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Help with formatting poetry

<< Thread Modifed March 8 at 11:10AM >>

Hello. Super newbie here. I'm wondering if there's a formatting help page. I'm trying to get my sonnet to display in a wider text box so that it doesn't have line breaks where I didn't intend them.

I see that other people have really fancy formatting and I can't even figure out how to get my text box the correct size. Is there a guide somewhere?

Sorry if this is redundant with another forum post. I also can't seem to find the search function for forums.

RE: Help with formatting poetry

Hi everyone,

I figured it out. You just type a long "------" in the beginning of the poem. This fools the browser into thinking it's one long word, so it doesn't add a line break.

I hope this helps someone. I sure wish someone else had told me the answer and saved me 2 days of head-scratching.


Review Stars
Rank:  113

RE: Help with formatting poetry
Message edited:

[duplicate post; ignore this one]


Review Stars
Rank:  113

RE: Help with formatting poetry
You can do this with CSS styling in the basic editor by copying the following markup and placing your text inside it:

<div style="white-space:nowrap">

(Put your content here,
with the
word wrapping
and line breaks.)
See, this line keeps going and going and going and going and going and going

</div> <= put at end

I use this mainly for poetry only, as you would not want it for prose or lines that should wrap, but you could also just use it in the header for a line or two to add extra white space, as the editor will often NOT respond properly to the normal consecutive "<br/>" tags that work as line breaks in conventional HTML.

Note that once you have HTML markup in the basic editor, you must always toggle back from the advanced editor to the basic one every time you edit your piece, or it will get wreaked by the site un-escaping all your markup.

For an extreme example of this where I manipulated the formatting with escaped characters, check out Chainmail Bob (from the Elizabeth Holmes trial).


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