Remembering Yesterday
Viewing comments for Chapter 130 "Emptying the Nest"A widow's journey into her relationship with her
17 total reviews
Comment from Raffaelina Lowcock
Your portrayal of Christmas rings a bell, very loudly for me. There was so much to do and really only one person doing, 'me'. I resonate with all you say. Then comes the accommodation of all the other beings and what their plans are, not the other way around. Yes, Beth the whole nine yards... the empty nest. Not really much fun to remember but yes they were never too far away to ask for help. This is a good summation of those years. Here are six remote stars ******
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
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Your portrayal of Christmas rings a bell, very loudly for me. There was so much to do and really only one person doing, 'me'. I resonate with all you say. Then comes the accommodation of all the other beings and what their plans are, not the other way around. Yes, Beth the whole nine yards... the empty nest. Not really much fun to remember but yes they were never too far away to ask for help. This is a good summation of those years. Here are six remote stars ******
Comment Written 15-Jul-2021
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
Thank you so much for the review and comments. I imagine there are a lot of women that feel as we do about all the work there is to do at Christmas. I didn't appreciate how much there was my mom did until it was all on me but she only had one child to worry about. I had four and the then the in-laws were added on. I appreciate all those remote stars. LOL
Comment from Mary Kay Bonfante
Wow, your family had a whole lot of drama during this time! It seemed kind of unexpected, that Glen put his foot down, and didn't let Connie come to live with him and Carol, but hopefully, it worked out with Connie and Christi.
Errors and suggestions:
baking and preparing the dinner that I had stopped enjoying Christmas.
baking and preparing the dinner, that I had stopped enjoying Christmas.
but I could tell by the way he and Connie were acting something was definitely wrong.
but I could tell by the way he and Connie were acting, that something was definitely wrong.
She had decided she wasn't going back to college even though she was registered.
She had decided she wasn't going back to college, even though she was registered.
We convinced Connie, she would have to talk to someone at the college business office and try to get her registration fees back before she could leave town.
We convinced Connie that she would have to talk to someone at the college business office and try to get her registration fees back, before she could leave town.
We also spent some time at our place in the country trying to finish up the repair work we'd done on the house and get it ready to rent.
We also spent some time at our place in the country, trying to finish up the repair work we'd done on the house and get it ready to rent.
she told Connie she could move in with her if she would help with the rent.
she told Connie she could move in with her, if she would help with the rent.
I know you named this chapter, "Adjusting to an Empty Nest," but the nest didn't seem to empty until close to the end of the chapter. You could have called it, "The Nest Empties Out," but I don't know how that would have sounded! I hope things will settle down for your family, after this.
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
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Wow, your family had a whole lot of drama during this time! It seemed kind of unexpected, that Glen put his foot down, and didn't let Connie come to live with him and Carol, but hopefully, it worked out with Connie and Christi.
Errors and suggestions:
baking and preparing the dinner that I had stopped enjoying Christmas.
baking and preparing the dinner, that I had stopped enjoying Christmas.
but I could tell by the way he and Connie were acting something was definitely wrong.
but I could tell by the way he and Connie were acting, that something was definitely wrong.
She had decided she wasn't going back to college even though she was registered.
She had decided she wasn't going back to college, even though she was registered.
We convinced Connie, she would have to talk to someone at the college business office and try to get her registration fees back before she could leave town.
We convinced Connie that she would have to talk to someone at the college business office and try to get her registration fees back, before she could leave town.
We also spent some time at our place in the country trying to finish up the repair work we'd done on the house and get it ready to rent.
We also spent some time at our place in the country, trying to finish up the repair work we'd done on the house and get it ready to rent.
she told Connie she could move in with her if she would help with the rent.
she told Connie she could move in with her, if she would help with the rent.
I know you named this chapter, "Adjusting to an Empty Nest," but the nest didn't seem to empty until close to the end of the chapter. You could have called it, "The Nest Empties Out," but I don't know how that would have sounded! I hope things will settle down for your family, after this.
Comment Written 15-Jul-2021
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
Thank you so much for the review and for your valuable help. You are right about the title. We didn't do much adjusting in this chapter. I may decide to change it.
You changed it! I think the new title works well.
