Reviews from

This Time - That Time 2

Viewing comments for Chapter 20 "Lady Gwendolyn"
Veronica is sent back again

34 total reviews 
Comment from Joy Graham
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Sandra,

I'm trying to catch up with your story. I realized I missed this chapter. It'll help me understand the story later if I come back to read it. I love this story. I had a big day out yesterday and overdid things. I'm reading and reviewing in bed. I'm feeling sleepy so might catch up more a little later today.

Joy xx

 Comment Written 29-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 29-Apr-2018
    Don't worry, Joy, just stop working so hard and look after that body of yours. If you don't, who will??? The story is winding down now. Four more parts and then I'll have one book left to write of the trilogy. Take it easy, my friend. Read when you can and only if you're up to it. I've been off for a while dashing back and forth to the hospital to see my brother, so I know how hard it is to keep up. Take care, my friend. :) Sandra xxx
Comment from rwilliam
This work has reached the exceptional level

OH WOW. That photo is awesome. LOVE it!

I spun around and stared into the eyes of the woman I'd thought to be Lady Gwendolyn, only this time it was her ghost....--OH this was such a great way to end this chapter. BRAVO!!!

Loved this chapter so much. Great writing my friend.

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 30-Oct-2017
    Goodness me, what a lovely review to wake up to, thank you so very much, Rebecca. I'm over the moon that you enjoyed it, and I'm sending you a humongous hug for the lovely six stars!! 8>) Sandra xxx
Comment from Walu Feral
This work has reached the exceptional level

G'day Cousin.

"Joe shivered. 'Pneumonia...what be that?' (Yeah, that's a good placement because they probably wouldn't have known.)

"Whatever I find, I'm hoping at the very least to get some answers.' (Me too.)

'Sir John ain't married, who told yeh that?' (Yikes!)

Wow, you sure know how to pack a suspenseful punch at the end, mate.

Another brilliant chapter and I'm hanging out to see what results she can find.

Great job.

Cheers Fez

 Comment Written 29-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 29-Oct-2017
    I like to make sure my readers are paying attention! LOL. Thank you so much, my dear Cousin, I really appreciate your lovely, fun reviews. And all those stars! A big hug for those. Just going to have my bacon butty now! LOL.xxxxx Sandra xx
reply by Walu Feral on 29-Oct-2017
    lol. Always welcome, Cousin.

    I'll get back to my pig skin disposal.
Comment from DonandVicki
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I always look forward to reading more of your work, Sandra, This chapter didn't disappoint. You always make the characters come alive with your dialogue. Don.

 Comment Written 28-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 29-Oct-2017
    Thank you for your lovely review, my friend. I'm so pleased you enjoyed this part. Sandra xxx
Comment from l.raven
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

and then what the hail happened???...OMG...well that was a bit of a shock...and if you think your confused...hmmmmmm...Hi Sandra...and if Sir Cranky pants isn't married ...then who's???....shaking my head...oh me, oh my...I had a feeling Frances wasn't Sir Never Happy's baby...this will be interesting when they go to see him...very well written sweet girl...and I love the story your picture you...and love you so muchly...Linda xxoo

I am so sorry Sandra for being so late reading your story sweet one...has be a long couple weeks...but I will catch up...I hope...LOL...I hope all is will you, Ian, and heart and prayers are with you all...have a wonderful evening you...Love xxoo

 Comment Written 28-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 29-Oct-2017
    LOL, Linda, you are so funny, my friend. Sir Cranky pants! LOL, I must remember that one. Who is dear Francis' mother? Who is Francis' father? Hmmm, now that is very strange! I hope Veronica finds out or the poor lad might have a bigger problem. ;) lol.

    You're right up to date, my dear friend, so no need to apologise, not that you would need to anyway. We all have to take care of things at home first, that is very important. Love you loads too, dear Linda! You take care of you and your family, we know you will be here when you can. :) Biggest hugs, my :) Sandra xxxx,
reply by l.raven on 29-Oct-2017
    I would hate have to be the one to tell Frances...I'm hoping this will be a good week...looking that way so far...hope you have one as well...biggerest hugs back at ya...loveeeee Linda ooxx
Comment from F. Wehr3
This work has reached the exceptional level

Nice work, Sandra! I enjoyed this part with the revelation Francis isn't Gwendolyn's son. Veronica's warmth is palpable when she plays with Francis. Nice!

