Religiously Boxed-In Deception
Do you have a reprobate mind?18 total reviews
Comment from nomi338
What we need is a BTM movement (Bible Truth Matters). The Bible is filled with accounts of Jesus healing, teaching and leading the poor and downtrodden without charge, while today's so called preachers charge for everything, Prayer cloths, healing water, you name it. They run scams to get new private jet aircraft, fancy buildings named after them, radio and TV stations. Jesus told his disciples "what you received freely , freely give."
Truth is and should always be free of charge.
reply by the author on 04-May-2021
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What we need is a BTM movement (Bible Truth Matters). The Bible is filled with accounts of Jesus healing, teaching and leading the poor and downtrodden without charge, while today's so called preachers charge for everything, Prayer cloths, healing water, you name it. They run scams to get new private jet aircraft, fancy buildings named after them, radio and TV stations. Jesus told his disciples "what you received freely , freely give."
Truth is and should always be free of charge.
Comment Written 01-May-2021
reply by the author on 04-May-2021
Thank you for taking time to read and comment on my poem. Time is precious and priceless, not to be taken lightly or for granted. I know during what time I have left, I won't contribute and fattening the pockets of the church system. Anyone who lacks wisdom, let him ask the one who freely gives it. Discernment is a powerful weapon but not the easiest to use (lol). I look forward to my time here on FanStory. It is a great site with tools to help desired writers, like myself, increase their skills. You are also given an opportunity to read some fantastic writings of all kinds, that you may not otherwise get to. Thanks again and have a great week!
Comment from Pj Dennison
Your poem is exceptional! I am almost overwhelmed. About half-way through I realized I was holding my breathe because the depths of words and their impact upon me which I will talk about a little later. First the technical things. Your poem could be called a philosophical, religious, or political satire. It is very well done. Your rhythm scheme is carried throughout this entire poem with quality and distinction. The meter of your work is great as each beat consistently hits on the last word of each sentence. Sometimes people have more than one beat and that's okay. The important thing that it be consistent. This is difficult to do and a unique skill. Now for my more personal notes:
I don't know if you will know what I mean or appreciate this but your poem is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit through the gift of prophecy. This is just my opinion. It blew me away! I was waiting for the horn to blow! Thank you for the strength and courage to post it.
reply by the author on 04-May-2021
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Your poem is exceptional! I am almost overwhelmed. About half-way through I realized I was holding my breathe because the depths of words and their impact upon me which I will talk about a little later. First the technical things. Your poem could be called a philosophical, religious, or political satire. It is very well done. Your rhythm scheme is carried throughout this entire poem with quality and distinction. The meter of your work is great as each beat consistently hits on the last word of each sentence. Sometimes people have more than one beat and that's okay. The important thing that it be consistent. This is difficult to do and a unique skill. Now for my more personal notes:
I don't know if you will know what I mean or appreciate this but your poem is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit through the gift of prophecy. This is just my opinion. It blew me away! I was waiting for the horn to blow! Thank you for the strength and courage to post it.
Comment Written 01-May-2021
reply by the author on 04-May-2021
Thank you for your kind view and your time. Time is precious and priceless, I appreciate yours. I am new to FanStory and have been overwhelmed with the feedback. I look forward to all the site has to offer, from increasing my writing skills to the fantastic reading of others writings. Thank you for your obedience and sharing your personal notes and opinion. I can tell you that I have intuitively known for a long time, I would not care for my calling. I did not know what that was but knew what my spirit was drawn too. Only in recent years did that calling manifest as well as being a Watchmen. Both are surely fearful and require much prayer for discernment. We know we fight the most cunning beast and seducing spirits. I look forward to my time here on FanStory. Surely I have already been favored and Blessed for the effort. Thank you again, your insight has been more helpful than you realize.
You are welcome. I was eager to read your reply because I had hoped I had not over-stepped my bounds in my personal notes. I became one of your fans so your writings will come to me directly when you post them. I look forward in receiving these and will prayerfully review them. Thank you again for sharing.
