Reviews from

Get Well, Brooke!

Viewing comments for Chapter 10015 "Anyone Color 4 ?"
Writing for Brooke

12 total reviews 
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed your poem. I love the many examples of yellow. I like how you included Brooke and her family in your poem. The last verse is perfect. What a tribute to Brooke. I know this will bring a smile to her. Thanks for sharing. Good job.

 Comment Written 08-Jun-2015

Comment from Gloria ....
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I absolutely adore your colour poems, Jimi and this one is extra special because it's for our dear, Brooke and her family.

It was fun going through each stanzas and recognizing the overt and oblique references to yellow, mellow yellow, our friend.

Yellow is one of my favourite colours, but sadly I am unable to wear it. So I painted my walls yellow until someone pointed out it was very retro. Lawdee I'm much too young to be retro -- Not! Still, it may have been a bit much on the walls and ceiling. I suppose I should've left that white. LOL.

Golden molten hues
A burning globe,
furious and hot from afar...
emanating light and warmth

Ah here comes the sun and I say it's alright little darling. Beautiful, your allusions and references points are all yellow ochre jewels or hands full of flowers.

I love this poem for Brooke. I think of her often and hope she can "feel" us. You have exceeded yourself dear poetess.


 Comment Written 03-Jun-2015

Comment from Wabigoon
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

All sorts of wonderful yellow imagery here. The poem's maybe aimed at Brooke a bit too much to score really. Or I am uncomfortable scoring poems as personal as all these poems for her have been.

Like this:

The stunning beauty and wonder
of yellow canaries
Whether trilling from the branch
or being mined for its clarity and illustriousness
Both priceless entities
of creation

This might need correction:
Egypt's mourn for their dead Not sure what you mean here.

As I already mentioned I think your poems for Brooke have been the best I've read.


 Comment Written 02-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2015
    Jeff, tes, I completely understand. After all, how do you critique something meant to be so personal. People wouldn't dare step on tribute regardless if it sucked! Lol.

    As for Egypt, I simply meant yellow is their color for mourning, so maybe I need to rephrase.

    You and Fatherflaps... Kimbob are so helpful and honest is your critiques. I honor that immensely. Writing to me, well I have told you before, I don't consider myself a writer.

    As for posting I understand. It takes a lit of money to post on front page. I have never spent my own money and consequently have never posted in the top 10.

    It takes a lot of reviewing, and goid reviewing takes time. I don't have time to sit all day and review. This is the reason so many reviews are drive by. Tgey are truly not interested in one's work, they want to collect, move on and post.

    I cannot do that, especially to the ones I fan. I fanned them vecause I enjoy their work. The very least I iwe them is ny time and respect for putting themselves out there. It is a hard thing to do.

    I enjoy your work Jeff, immensely.

    I would like to get inside that brain of yours and see what you see, your map of life's territory, so to speak. There are only two otger poets/authors/fans that I want to do the same thing. They always have ne thinking along fresh new lines, you included.

    Okay, enougb said. Thank you so very much.

    I am honored


Comment from Healing
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow. another fantastically written piece of art. You have such a wonderful talent. I am humbled and proud that I am able to read such amazing writing.
You covered it all in those words. I could extract so many songs from this short poem.
Beautiful read, amazing flow and just fantastic originality.
Thank you once again for sharing and letting others read such beautiful words.


 Comment Written 01-Jun-2015

Comment from MissMerri
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another really lovely poem, reminding us of the golden girl, Brooke, who really does shine so brightly that when she is absent, she is hugely missed. It is as if the sun shut off in the middle of the day. This is so well-written and beautiful. I enjoyed it very much.

 Comment Written 01-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2015
    Miss Merri, thank you so much I am so honored that you have stopped by to read my work. I am thrilled you liked this work dedicated to Brooke.

Comment from Sis Cat
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow, you knocked out a second great tribute poem for Brooke. Your poem filled me with joy and double sadness. One for Brooke and one for my mother, a "Yellow Rose of Texas" people nicknamed Yeller Gal. Yellow was her and is my favorite color. All of the yellow items you mentioned brought back memories. Some sweet. Some painful. Your poem is fun, poignant, and solemn. I hope your poem brings some cheer to Brooke. Thank you for sharing and for caring.

 Comment Written 01-Jun-2015

Comment from mauidux1963
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Jimi.......Loved the usual. And I LOVE your music choices at the end. Ecclectic.......I love that! We MUST go karaoking one day!

 Comment Written 31-May-2015

reply by the author on 31-May-2015
    We will, we will, hey but I can't sing! But I can play good music. How are you dear friend.?

    I am having fun with this color thingy. I believe next will be blue.. I don't know yet.

    Thank you so much Dennis.

reply by mauidux1963 on 01-Jun-2015
    Ill be the judge of whether or not you can sing! ;) If you sing HALF as pretty as you look.........I'd turn my chair around for you!
Comment from w.j.debi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another color poem that gets to the heart of the matter. You create some wonderful imagery with the list of all the yellow things there are. I'll never look at yellow quite the same way again. I love that final stanza. It is so heartfelt. Dandelions, fairy dust and stars...they are all things Brooke loves and I am sure she will love this.

 Comment Written 31-May-2015

Comment from gypsymoth
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed your thorough analysis of the color yellow. I can find only I omission, baby ducks and chicks, who doesn't
love them. Nice thought of Brooke too. Well done.


 Comment Written 31-May-2015

reply by the author on 31-May-2015
    gypsymoth, thank you ever so much for stopping by to read and review my work. I am honored.. jlsavell
Comment from Brett Matthew West
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice tribute sure she will appreciate. You captured the essence of your topic very nicely indeed and the poem holds interest throughout.

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 Comment Written 31-May-2015

reply by the author on 31-May-2015
    Brett Matthew West, thank you for stopping by to read and review my work. I am so appreciative of your time and your input.. jlsavell