Remembering Yesterday
Viewing comments for Chapter 160 "A Wedding On The Horizon"A widow's journey into her relationship with her
19 total reviews
Comment from Spitfire
I wish my mother had kept track of her three children and written it down like you have. The children are all doing their own thing and having more difficulties than I ever had. What really got to me is Carol blaming you for her difficulties. My daughter did the same to me at one time. It broke my heart! A nice cliff hangar at the end.
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
I wish my mother had kept track of her three children and written it down like you have. The children are all doing their own thing and having more difficulties than I ever had. What really got to me is Carol blaming you for her difficulties. My daughter did the same to me at one time. It broke my heart! A nice cliff hangar at the end.
Comment Written 01-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
I'll bet if you could see each day again, there would be much that you've blocked out which was more difficult that you remember. For some reason I remember too much. My husband blocked out most of his childhood and my kids seem to do that too. Kid don't like to admit they caused their own problem, so they figure it must be something their parents did. If they see a psychiatrist, they'll be told their parents caused their problems. Thank you for a great review and the six stars.
Comment from Teri7
Beth, I really enjoyed reading these memories you have written about. I hope it helps you and your children as they learn more about your family. You used very good descriptive words and dialogue. thanks for sharing. love and blessings, Teri
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
Beth, I really enjoyed reading these memories you have written about. I hope it helps you and your children as they learn more about your family. You used very good descriptive words and dialogue. thanks for sharing. love and blessings, Teri
Comment Written 01-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
Thank you Teri. The two of kids who've read the chapters as I write them seem to like it. They know they were loved, so it doesn't matter that they went through so rough patches. They've all turned out well but no one's life on this earth is all roses. There will always be ups and downs in this world. I really appreciate the six stars.
Comment from nancy_e_davis
I don't know how you do it Beth. How do you recall all these events from the past so vividly? It sometimes makes my head swim trying to keep up with it. This sounds like a build up for a big let down. I hope that's not the case. Well done. Nancy:)
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
I don't know how you do it Beth. How do you recall all these events from the past so vividly? It sometimes makes my head swim trying to keep up with it. This sounds like a build up for a big let down. I hope that's not the case. Well done. Nancy:)
Comment Written 01-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
Nancy, I feel like I've had a wonderful but I guess when I sum up a few months problems and up and down into a paragraph or so on each family member, it sounds like a horror show. If I said everything was wonderful it would be a lie, and and a boring one. LOL Thanks for a great review.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
I am wondering if Lenny wouldn't now be coming back into the picture. Hmm. Once again, I enjoyed reading and thank you for sharing.
Once Charlie had made up his mind that he was ready to get married, (omit 'that')
They made another trip to Mississippi to tell Charlie's family about the fact they would being getting married. (MAYBE- tell Charlie's family they were getting married.)
You and I were determined that she couldn't come back to live here, (omit 'that')
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
I am wondering if Lenny wouldn't now be coming back into the picture. Hmm. Once again, I enjoyed reading and thank you for sharing.
Once Charlie had made up his mind that he was ready to get married, (omit 'that')
They made another trip to Mississippi to tell Charlie's family about the fact they would being getting married. (MAYBE- tell Charlie's family they were getting married.)
You and I were determined that she couldn't come back to live here, (omit 'that')
Comment Written 01-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
Thank you for the review and for the comment and help. I was able to leave those "thats" out on the fanstory site, but I'd tried to omit them earlier and my word program insisted they be there or commas in their place.
Comment from C. Gale Burnett
I'm MIA most of the time here on FS, so please forgive the fact that I have not read your previous chapters.
I really like what you are doing here; that is, writing a story as if you were talking to your deceased husband as part of a private or intimate conversation. That's different and unique.
A lot of times, our kids may not really know us, why we think or believe something, why we say particular things, why we feel what we feel. You've done a great job approaching this subject.
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
I'm MIA most of the time here on FS, so please forgive the fact that I have not read your previous chapters.
I really like what you are doing here; that is, writing a story as if you were talking to your deceased husband as part of a private or intimate conversation. That's different and unique.
A lot of times, our kids may not really know us, why we think or believe something, why we say particular things, why we feel what we feel. You've done a great job approaching this subject.
Comment Written 01-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
Thank you so much Gale. It isn't story line you have to follow regularly to see what is going on. My family is capable of coming up with new problems for each chapter. I'm glad you like it.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
If a wedding goes right all they way through the planning and the service, they whoever the bride and groom are, they must have angels watching over them. I don't know one wedding that doesn't have hiccups at some stage. Mine was on the morning of my wedding! I'm looking forward to seeing how your daughter's goes off. You had a very full life, Beth! Well done, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
If a wedding goes right all they way through the planning and the service, they whoever the bride and groom are, they must have angels watching over them. I don't know one wedding that doesn't have hiccups at some stage. Mine was on the morning of my wedding! I'm looking forward to seeing how your daughter's goes off. You had a very full life, Beth! Well done, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
Comment Written 01-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
Thank you Sandra. You know if you put babies in wedding things will get out of hand but this one will have more than that going wrong.
I will look forward to reading that part! I bet you have more fun writing about it, than you did experiencing it. 😊xxx
Comment from Katherine M. (k-11)
I feel sad as I read this. There seems to have been a lot of friction in your house between the two generations at what should have been a happy more relaxed time of your life. Instead Carol blamed you for a lot of issues, Christi wouldn't abide by house rules, Connie made you feel put upon... I hope things improved with time. Kate xx
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
I feel sad as I read this. There seems to have been a lot of friction in your house between the two generations at what should have been a happy more relaxed time of your life. Instead Carol blamed you for a lot of issues, Christi wouldn't abide by house rules, Connie made you feel put upon... I hope things improved with time. Kate xx
Comment Written 01-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
Thanks for the review. There were times of tension as the children came of age. We all survived it and are no worse for the wear. Are you telling me it was all smooth sailing in you family? If so you are the exception.
I had/have exceptional parents aand children. It wasn't always easy, but happy memories rose above all problems, at least for me and my brother.
Comment from Fleedleflump
I think this is a beautiful way to do things - it's a personable memoir but addressing it to your partner this way gives it an involving narrative, as we, the readers are drawn into the conversation. You have a very natural voice and it carries this calmly through to the end. I didn't notice any spag issues, and I enjoyed the read.
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reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
I think this is a beautiful way to do things - it's a personable memoir but addressing it to your partner this way gives it an involving narrative, as we, the readers are drawn into the conversation. You have a very natural voice and it carries this calmly through to the end. I didn't notice any spag issues, and I enjoyed the read.
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Comment Written 01-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
Thank you Mike, I really appreciate the review and comments. I'm glad you like they way I'm doing it. My way of writing is very simple and no one would need to be interrupted to look up a big word unless I misspell somethings so badly they think it is something else.
Comment from Theodore McDowell
Another interesting read. The part about blame and twelve-step programs and co-dependency classes resonated with me and was extremely intriguing. The wedding is sure to have some more bumps in the road.
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reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
Another interesting read. The part about blame and twelve-step programs and co-dependency classes resonated with me and was extremely intriguing. The wedding is sure to have some more bumps in the road.
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Comment Written 01-Aug-2022
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2022
Thank you, Ted. There are many reasons for following a 12 step program. They seem to work. I've had two children that followed them faithfully and it made a difference.