Comment from
Michael Ludwinder
I love the last stanza especially but the entire poem was enjoyable. I enjoyed how your poem and the image came together so well to tell a story. The poem was well written with a perfect rhyme. Great job.
Comment Written 06-Nov-2020
reply by the author on 06-Nov-2020
Thanks for taking the time to read, review and for your encouraging words.
Comment from
Y. M. Roger
A fun offering of rhyming couplets for the contest here. ;) ;) Your rhymes are strong but it is difficult to find a rhythm/flow through your poem... I would suggest you start by counting syllables and establish a 'pattern' for a couplet and use it throughout (an example below - many, many ways to do this as this is but one suggested number)... ;) Thanx for sharing and best of luck! ;)
[written in 10-10-10-10]
I awoke in the morning, the clock said three
Eyes up, there, a ghost standing over me
She was shrouded with a gauzy blue fog
So scary I grabbed my toy puppy dog
Comment Written 05-Nov-2020
reply by the author on 05-Nov-2020
Thank you for the tip. I will work on it.