Reviews from

The Return

Viewing comments for Chapter 9 "The Return Chapter 9"
Erotic Turmoil

34 total reviews 
Comment from tfawcus
This work has reached the exceptional level

Judging from the number of period dramas on TV these days, featuring female sleuths, this should do well! Yours has the benefit of a supernatural element to make it stand out from the crowd. This chapter sets the new scene well. There will be much for Margot to get used to in this strange environment. She'll be glad to have Bessie at her elbow. I can't wait to see how the story develops.

I'm in two minds as to whether the comparison between fast and slow here weakens or strengthens your description: and her heartbeat raced more like a drum roll than the steady ticktock of a clock.
I like the rhythm of steady tick-tock of the clock, and it would be a pity lose it, but...

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2022
    Thank you so much, Tony, for this lovely review, and the golden sixth star! Yes, Bessie will be a big help to Margot as she investigates Meg's on coming murder. It will be intersting to see how that developes, so far Bessie hasn't told me!! Lol.
    I'll take another look at the way I've written that sentence you picked out about the racing heart. Thanks for mentioning it. Have a wonderful week, my friend. Warmhugs, Sandra xxx
Comment from rspoet
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Sandra,
Wonderful description of the feeling of time travel, although my time traveler says there's nothing to it. Just a bunch of writers trying to make a big hullabaloo about something as simple as breathing. LOL
So Bessie is a timarian, one who belongs to no time and all time.

Your descriptions of Meg and Miles, and their dialogue are all excellent.
Obviously, something is going to happen and Meg's brother and Miles'
father seems to be the the culprits that cause the "true future" to be altered,
At least, that's what Bessie is suggesting.

Miles also appears to be more than is so far revealed. Perhaps he's a timarian too. :)

Well done.
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2022
    Thank you so much, Robert, for this really nice review, and for the golden sixth star! The time-traveller experience has been different with all my travellers, including Eric's, Lol. I wanted something a bit more dramatic for Margot. We will wait and see what Miles is, but he's not like Bessie. :)) Thanks dear friend. Warm hugs, Sandra xxx
Comment from Pantygynt
This work has reached the exceptional level

The one absolute essential in this type of story is to obtain the reader's willing suspension of disbelief. you can rest assured you have achieved this. I think you have achieved this through your development of the character of Margot, who started out as a very ordinary, and therefore totally believable, character who works in a bank. For most people, that creates a solid dependable image - a latter day Captain Mainwaring perhaps. If extraordinary events can attach themselves to such a character then, by association they become believable and we are away. This can hardly fail from here on in.

My Californian experience is nearly over and it's back to Wales tomorrow arriving on Wednesday. Start my new class on Saturday so perhaps we could meet up on Sunday on Messenger.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2022
    Your review has really made my day, Jim, thank you so much. I loved the Captain Mainwaring part. Now Margot turns detective. That should be fun. Thank you for the golden nugget!!! :))

