerald Edward Elling (FEE) does.

Superb, and aptly illustrated.

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2023
    You?re Mike, thank you so much for the wonderful review and generous stars. I?m so glad you?re enjoying this and are staying with me. I appreciate the details and your reviews as it helps me to be a better writer. Thank you again. Sending my very best to you and blessings always, Sal :)))))
reply by WalkerMan on 21-Feb-2023
    You are most welcome, Sal. I review this way because you have told me that it helps you. I mention details so that you know they are noticed when I read. Presence of such items makes the story more realistic. :))))) -- Mike
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2023
    Thank you, again! You help me in so many ways. I'm glad to see your computer is working tonight! Blessings.
    Sal :))))
reply by WalkerMan on 21-Feb-2023
    You are again welcome Sal. Helping you is a joy to me. :))))) -- Mike
Comment from Shirley McLain
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wonderful chapter once again. You did a great job as always. I enjoyed reading it. I didn't see any errors to tell you about. Have a great evening. Shirley

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2023
    Thank you so much for the wonderful review and generous stars, dear Shirley. Your kind review means the world to me. Blessings to you always.
    Sal XOs
Comment from lyenochka
This work has reached the exceptional level

That's hysterical - "mango Popsicle fresh from the deep freezer"!! I'm glad that Patience or whichever angel who was watching intervened to protect Simon. Apparently, there was repentance and redeemable qualities in him. I also liked Tommy's prayer and release of things to God.

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2023
    Thank you for lovely review and super stars, dear Helen. I am so glad you see and appreciate the spiritual theme and the need for prayer. Sending you my best, and love and blessings always.
    Sal XOs
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Tommy has a lot of faith and he believe God will honor his prayer. As far as Fee is concerned, he is evil enough to murder his own son. It is good to have an angel standing by to save the day. Simon is transported to Betty Jo to tell herall about the evil deeds of Fee and prehaps what Simon had recorded about him. The story is taking some interesting turns. Dialogue is excellent.

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2023
    Thank you so much for the kind review of my book chapter. It is so needed and appreciated. Blessings to you always, Sal XOs
Comment from Jay Squires
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A good mix of love, romance and prayer... and supernatural action.

When his sight returned, Simon was gone. [It's unclear whose sight left, then returned]

"Go on, sweet mama! Take your baby boy and go!" [Assuming it was Candace who said the first, was it Betty who said the second? Such odd wording that she used.]

You've written a fine chapter here, despite the two areas above I feel would bring out your intention better. I do wonder a bit about Betty's too easy acceptance of Simon's story. On just his word alone, she puts down her gun and runs off to make tea. I think you should indicate an attitude of more caution toward Simon until his story proves his intention. Just a personal observation.


 Comment Written 20-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2023
    Thank you so much for the lovely review of my book chapter. It?s so appreciated. Sending love my very best to you all, dear Jay.
    Sal XOs
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is an interesting part to the story and I'm so glad Simon was saved from his father. Tommy's prayer was very moving, and I hope the light was to let him know everything would work out. There are two things to think about: In the intro and #13, Tommy reaches for her trembling frame. That sounds a little like an unfinished building, and I know some writers use it a lot, but trembling hands or body just seems better. There is also an extra ending . . . . door creaked (opened) revealing . . .

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2023
    Thank you so much for the wonderful review of my book chapter and for the helpful critique. Thank you I finally caught that. Sometimes my voice over text gives me things i don?t want. Your kind help is always appreciated. Sending along my very best,
    Sally XOs
Comment from Father Flaps
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Sally,
Most of the chapters lately have to do with Tommy and his team, and now we know about Fee. I'm just wondering if there are evil ceremonies going on...somewhere, led by ...whoever, and local members in attendance ...we've yet to discover. I'm thinking you need to remind the readers of the evil right under their noses on the outskirts of Aspen Grove. Maybe I'm wrong, but Fee isn't enough. He's a bit lackadaisical for ever letting Candace and her child go on that mission. He knows it now, but it's too late. Where's Nix? Where's DeeCayed? Where are the witches?
I don't think it would be a good idea to go into much detail, but the readers need to bear in mind that evil proceedings are going on in the nearby woods.
I like the simple prayer request from Tommy. That's all God wants... true faith, a grateful heart, and a simple request for healing (or whatever).
It seems like Fee's world is falling apart. Candace has left him. And now his son, Simon Elling, has come over to the other side.
We need Tommy to be healed, quickly. But he may need some time to recuperate, and then there's a honeymoon with Willa. Where is Sally and King, and her team when you need real experts???
That must have been quite a sight for Betty Jo... a naked man coming out of the bushes, saying he was brought there by an angel!
"Betty Jo reached for her Glock22, switched off the light, and crept to the front door. Pulling back the drapes, she eyed the porch area. It was then she sighted a man in the moonlight as he was coming from the bushes."

Nicely penned!
Keep up the good work!

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2023
    Dear Kim, thank you so much for the wonderful review and generous six star rating. It is most needed and appreciated. I?m glad you enjoyed this chapter and appreciate the play-by-play here with the lines that really helps me. Don?t you just love Betty Jo she?s great. Thank you again and blessings for your week, Sal :))
Comment from Brandon Clark
This work has reached the exceptional level

Best chapter yet! The dialogue is excellent and the way you set the scenes are perfect and form a clear vision for me, at least, in my head as I'm reading it.

Can't wait for more, excellent job on this chapter Sally!!

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2023
    Dear Brandon, thank you so much for the lovely review and generous stars. I am blessed and honored. Thank you so much again for staying with me, and for liking this chapter so much. I am delighted!!
    Sending all my very best to you and yours as always, Sally.:)))