Comment from Ben Colder
This is another good take about you and your family. It is always hard to see our children leave especially having one left, because of their immature behavior. I know, been there done that with our youngest. Your Christmas sounded exciting and brought back pleasant memories within our family as well.
Thanks for sharing, Beth.
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
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This is another good take about you and your family. It is always hard to see our children leave especially having one left, because of their immature behavior. I know, been there done that with our youngest. Your Christmas sounded exciting and brought back pleasant memories within our family as well.
Thanks for sharing, Beth.
Comment Written 15-Jul-2021
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
Thank you, Chuck. I'm glad you're not gone yet. It was time for Christi to leave but with Connie it was sudden. I was afraid if she left college she wouldn't finish but I'm happy to say she did go back and finish.
Mine did too. Glad for her.
Comment from lyenochka
Wow! What a lot of changes all at once not only for your children but also for you and your husband! I wonder why Lenny and Connie broke up? They were so close and he was ready to die when she said she didn't feel the same way about him at the beginning of their relationship. I can understand Glen not wanting a sister-in-law living with him. That would make things awkward for them in their marriage. Connie and Christi didn't get along as kids so I wonder how they will adjust as roommates. I'm sure the empty-nest stage was less of an adjustment for you and Evan!
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
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Wow! What a lot of changes all at once not only for your children but also for you and your husband! I wonder why Lenny and Connie broke up? They were so close and he was ready to die when she said she didn't feel the same way about him at the beginning of their relationship. I can understand Glen not wanting a sister-in-law living with him. That would make things awkward for them in their marriage. Connie and Christi didn't get along as kids so I wonder how they will adjust as roommates. I'm sure the empty-nest stage was less of an adjustment for you and Evan!
Comment Written 15-Jul-2021
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
Thank you for the review and comments. I never found out exactly why they broke up. Connie didn't always treat his as well as he treated her. She was immature and it irriatated that he had become so spiritually inclined. I think he finally decided they weren't compatible after all. Connie had threatened to break up before, but I think she was shocked that Lenny finally agree that they probably should. Evan and I were fine with being alone again, but they were over so much we hardly notice they were gone.
Comment from royowen
I don't think we can avoid getting involved in our kid's dramas, even though they are supposedly "independant" growing up is like the Eaglet being tossed out the nest, they still need to reconcile certain conditions in their young lives, they can be volcanic in nature. Well done Beth, great post. Blessings Roy
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
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I don't think we can avoid getting involved in our kid's dramas, even though they are supposedly "independant" growing up is like the Eaglet being tossed out the nest, they still need to reconcile certain conditions in their young lives, they can be volcanic in nature. Well done Beth, great post. Blessings Roy
Comment Written 15-Jul-2021
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
Thank you Roy, I appreciate the review and comment. You are correct. We'll always be involved in our kids dramas. They will make mistakes the same as we did and maybe ask for help or advice. We wouldn't want to be left out of their lives.
That?s true. We never stop caring
Comment from Acer Connall
It is really good, just personally isn't my forte. That being said, I do like how you included the use of different fonts to signify different types of speech and or action. That's a huge boost in my words.
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reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
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It is really good, just personally isn't my forte. That being said, I do like how you included the use of different fonts to signify different types of speech and or action. That's a huge boost in my words.
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Comment Written 15-Jul-2021
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
Thanks for reviewing this. I see you haven't been a member long. You may not have noticed that almost no one gives less than five stars unless the writing has serious flaws. We can't review things on the basis or whether of not is our taste. Don't worry about it. After I get ten reviews, your review won't count against me.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Kids and drama, oh my!!! My oldest son, Greg, just retired from the Army after 25 years and he and his wife bought a huge expensive house in Florida. There's no way they can afford it. I'm worried but can't stay a thing. I do understand. Thank you for sharing.
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reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
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Kids and drama, oh my!!! My oldest son, Greg, just retired from the Army after 25 years and he and his wife bought a huge expensive house in Florida. There's no way they can afford it. I'm worried but can't stay a thing. I do understand. Thank you for sharing.
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Comment Written 15-Jul-2021
reply by the author on 15-Jul-2021
Thank you Barbara, I appreciate your review and comments. We can't help but worry not wanting to see them hurt by losing something they didn't completely think through before buying.