Comment from Jessica Borras
God is big, God is huge, God is massive--Yes ma'am, He is! What a wonderful devotional you've written here! Thank you for sharing with us
As for the poetry, I thought it was very well written. <3
reply by the author on 04-May-2021
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God is big, God is huge, God is massive--Yes ma'am, He is! What a wonderful devotional you've written here! Thank you for sharing with us
As for the poetry, I thought it was very well written. <3
Comment Written 01-May-2021
reply by the author on 04-May-2021
Thank you for taking time, precious and priceless, to read and comment on my poem. FanStory is such a wonderful tool and I look forward to increasing my writing skills.
Comment from juliaSjames
Hello Jennifer
I read your poem carefully..And while I don't agree with your views or accept your opinions, I recognize the passionate fervour which infuses your writing..
Good luck in the contest
Stay safe healthy and blessed
reply by the author on 04-May-2021
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Hello Jennifer
I read your poem carefully..And while I don't agree with your views or accept your opinions, I recognize the passionate fervour which infuses your writing..
Good luck in the contest
Stay safe healthy and blessed
Comment Written 01-May-2021
reply by the author on 04-May-2021
Julia, thank you for your time, precious and priceless, to read and comment. I am new to FanStory and look forward to all the site offers. It is full of fantastic writers of all styles and is surely a great tool for increasing writing skills. Thank you again and have a great week!
Dear Jennifer
Welcome to Fanstory.
All blessings
Comment from royowen
Yes I agree with you. We must be seekers of truth, not closing off the truth. But God in James 3:6 God says, "If any come to Him asking wisdom, He gives generously to those that ask" then open your ears, don't close them, or believe it just because someone says, "let every man be a liar, and God be true." (Not that every man is a liar, but they are just men, (or women) Psalm 119:18 has a marvellous prayer, "Open thou mine heart Lord, that I may see wondrous things out of thy law," well done, well said, Er...written, blessings Roy
reply by the author on 05-May-2021
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Yes I agree with you. We must be seekers of truth, not closing off the truth. But God in James 3:6 God says, "If any come to Him asking wisdom, He gives generously to those that ask" then open your ears, don't close them, or believe it just because someone says, "let every man be a liar, and God be true." (Not that every man is a liar, but they are just men, (or women) Psalm 119:18 has a marvellous prayer, "Open thou mine heart Lord, that I may see wondrous things out of thy law," well done, well said, Er...written, blessings Roy
Comment Written 01-May-2021
reply by the author on 05-May-2021
Thank you Roy for your time, precious & priceless, reading and commenting on my poem. FanStory is a great site and I am so thankful for the leading of Holy Spirit to it. A man devises a plan but his steps are ordered. Discernment is a much needed and required weapon for the believer. As one that hungers and thirst for the deeper hidden mysteries of God, discernment is a MUST. Our weapons are not carnal but mighty in God. I look forward to my time on the site, it will be instrumental to increasing my writing skills. Getting to read other fantastic writings by such talented writers, I really enjoy and otherwise may never get to read. Thank you again and have a great week!Th
Good job
Comment from Anne Johnston
A well written poem, good rhyming, and a warning to all of us to make our calling and election sure.
"Jesus is and was who he claimed to be over 2000 years ago
His warnings, parables and teachings alike given to escape this foe
He made clear that He and His father were one in hopes that we would see
Perceiving that which is hidden Jesus knew would set the world free"
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and all who call upon Him can find life.
reply by the author on 05-May-2021
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A well written poem, good rhyming, and a warning to all of us to make our calling and election sure.
"Jesus is and was who he claimed to be over 2000 years ago
His warnings, parables and teachings alike given to escape this foe
He made clear that He and His father were one in hopes that we would see
Perceiving that which is hidden Jesus knew would set the world free"
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and all who call upon Him can find life.
Comment Written 01-May-2021
reply by the author on 05-May-2021
Thank you Anne for your time once again reading and sharing your view on my poem. FanStory is a great community with so many talented writers of all styles. I have been overwhelmed by the positive feedback. I look forward to my time on the site and all it offers. I enjoy reading other writing by artists that I may not otherwise ever get to read. Thank you again and enjoy your week!
