Reviews from

The Return

Viewing comments for Chapter 19 "The Return Chapter 19"
Erotic Turmoil

40 total reviews 
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is good that the two ladies have found some good evidence but to whom will they present it as there's no court case. I guess Miles will have to confront his father and then perhaps the father would repent of his stopping Miles's marriage to Meg?

I like the reference back to the coffee and Bessie's reasons for not liking it when the ladies first met.

Did Margot take a lantern with her to search the attic or was there sufficient light from a window? They had trouble reading due to light later.

 Comment Written 10-May-2022

reply by the author on 10-May-2022
    Do you mean when Bessie said it stopped men giving babies? They did actually believe that back in those times. I think the men drank more so they didn't have lots of children to support! 😂
    I've started going back to the beginning and adding, or removing, parts that are in keeping with how it has developed. I have to admit, it has changed somewhat and that is mostly because of my wonderful readers good memories!!!! I will sort the lighting out in the attic, now! Thanks my wonderful friend. Your help (and memory) is a blessing. I'm not telling you what happens between Miles and his father, thought, so stopped hinting for clues! Lol, but part of what you asked is right, but I'm not telling which part. Love you lots, my friend, thanks for the lovely review. :)) Sandra xx
Comment from blondie560
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Sandra, I missed commenting on last weeks chapter. I'm intrigued by the information that Bessie and Margot are finding. It will be interesting how they get it to Miles and what he does with it. I had a question from last week. What is kedgeree? A cheese maybe? Just to get this in my mind straight, When people see Margot she is Meg, Bessie is always invisible, and Margot is invisible when she's with Bessie?
Have a lovely week! Hugs :) Sally

 Comment Written 09-May-2022

reply by the author on 10-May-2022
    Hi Sally, I missed you, too! Kedgeree is was one of the dishes they had for breakfast back in those days, but today we'd have it as lunch or dinner. This is the ingredients: Kedgeree is a dish consisting of cooked, flaked fish, boiled rice, parsley, hard-boiled eggs, curry powder, butter or cream, and occasionally sultanas. The dish can be eaten hot or cold. It's rather nice, but I don't think I could eat it for my breakfast.
    Yes, when people see Margot, she is Meg, their bodies have merged into one. Bessie is only visible to Margot. I hope that helps? Things will start moving on and all coming together now. Meg's and Margot's birthday is almost here.... Thank you, my friend, for this lovely review, and the golden star, I really appreciate you. Warm hugs, Sandra xxxxx
Comment from Curly Girly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So far, this seems like an intriguing story that I look forward to reading more of.

I loved the movie 'Downton Abbey' but somehow, these names seem too reminiscent of that film:
Lady Crawley
Lord Crawley
If and when this goes to print, it might be a good idea to use a different surname.

Margot's face was creased with rage.
Margot's face creased with rage. (drop the 'was', sounding too passive). You decide.

I love this:
she searched around, but still only came away with her hair covered in cobwebs. -- A good description that helps the reader picture the scene.

Gwendolyn and Richard are at war. It seems to me that Richard is a nasty scoundrel who is up to no good. I'll need to read more!

 Comment Written 09-May-2022

reply by the author on 10-May-2022
    It's strange, but I never did watch Downton Abbey, we were living in Spain when that was showing, and didn't get to see much television. I might change their names. Thanks for the pick-up on 'was', I've removed it now.
    The story is quite complicated, another time-travel story, but with a difference. Meg and Margot are the same people but from different time lines. Margot is in Meg's body trying to stop Meg's murder. Thanks so much for reading this chapter, Nicole. I really appreciated your input. Warm hugs, Sandra xx
Comment from alexisleech
This work has reached the exceptional level

You've managed to crank up the tension in so many ways, Sandra. Poor Gwendolyn expected to feel satisfaction at spoiling her horrible husband's day, but ended up fearing for her life. At least Margo and Bessie are making progress with their investigations - I just hope it doesn't backfire when the time comes.
Another superb chapter that has me begging for more. Well done!

