Reviews from

The Aspen Grove Murders

Viewing comments for Chapter 12 "The Aspen Grove Murders #12"
A Tommy Thompson Mystery

25 total reviews 
Comment from WalkerMan
This work has reached the exceptional level

This chapter includes a delight we readers have been awaiting. However, I knew the realities of life might intervene when those two movers failed to properly secure that heavy refrigerator to the interior front wall or either side wall far from just inside the rear door and held only by a thin bungee cord insufficient for the task. Their reckless driving with such a load plus black smoke exhaust suggestive of a poorly maintained truck did not bode well.

Tommy picks up Chase Levins at his hotel, apologizes for being late, and takes I-95 northbound to get back to the police department in minimal time. Frustrated by lane reduction slowdowns because of construction, Tommy moves into the right lane in preparation to exit, but notices the moving truck with no lights and its back door up, dropping unsecured items onto the road. Flashing his lights and using brief bursts of his siren to get the driver's attention worked; but the driver lost control and the refrigerator broke free, flying right at him, too close to avoid.

Meanwhile, Captain Riley was preparing to swear in Doc Stuart and Betty Jo Jenkins, plus arranged for a catered lunch in Candace Van Velzen's honor. There was a funny moment when she appeared with Willa carrying her baby, Daniel, prompting a moment of teasing from Hank.

There was a surprise when Candace found in her clutch the poison syringe she had given to Tommy at the hospital. How it got back was a mystery. Perhaps Patience had done it to prevent its delay or loss in the crash that sent Tommy to the hospital, as she likely knew Dr. Stuart would soon be there and could examine it..

Then the State Trooper's call came in, shocking both Willa and Hank.

When Tommy wakes up in the hospital, he finds Willa asleep in a chair with her head on his bed. From that moment on, their love took over, leading to his proposal to her, thanks to Nurse Debi Marquette's efforts to find him a fine ring and suitable clothes. Of course, Willa says, "Yes!"

Lovely, and a nice tribute to Debi, your most avid reader.

Superb, and aptly illustrated.

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2023
    Dear Mike, thank you for the lovely review and detailed comments. The six stars have blessed me good. I am so glad you enjoyed this chapter and Tommy and Willa?s happiness. Sending you my best today as always.
    Sal :)))))
reply by WalkerMan on 07-Feb-2023
    You are most welcome, Sal. This chapter is among the best in your whole series of books. :))))) -- Mike
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2023
    Thank you! What a wonderful compliment! :)))))
reply by WalkerMan on 07-Feb-2023
    You are welcome, Sal. :)))))
Comment from Cindy Warren
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can't imagine someone dumb enough to load a moving truck like that. On second thought, maybe I can. Too dumb to make a second trip, since it's just across town. Yep, I think I've met that guy. At least Tommy is okay, and he's figured out what he wants.

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2023
    Thank you for the excellent review and insightful comments. Both are so appreciated. Sending you my very best,
    Sal XOs
Comment from Carol Clark2
This work has reached the exceptional level

Such a great chapter! Danger, excitement, an accident, and romance all together. I love that you used Debi's name for the nurse. Oh dear, a second syringe of poison? How did Candace get that? So glad she's been rescued. Enjoyed this chapter. Blessings. Carol

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 08-Feb-2023
    Thank you for the lovely review and super star shine, my friend! I'm delighted you enjoyed it all! The syringe will be explained soon. Stay tuned. Sending you my best today as always.
    Sal XOs
reply by Carol Clark2 on 09-Feb-2023
    I'll be waiting to read the next segment. Have a blessed weekend.
Comment from Jay Squires
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow, what a touchingly romantic chapter end. I loved it.

When you described two of the five hunks from the moving company, I noted to myself how they were the types that slasher horror movies love to kill off as expendables. Sure enough ...

Captain Hank Riley held the phone in one hand and gripped Willa Sams in the other. [This is only correct if he gripped ALL of Willa Sams in his hand. By putting an apostrophe after "Sams" (the possessive Sams') it will make it a substitute for her hand.]

I loved this chapter, Sally!


