Reviews from

The Return

Viewing comments for Chapter 32 "The Return Chapter 32"
Erotic Turmoil

31 total reviews 
Comment from alexisleech
This work has reached the exceptional level

I will be so sorry when this wonderful book comes to an end, but I can't wait to see what happens. Hopefully, you will keep us all enthralled for a few weeks yet, and we can enjoy your wonderful writing for longer.
Another great chapter, Sandra, and one that makes me anxious to read on!

Alexis xxx

 Comment Written 08-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 09-Aug-2022
    Aww, thank you, Alexis, that is such a lovely thing to say! It's so nice to know you've been enjoying my story. There are probably 3 chapters to go, depending on how long each of the next chapters pan out.

    Thanks so much, my dear friend, for your constant support, your encouragement and those lovely sixes. Love you lots. Sandra xxxx
Comment from Pantygynt
This work has reached the exceptional level

And we have to wait till next time to find out what lies behind that door. This is another great cliff-hanger as the mystery begins to unfold. There can't be much further to go. I wonder what secrets lie behind that door.

 Comment Written 08-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 08-Aug-2022
    I have the final chapter all worked out, I've just got to get there now. Lol. I'm almost there. Thanks so much for the six stars, Jim, and the lovely review. Love and hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
Comment from nancy_e_davis
This work has reached the exceptional level

I have a feeling something big will happen when she enters the room because something bad had happened there in the past. I am on the edge of my chair, Sandra. Write on! Nancy:)xxx

 Comment Written 08-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 08-Aug-2022
    Oh, yes, something big will happen, Nancy, and you will find out soon. We are getting very close to the day that Meg is supposed to die. I'm so glad you are enjoying my story, and I really love your review. The sixth star is a huge bonus, and I love you for it. Thank you my dear friend. Love and hugs, my friend. Sandra xxxx
Comment from Jay Squires
This work has reached the exceptional level

So ... the room wherein Lord Crowley took his own life is the one Margo (and Meg) resisted entering? Wow, you leave us on such a tense moment! Consummately told, as usual, Sandra!

Miles stood immediately the sitting room door opened [ ... immediately (as?) the sitting room door opened ... Confession, I downloaded this early today and am just getting to read it at 9:00 PM, so much of what I point out may already have been fixed.]

As it turns out, there is nothing more to suggest changing. In addition to being gripping it's nearly immaculate.


 Comment Written 08-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 08-Aug-2022
    Thank you so much, Jay, for this lovely review and all the stars! I made the correction. The compliment you've paid me about this chapter, was so appreciated, my dear friend. Thank you!! Love and hugs. Sandra xxx

    I was so pleased to see you'd won the BoM, and I mean that will all my heart.
reply by Jay Squires on 08-Aug-2022
    Oh, that is so sweet. I think if I were one of the other contestants, I'd have been a little put-out because a play's not a book. However, since they are culled only from ATB selections, and very few other plays are promoted ... if FS had a separate category for plays, mine would be running unopposed. Does that make sense?
Comment from Alcreator Litt Dear
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Miles took a decision, though it was different to Mag, and opened the door; after all, Miles did not want to; well said, well done, post god speed more, share post not 4 self-joy-pride but 4 God and readers worldwide Alcreator Litt Dear (DR)

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 08-Aug-2022
    Thank you so much for another lovely review, my friend. I really appreciate it. Warm hugs, Sandra xx
Comment from l.raven
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Sandra, WOW!!! this was intense my amazing

I knew what Miles parents had done
wouldn't change the love they had for each other...
not when it's as true as their love is...

and I'm glad they comforted each other through the
story told...made me all warm inside...

I mean what his parents had done was cruel...but it
says a lot that they preserved the house...and the help...they could have sold it...or set it on fire...
not sure how I would take them...

so now that we don't have a clue what's behind door one...
on with the story...

another awesome chapter beautiful you...BUTTTTT Margot will
have to be leaving her...well face it...her lovers girlfriends body...or stay close...and apply for a job
as a maid in Megs house...hmmmm...

I soooooooo love your story you...soooo very well written...
if you do draw your readers into your stories...I love it...

well...I saw a couple nits...these are their names...there's
Harvey...Katie...and their kids...Harvey Jr...and Alice...The Nit family...I could have point out more...
but I'm out to the shower...

sending mountains of love coming your way...smiling big...
Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 08-Aug-2022
    I don't think Miles could cope with both Meg and Margot! Poor man will wear himself out!! LOL, so the maids job is out! I hope the Nit family are friendly? Will they mind me standing on them? (❁´◡`❁)

    Thank you so much for this really lovely review, sweet friend, and all the stars (¶◡⁋) I hope you enjoyed your shower! Love you to the moon and back!! Humongous hugs. xxxxxxx Sandra xxx
reply by l.raven on 08-Aug-2022
    I don't know...Miles seems pretty healthy to me...he may be more resilient than you give him credit for...🏋️‍♂️...

    and I'm not sure where the Nit family went...haven't been able to find them sense I took my shower...and washed my hair...hmmmm

    your sooooo welcome amazing you soooooo many...biggest hugs back at you...xxoo
Comment from judiverse
This work has reached the exceptional level

Meg won't let what Miles' parents did to her father and mother interfere with her love for Miles. Of course, she still wants to marry him. Great job of showing Meg's reaction to her parents' house, which is now hers, was very well written. It'll be hard for Margot to return from the past. Excellent chapter. judi

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 08-Aug-2022
    Thank you so much, dear Judi. Nothing will ever come between Miles and Meg... I'm so pleased you enjoyed this chapter, it's getting really close to the end now. 3 chapters, I think, and a possible epilogue. Sending you a humongous hug for the sixth star, my dear friend!! Love and hugs. Sandra xxx
reply by judiverse on 09-Aug-2022
    You're very welcome. I'm enjoying the story tremendously. I've been reading "The Hotel Nantucket" and the ghost character in it reminds me of your Bessie. judi
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

As always an amazing chapter, the gambit of human emotions gets to my sense of confusion, not at your writing, but why do these emotions course through our bodies. I realise that all negative emotions are dangerous, and can twist our sense of right, I guess that's why I sought after hedonistic pursuits. The apostle Paul's words of "Eat, drink and be merry, tomorrow we die," really take meaning. Beautifully written Sandra, as always, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 08-Aug-2022
    I've lost so many friends now, and I know it's to be expected as we age. So, Paul's words do take on a positive meaning. We should all live for today. Emotions are quite hard to put into writing, without it going overboard, so I'm glad you think this is about right. Thank you so much, my dear friend. I always treasure your thoughts on my work. Love and hugs, Sandra xxx
reply by royowen on 08-Aug-2022
    Well done Sandra
Comment from Elizabeth Emerald
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Masterful segue from the devastating revelation--Miles's cautious approach here and his emotions in the wake of the confrontation ring true. Now, pray tell what's behind the door ...

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 08-Aug-2022
    Thank you so much, dear Liz. I love your review, it's a great confidence builder. What's behind the door? I haven't the foggiest idea, I'm waiting for Margot to stop being a drama queen, and get on and open it!! Lol. Thanks again, my friend. Love and hugs, Sandra xx
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is different. Now some of the feeling Margo has is coming from Meg rather than herself. This must mean a some point soon Meg will take back over her own body and Margot will be out which will also mean that the danger of Meg being murdered will have passed. I am eagerly looking forward to more.

 Comment Written 07-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 08-Aug-2022
    You're very perceptive, Beth. Thank you so much for this great review.
    I'm delighted you are enjoying this story. 3 chapters to go!! Love and hugs, my friend. Sandra xxx