'The cold doesn't affect me when I time travel, so that gives me an advantage.'--I'm actually going to suggest no comma before so. It's one of those different conjunctions, not a coordinating conjunction. So followed by that doesn't need one.

A mental picture of Francis laying by his mother's side came to me.--lying

Take care,

 Comment Written 28-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 29-Oct-2017
    Hi Russell, thank you so very much for the lovely si stars! And a big hug for the wonderful review and the help. I've made the corrections. I hope you like the next part! Thanks again, my friend. xx Sandra x
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well now, you have me completely as confused as Veronica is. I guess I can't figure things out until Veronica does. That makes sense. I do enjoy this story.

 Comment Written 28-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 28-Oct-2017
    Aw, thank you so much, Barbara. I'm glad you understand you have to wait until Veronica finds out, lol! Thanks, my friend, your review made my day. Big hugs. :) Sandra xx
Comment from Pam (respa)
This work has reached the exceptional level

-Great image that adds to the story.
-You give us surprise after surprise, Sandra.
-Great use of dialect in the conversation
between Joe and Ver.
-Joe certainly fills Ver. in on details
about Frances--Sir John isn't married
and the woman is his sister, and she
isn't married, either.
-Ver. then goes back to a place
she was quite familiar with in the future.
-She sees Frances, and he is a sweet little boy.
-Now, we will have another ghost in the story!
-I enjoyed this chapter, but even though there
is more for Ver. to do, I think Lady G.'s ghost
is going to help, if it is even Lady G.'s!
-For an unknown reason, this is at
the end of the story: "was her ghost....â??"

 Comment Written 28-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 28-Oct-2017
    Hi, dear Pam, thank you for another wonderful review, and lovely six stars. You will find out in the next part, and Veronica will know what she has to do. LOL, I have enjoyed writing this part, especially as some had been trying to guess who and where the albino man is. I do hope you'll enjoy the next part. :) Thank you, my wonderful friend. Big hugs. Sandra xxxx
reply by Pam (respa) on 28-Oct-2017
    You are very welcome and deserving of the stars and review, Sandra. I guess I had no guess about the albino man🙂 I enjoy every part, but if a friendly ghost who helps is included, that is even better!!
Comment from rspoet
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, you are a trickster, aren't you, and it's not even Halloween yet!
So, it's not Sir John, it's not Lady Gwen, and it's not Meg
now who else is there?
Ten dollars says Lady Gwendolyne, or her ghost, knows
or maybe it's the Shadow who knows.
Maybe Lady Gwen has some secrets.
This is another wonderful chapter, as the stew thickens
and the plot raises in the oven.
It seems Frances has three people watching over him.
Maybe, it's Frances whom James read about.
Tune in next week, for only the Shadow and Sandra knows
and neither is likely to tell.
Well done

 Comment Written 28-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 28-Oct-2017
    LOL!! You are so funny, Robert! There is one sentence in your review that is spot on. But I'm not telling you which one, lol. Thank you so much, my friend, you have cheered me up no end. I've not been too good these last few days, nothing serious, but I'm angling for the sympathy vote. Thank you for another of your fun review, and all those stars again. I treasure them both. Big hugs, my friend. Sandra xxx
Comment from Margaret Snowdon
This work has reached the exceptional level

Another of your well-written chapters - and you've left us with a cliff-hanger and wanting more:

I don't rightly know what'll happen. I'da liked t' have'ad somethin' t' barter with if I'm gonna stop 'im kicking us outta the cottage.' -
Sandra, I've noticed that Joe drops his haitches, so in this sentence shouldn't
- happen be 'appen - and have be 'ave

and here:
Her bein' ill explains that. How's she doin' now?' - Her be 'Er - and How's be 'Ow's

Blessings, Margaret

 Comment Written 28-Oct-2017

reply by the author on 28-Oct-2017
    Thank you so very much for those lovely stars, Margaret, you've made my Saturday! I'll go and sort those h's out. Thank you for that. :) Are you settled in yet? It's such a stressful time, they say it equals only to the death of a loved one. Big hugs, my friend. :) Sandra. xxx
reply by Margaret Snowdon on 28-Oct-2017
    We've settled in fine, thank you, Sandra - I'm still back and forward to the hospital though - have to go through a myocardial perfusion scan - they stick a canula in the hand or arm to increase your heart rate in order to see if the blood supply to your heart is impaired when it's working hard. I have two 4-hour appointments, so Colin will have to go off somewhere to pass the time. Thanks for asking. Margaret