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phill doran

Level 4 Pro

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RE: AI and Copyright
Yes, I see that as misuse and misleading in the context of this site.

I just wanted to say that AI is not wholly evil.


Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  185

RE: AI and Copyright
Blimey, I feel like a dinosaur as I have no clue about using AI for any of these purposes.
What concerns me, as a total ignoramus, is how I would spot a review written like this, or even a poem/story written by AI.

Tom said FS doesn't permit reviews written like this, but how easy is it for FS to tell? Has anyone any examples of what such a review might look like?

RE: AI and Copyright
The current AI programs like ChatGTP work like essentially long-form auto fill. Given a prompt, the algorithm will produce an answer based on whatever writing/information it has been fed from the internet. It is essentially an advanced "fill in the blank" tool and it definitely isn't foolproof. Multiple sources have confirmed that AI often "hallucinates" information, facts, and sources when asked to produce writing.

As a high school teacher, this typically looks like generic essays with strong structure but little in terms of specifics and absolutely no evidence to speak of.

In fiction, I notice that the stories produced by ChatGTP usually lack dialogue and sound a bit like a children's moral story. Granted, this was in October that I checked, so the technology has likely evolved.

I haven't looked to see what it produces when asked to write a poem.

Unfortunately, the reality is that as AI grows and enhances, it can be very difficult to spot. The same way that art produced by AI is becoming more sophisticated, so is its written word.

What I always remember, and what I tell my students, is that the writing AI produces didn't come from nowhere. It came from the labor of other people who (mostly without their knowing or permission) had their work stolen and fed into the algorithm.

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

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RE: AI and Copyright
That is exactly what I meant Karenina. I can run my own work through any program I'm comfortable with using be that AI, Grammarly,, or whatever writing tool. Even though some of these sites promise complete privacy and assure us that the author still maintains ownership of the writing I think it isn't right to run other members work without their permission. As that may or may not make their work available on the Internet or to AI's algorithm without their knowledge.

But yes, AI has some great features. It can whip up a birthday card, write a generic letter of thanks or speechify about climate change in a matter of seconds but it is in fact mining from the work of writers.

AI does hallucinate from time to time as Elise says and that is a problem. The epitome of disinformation. Even though I absolutely love the artwork it creates, it has on occasion become cranky with me when I ask for changes. To me, cranky is a sentient response and AI should not have an emotional reaction to anything at all.

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