You are welcome, Jennifer. This is a great community
Comment from Bonnie Seach
Devotion and reverence are evident. Where God is mentioned as "I am", it would be consistent to support his Almightiness by "I Am". Editing will reveal the strength of this poem
reply by the author on 05-May-2021
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Devotion and reverence are evident. Where God is mentioned as "I am", it would be consistent to support his Almightiness by "I Am". Editing will reveal the strength of this poem
Comment Written 01-May-2021
reply by the author on 05-May-2021
Bonnie, thank you for taking time, precious and priceless, to read and comment on my poem. I look forward to all that FanStory has to offer. As a new member, it has proved to be beneficial in increasing my writing skills. I enjoy reading such fantastic writing from artists that I may not otherwise get to. Thank you again and have a great week!
I am enchanted by the opportunity to engage with writers. They are creative, sensitive people who see the bigger picture in fuller dimension. Hoping to keep in touch with you
Jennifer, thank you for your response. Shakespeare said: "there is music in the earth for those who listen". And there is knowledge in the world for those who are humble enough to learn. I learn from everyone, even a small child or an animal? What inspires a poet, a writer? It is what springs from the fountain of life. The design in every gift of nature. Best wishes
Jennifer, thank you for your response. Shakespeare said: "there is music in the earth for those who listen". And there is knowledge in the world for those who are humble enough to learn. I learn from everyone, even a small child or an animal? What inspires a poet, a writer? It is what springs from the fountain of life. The design in every gift of nature. Best wishes
Comment from T B Botts
Hello Jennifer,
What a startling question you ask in the beginning- do you have a reprobate mind? I've looked up the definition in Webster's. It says an number of things- a person who is beyond hope of salvation, a depraved or wicked person, to exclude from salvation. Frankly, I've wondered before about myself. As I'm sure you're aware, works won't save a person, and those who claim to be Christians should have some fruit to show. I find myself at times sitting in judgement of other people, which I know isn't right. I can't know another person's heart. I agree with you that the BLM movement has nothing to do with racial equality, it's all a power grab. I recall one scripture which I will paraphrase here- God gets no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but desires that all should come to know him.
It's hard to know what will trigger someone to come to the Lord. Hopefully our actions will inspire those in need of knowing Him. Thanks for the thought provoking poem. Good luck in the contest.
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reply by the author on 05-May-2021
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Hello Jennifer,
What a startling question you ask in the beginning- do you have a reprobate mind? I've looked up the definition in Webster's. It says an number of things- a person who is beyond hope of salvation, a depraved or wicked person, to exclude from salvation. Frankly, I've wondered before about myself. As I'm sure you're aware, works won't save a person, and those who claim to be Christians should have some fruit to show. I find myself at times sitting in judgement of other people, which I know isn't right. I can't know another person's heart. I agree with you that the BLM movement has nothing to do with racial equality, it's all a power grab. I recall one scripture which I will paraphrase here- God gets no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but desires that all should come to know him.
It's hard to know what will trigger someone to come to the Lord. Hopefully our actions will inspire those in need of knowing Him. Thanks for the thought provoking poem. Good luck in the contest.
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Comment Written 30-Apr-2021
reply by the author on 05-May-2021
Tom, thank you for your time, precious and priceless, to read and comment on my poem. I am new to the site and overwhelmed by the talented writers. Naturally when I am commended for my writing, it fills me with gratitude. FanStory is a great tool for help and enjoyment. What an opportunity to read fantastic writings of all styles that otherwise we might not see. The biblical meaning of reprobate is to reject, despise, disdain.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. ? Romans 1:28 (KJV)
You are on point about the fruit, that is for certain. Discernment is a most powerful weapon and without that, I would have been sure I was loosing my mind and marbles. All I do know is I have been and am hungry and thirsty for the deeper hidden mysteries of God. I have to search the matter out, my relationship and my eternity depends on it. God is not as small as we have almost been conditioned to accept and believe. Thanks again and have a great week.