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Level 3 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  39

Short Works Rating

Rank:  114

Novel Rating
Rank:  17

Script Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  54

RE: Reviewing - a condition of membership?
I think people pick the low-hanging fruit first... usually the short pieces. Flash gets reviews. I rarely promote much, but it does annoy me when the two or three reviews I do get are padded... especially when that reviewer puts the exact same last line on every review. I don't do long reviews but I do attempt to say something new (and different) on each one I do. Currently, I review between four and ten pieces a day.

2016, 2018 and 2020 Script Writer of the Year

Poet Rating
Rank:  21

Short Works Rating

Rank:  4

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  1

Review Stars

Rank:  61

#4 Ranked Author

#1 Ranked Script Writer!

RE: Reviewing - a condition of membership?
Reviewing should not be made mandatory. I was hospitalized for a while and unable to get to a computer, so I fell far behind in reviewing. Sometimes it seems like you have to make a choice between writing and reviewing. I usually go with writing. Another frustration is trying to review poems from those who consistently post twice a day. With poems, you have to write that many to stay at the top of the rankings. However, when you review these works, they often sound repetitious. Sometimes I pick just one a day to read and review. Unfortunately, there are some fine writers on the site who choose not to promote their work. It's good to read some of their offerings occasionally, even though there's not much payback, as that might encourage them to promote their work. Mandating reviews is not a good idea, and it could cause members to leave the site.


Level 4 Pro

Poet Rating

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  315

RE: Reviewing - a condition of membership?
I don't think anyone has to worry about reviewing ever becoming mandatory. Why would Tom ever consider doing that when he knows people would leave the site in droves, angry over such an edict? Doesn't make sense. What about people who have been here paying dues for years and are now in their late eighties or nineties? Should they be expected to review as they once did or face automatic termination of their membership? That doesn't seem fair, nor does it seem profitable for Fanstory. Therefore, I don't think Tom will change the rules to make reviewing mandatory. We can forget about it.

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