 Comment Written 06-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2023
    Dear Jay, thank you so much for the wonderful review of my book chapter. It means so much to me and the six star rating is such a blessing. I?m glad you enjoyed it all.
    Sending along my very best to you and yours,
    Sally XOs
Comment from Rosemary Everson1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a joyous ending you wrote; it will continue onto the next chapter. I feel the Mr. Thompson is a human being and his love of his life is also human. So glad that there are human beings in your story. It makes it much more realistic.

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2023
    Thank you so much for your kind review and compliments. So glad you enjoyed it. Sending along we?re very best to you and yours, Sally.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! That was surprisingly quick! How did Nurse Marquette know to get a ring like that so quickly? (Love that you worked in Debi's name in this post! ð???ð???) I guess he must have pre-ordered or something!
Did the demons orchestrate the accident?
Did Patience remove the syringe and evidence bag and place it in Candace's purse?
May I speak with you police chief?" (your)

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2023
    Thank you for the excellent review and kind comments. I appreciate the editing help as always. Tommy asked nurse Marquette to get the ring and something besides a hospital gown to wear. The answer about the syringe is: you must be (patient), It is coming. Sending you my very best,
    Sal XOs
Comment from Sankey
This work has reached the exceptional level

This was a great chapter, once again. Thanks. NNow comments and spags and suggestions. "then ran her fingers through my hair with something incredibly masculine." Are you saying the nurse was really a bloke in drag? Or Nurse uniform?
Captain Riley told me we[re] are swearing in
Captain Riley told me we(')re [are] swearing in

Not an error, just commenting. How come Americans use three words to say something when one would suffice? Eg and I'll [turn the syringe over] (give it)to him for examination."
with you(r) police chief?"

me for what I (was)about to do.

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2023
    Thank you, Geoff dear. No, the nurse was not a bloke in drag. When I was the hospital many times, they are very good about giving their patients grooming kits. Comb, brush, styling products, hand lotion, etc. It's like that. My nurse even washed my hair!

    Thank you for the spag check. It is so appreciated. My blind keyboard gets away from me sometimes. ;))
    Sending you both my very best.
    Sal XOs
reply by Sankey on 06-Feb-2023
    Maybe "Evil Eddy" gets in your blind keyboard, too?
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Five Hunks Moving with only two movers - funny stuff. A man at my gym has a lawn care business called "Two Fit Guys" - him and another guy from my gym. I always thought that was a funny name for a business.

Sentence that begins "Yeah, you could say that." "were" should be "we're" for we are swearing in two more detectives

May I speak with YOUR police chief? Instead of you police chief.

"then unhooked me for what I WAS about to do". Add was.

Nice nod to Debi - I love it!

"I THOUGHT it was perfect. Add the T at the end of though.

Well, wasn't that a romantic chapter! I'm so happy for Willa and Tommy, but I'm dying to know what happened with the syringe and whether or not Candace and her baby are safe.

I guess I'll have to wait for that:-(

Good chapter, Sal! Don't make us wait too long for the next one.


 Comment Written 06-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2023
    Thank you so much! I had quite a few typos in this one. I have repaired them. My blind keyboard is not perfect. It holds typos and gives me near words like though and thought. Your and you and you're are my nemesis. Blessings dear one.
    Sal XOs
Comment from Ulla
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, Sally, how lovely is this. I'm listening to Nat King Cole as I'm writing this. I haven't heard this song for too many years to mention.
Now to your story. It's wonderful and it was a joy to be read. What a beautiful proposal. Ulla xxx

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2023
    Dear Ulla, i?m glad you enjoyed my recent book chapter with a little romance thrown in. I?ve got another romantic one again for next week. I?m glad you enjoyed it all and the Nat King Cole song.

    The six stars are always a blessing as is your presence here on my pages.
    Love and blessings always,
    Sal XOs
Comment from Mary Shifman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very intense chapter and exciting, too. It moves along pretty quickly. I had a little trouble with the quickie wedding scenario and had to go back and read it. It jumped from closing death's door to a lot of kissing to a wedding with nothing to connect it. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that it threw me. I enjoyed the chapter as always. I did notice one problem: "Captain Riley told me were (we are or we're or where we are) are swearing..." There seems to be a word missing.

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2023
    Thank you so much for the wonderful review and kind help. You?re so appreciated. My blind equipment sometimes misses these things and I appreciate you catching that for me. Sending my very best to you and yours as always, Sally XOs
reply by Mary Shifman on 10-Feb-2023
    You are very welcome, Sally.