    Yes, I'm really looking forward to having a chat with you on Sunday. I should have been knocked off the Number One spot by then. :(
    I'll email you a time when I know what I'm doing and then we can have a long chat.
    Have a safe journey home! Love and hugs, Sandra xxx
Comment from aryr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Definitely a great continuation chapter, Sandra. It was so surprising that Bessie was able to be present both in the past and the present. At least Margot has her challenge before her and only a short time to solve it. Very well done and greatly enjoyed. Blessings, hugs and smiles.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2022
    Thank you, Alie, for another lovely review. I've had two reviewers, Tony Fawcus and Ben Colder give her a status, Tony said she was a Timarian, and Ben, one of the angels who walk amongst us. I rather like both ideas, but I'm going to leave that to the readers imaginations, lol. I'm glad you are enjoying it still. Lots of hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xxxx
reply by aryr on 01-Mar-2022
    You are so very welcome, Sandra, lots of hugs!
Comment from Judy Lawless
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a very dramatic chapter, Sandra. Now we know Margo's purpose and she's back in time to do her job. It will be interesting to see how that's going to go. Well done.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2022
    Thank you so much for your lovely review, I'm so glad you liked this chapter, it took me ages to get it the way I wanted it. It's always encouraging when I get reviews like yours. Thanks so much for the golden sixth star, as well. Now Margot must try to be a detective. It's a lot better when you can't be seen!! Lol. Warm hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
reply by Judy Lawless on 28-Feb-2022
    You?re welcome, Sandra. You got it right.
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's always a treat to travel back in time for a glimpse of what was. Then, to be left wondering what can be done to change history of all that has happened. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2022
    Thanks, Ric, I do appreciate you taking the time to read my story. Warm hugs, Sandra xxx
Comment from blondie560
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Sandra
I've had a lot going on the last couple of weeks with my elderly mother. She fell (second time this year) and fractured her left pelvic bone. A week in the hospital, a week in a rehab facility, her anxiety attacks, a major headache of problems with her insurance(thankfully I got that straightened out) and then a return to the hospital thinking she may have had a stroke, have kept me on a never ending roller coaster. Thankfully it wasn't a stroke but a severe UTI. Finally she's back in her apartment in an assisted living facility and feeling much better. She's in physical therapy and gaining get strength back. I finally feel like I can breathe for a moment.
Now to your very entertaining story. Each chapter gets more intriguing. I don't claim to understand the time travel, but that is what makes it so fun. It certainly is keeping my attention. I hope you have a good week. It's some scary times we're living in right now. I can't believe what I'm seeing and my heart breaks for the Ukrainian people. I fear that Putin will get even more reckless as he sees that he can't take what he wants. Praying for peace. Hugs :) Sally

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2022
    What a time you've had, and your poor mother, bless her heart, I hope she wasn't suffering too much. It's so easy to break bones when you are older. I'm glad she's home again, and is feeling so much stronger. And, I'm really pleased you can relax a bit now.
    Thanks for reading this part, my friend, you've had so much going on, I would have understood if you hadn't. And a big thank you for the golden sixth star!!
    I've been watching what Putin is doing, he really needs to be taken out and shot. He's insane! I feel so sorry for the poor people in Ukrain, seeing their faces, the elderly crying, and those poor children. It's evil what he's doing. You take care, my friend. Love and hugs, Sandra xx
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very good chapter as Margot watches Miles with Meg and discovers he can see her. It seems Miles truly loves Meg and vice versa. I'm interested in seeing if Margot can work like a modern detective without any of the evidence stuff keeping her from finding out who caused Meg's death.

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2022
    Thank you so much for reading this part, Carol. Yes, Margot will be turning into a detective now. Should be fun!! Have a lovely week! :)) Sandra xx
Comment from judiverse
This work has reached the exceptional level

I like Bessie's statement that she belongs to all time. The visit to the cemetery was spooky, and now Margot's back in time. Bessie believes she can find out what really happened to Meg. The fall from the horse was not accidental. Touching that Meg's mother wished to be buried next to her husband even though it was unconsecrated ground as his death was a suicide. This is really fascinating. judi

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2022
    Hi, Judi, sorry for my late reply, it was my husband's birthday and it lasted the weekend!! He owes me when it's mine!! Lol.
    Thank you so very much for this really lovely review, and for another of your golden stars. I'm so pleased you are enjoying this story, your reviews are always so encouraging. :)) Warm hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xxx
Comment from Jay Squires
This work has reached the exceptional level

Miles' face was dark with anger. 'Society and their arrogance. My darned father being the worst of the lot. "Darned" here, seems rather insipid, given his anger. Would he not use "Damned"? And if not, surely there was an acceptable vocabulary reserved for such searing emotions as his! Everything was working famously until that word popped up.

Your plot-line, your characters, everything else is stunning, Sandra. The romance genre needs stories like this!


 Comment Written 27-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2022
    Sorry for being so long replying, dear Jay. I was busy all day with my hubby's birthday and all our visitors.
    Thank you so much for this great review, I changed that word for Damned. I did hum and hah about that, I should have stuck with my first thoughts. I'm glad you liked the rest of it. Now we turn detective! Sending a humongous hug for the sixth star! Warm hugs, my friend. Sandra xx