Alexis xxx

 Comment Written 09-May-2022

reply by the author on 09-May-2022
    Aw, thank you so very much, dear Alexis!! I was waiting to read what you had to say. I love that you think I managed to 'crank up the tension'. Yes, Gwendolyn was shaken, but what will she do now????? Hmm. And a huge thank you for the sixth golden star, my dear friend. Love and hugs. Sandra xxx
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is another great chapter, Sandra. I enjoyed reading it.
Your writing kept me engaged from start to finish. The
many details of the complex storyline were well organized
and received by readers. Bessie has been the unofficial star
of your novel. She offers great insight, great knowledge (of
course she 'knows' everything--just leading Margot into
discovering evidence etc. for herself). You did a great job
with the contents of the suicide note. You extended its
discovery/place in the story well without just using a generic
message. It led to further investigation and other tangents
to pursue in the framework of the story. Richard and Gwen
belong together--their hate for each other is evident in all
both do. I believe they are both implicated somehow in the
murder of Meg. It will be interesting to read later what Miles
was doing/finding out in London.
I look forward to the next chapter.
Respectfully, Jan

 Comment Written 09-May-2022

reply by the author on 09-May-2022
    Aw, Jan, thank you so very much! What an amazing review! You have it all so right, in fact I think you have my characters sussed out better than anyone. I really enjoyed reading it. The sixth star is lovely but slightly dulled compared to your wonderful blazing review, thank you, my dear friend. Warm hugs, Sandra xxx
Comment from Sanku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Margot and Bessie(though as Meg complained, mostly Bess) has collected enough evidence to give Miles. the brother's reaction was classic. You did that very well.I am waiting for the next..

 Comment Written 09-May-2022

reply by the author on 09-May-2022
    Yes, Margot did get a bit peeved that all she got was cobwebs in her hair. Lol. Thanks so much for another kind review, my friend. Have a wonderful week! :)) Sandra
Comment from country ranch writer
This work has reached the exceptional level

They are trying to keep Margot from marrying to save her life.Could the house be causing her to act un-natural around folks that has them concerned?Humm haunted house, ghost really? Just saying.

 Comment Written 09-May-2022

reply by the author on 09-May-2022
    Thank you so much for your lovely review, my friend, and the golden star! I really appreciate both. And thank you for your kind support. Warm hugs, my friend. Sandra xx
Comment from country ranch writer
This work has reached the exceptional level

They are trying to keep Margot from marrying to save her life.Could the house be causing her to act un-natural around folks that has them concerned?Humm haunted house, ghost really? Just saying.

 Comment Written 09-May-2022

reply by the author on 09-May-2022
    Thank you so much for your lovely review, my friend, and the golden star! I really appreciate both. And thank you for your kind support. Warm hugs, my friend. Sandra xx
reply by country ranch writer on 10-May-2022
Comment from Jay Squires
This work has reached the exceptional level

Another wonderful, suspenseful chapter.

I got a kick out of Margot's petulance over not finding any clues herself but relying on Bessie

Richard's reaction wasn't quite what Gwendolyn had expected. [This and what followed in the paragraph was very well written. You peaked his anger without lapsing into excess, which would be easy to do.]

You do this so well. It's no wonder you keep winning the book of the month contest. Your fans love you.

 Comment Written 09-May-2022

reply by the author on 09-May-2022
    Thanks so much, Jay, for another really lovely review. I'm glad you liked Margot's sulks. Lol. That's me!! The anger scene took me ages, writing, deleting and writing... I'm over the moon that you think I had it just right. And thnks you so much for the compliment, coming from you, a very talented writer, means a lot. Sending a big hug for the golden star!! Love you lots, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am really enjoying your book which grows better and better. It's a good thing Margot knows about the attempt on Meg's life. Richard seems to be totally off his nut; very scary.

 Comment Written 08-May-2022

reply by the author on 09-May-2022
    Aw, thank you, Carol, you have put a big smile on my face. I'm really pleased you are enjoying my story. Warm hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xx